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A Topic Modeling Analysis for Online News Article Comments on Nurses' Workplace Bullying
Jiyeon Kang, Soogyeong Kim, Seungkook Roh
J Korean Acad Nurs 2019;49(6):736-747.   Published online December 30, 2019
AbstractAbstract PDF

This study aimed to explore public opinion on workplace bullying in the nursing field, by analyzing the keywords and topics of online news comments.


This was a text-mining study that collected, processed, and analyzed text data. A total of 89,951 comments on 650 online news articles, reported between January 1, 2013 and July 31, 2018, were collected via web crawling. The collected unstructured text data were preprocessed and keyword analysis and topic modeling were performed using R programming.


The 10 most important keywords were “work” (37121.7), “hospital” (25286.0), “patients” (24600.8), “woman” (24015.6), “physician” (20840.6), “trouble” (18539.4), “time” (17896.3), “money” (16379.9), “new nurses” (14056.8), and “salary” (13084.1). The 22,572 preprocessed key words were categorized into four topics: “poor working environment”, “culture among women”, “unfair oppression”, and “society-level solutions”.


Public interest in workplace bullying among nurses has continued to increase. The public agreed that negative work environment and nursing shortage could cause workplace bullying. They also considered nurse bullying as a problem that should be resolved at a societal level. It is necessary to conduct further research through gender discrimination perspectives on nurse workplace bullying and the social value of nursing work.

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Development and Validation of a Measurement to Assess Person-centered Critical Care Nursing
Jiyeon Kang, Young Shin Cho, Yeon Jin Jeong, Soo Gyeong Kim, Seonyoung Yun, Miyoung Shim
J Korean Acad Nurs 2018;48(3):323-334.   Published online January 15, 2018
AbstractAbstract PDF
Abstract Purpose

The purpose of this study was to develop a scale to measure person-centered critical care nursing and verify its reliability and validity.


A total of 38 preliminary items on person-centered critical care nursing were selected using content validity analysis of and expert opinion on 72 candidate items derived through literature review and qualitative interviews. We conducted a questionnaire survey with 477 nurses who worked in intensive care units. The collected data were analyzed using exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and confirmative factor analysis (CFA) with SPSS and AMOS 24.0 program.


EFA was performed with principal axis factor analysis and Varimax rotation. The 15 items in 4 factors that accounted for 50.8% of the total variance were identified by deleting the items that were not meet the condition that the commonality should be .30 or more and the factor loading over .40. We named the factors as compassion, individuality, respect, and comfort, respectively. The correlation coefficient between this scale and the Caring Perception Scale was r=.57 (p<.001), which determined concurrent validity. The item-total correlation values ranged from .39 to .63, and the internal consistency for the scale was Cronbach's α=.84.


The reliability and validity of the 15 item person-centered critical care nursing scale were verified. It is expected that the use of this scale would expand person-centered care in critical care nursing.

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Threats to Identity: A Grounded Theory Approach on Student Nurses’ Experience of Incivility during Clinical Placement
Jiyeon Kang, Yeon Jin Jeong, Kyoung Ran Kong
J Korean Acad Nurs 2018;48(1):85-95.   Published online January 15, 2018
AbstractAbstract PDF
Abstract Purpose

This qualitative study aimed to explore the experience of incivility among nursing students.


Sixteen nursing students who had experienced incivility during their clinical placement were invited for one-on-one interviews until the point of theoretical saturation. The grounded theory approach of Corbin and Strauss was adopted to analyze transcribed interview contents.


Incivility occurred in the context of a hierarchical organizational culture, due to nursing students’ position as outsiders, non-systematic clinical education, and poor nursing work environment. The experience of incivility was identified as “being mistreated as a marginal person,” and nursing students responded to this phenomenon in the following three steps: reality shock, passive action, and submissive acceptance. This process caused students to lose self-esteem and undergo role conflict. Furthermore, nursing students’ experience of incivility could eventually lead to workplace bullying in nurses.


The results of this study suggest that nursing students’ experience of incivility can be a process that threatens their identity. It is necessary to develop educational programs and provide appropriate counseling services so that nursing students can actively cope with the incivility. In addition, institutional plans are needed to ensure safe and supportive clinical learning environments.

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Effects of Constraint-Induced Movement Using Self-Efficacy Enhancing Strategies on the Upper Extremity Function of Chronic Hemiplegic Patients
Jiyeon Kang
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2006;36(2):403-414.   Published online March 28, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of constraint-induced (CI) movement using self-efficacy on U/E function of chronic hemiplegic patients. CI movement discourages the use of the unaffected U/E, combined with intensive training of the affected U/E.


A non-equivalent pretest-posttest design was used. Study subjects were 40 hemiplegic patients conveniently selected from 2 different community health centers. The experimental subjects participated in the CI movement program for 6 hours daily over a period of two weeks. The exercises for affected U/E consisted of warming up, main exercise and ADL practice. To encourage the participants' behaviors self-efficacy enhancing strategies were used, which included performance accomplishment, vicarious experience, verbal persuasion and emotional arousal.


After 2 weeks of treatment, the grip power, pinch power, wrist flexion/extension, elbow flexion, and shoulder flexion/extension were significantly higher in the experimental subjects than in the control subjects. However, there was no significant difference in hand functions of the two groups.


The above results show that the constraint-induced movement using self-efficacy could be an effective nursing intervention for improving U/E function of chronic hemiplegic patients. Long term studies are needed to determine the lasting effects of constraint-induced movement.

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Effects of a Cognitive Rehearsal Program on Interpersonal Relationships, Workplace Bullying, Symptom Experience, and Turnover Intention among Nurses: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Jiyeon Kang, Jeung-Im Kim, Seonyoung Yun
J Korean Acad Nurs 2017;47(5):689-699.   Published online January 15, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF
Abstract Purpose

This research aimed to investigate the effects of a cognitive rehearsal program (CRP) on workplace bullying among nurses.


A randomized controlled trial was performed. Participants were 40 nurses working in different university hospitals in B city, South Korea. The experimental group was provided with a 20-hour CRP comprising scenarios on bullying situations, standard communication, and role-playing. To evaluate effects of the CRP, we measured interpersonal relationships, workplace bullying, symptom experience, and turnover intention at pre-and post-intervention. Follow-up effect was measured in the experimental group only at 4 weeks after the intervention.


After the intervention, there were significant differences in interpersonal relationships (F=6.21, p=.022) and turnover intention (F=5.55, p=.024) between experimental and wait-list groups. However, there was no significant difference in workplace bullying or symptom experience between the 2 groups. The beneficial effects on interpersonal relationships and turnover intention lasted at least up to 4 weeks after CRP.


The CRP for workplace bullying improves interpersonal relationships and decreases turnover intention. So it can be utilized as one of the personal coping strategies to reduce the the turnover among nurses. Further studies on the effects of unit- or hospital-based CRP and on the long-term effects of CRP are necessary.

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A Grounded Theory Approach on Nurses’ Experience with Workplace Bullying
Jiyeon Kang, Seonyoung Yun
J Korean Acad Nurs 2016;46(2):226-237.   Published online April 17, 2016
AbstractAbstract PDF
Abstract Purpose:

The purpose of this qualitative study was to explore the workplace bullying experience of Korean nurses.


Participants were twenty current or former hospital nurses who had experienced workplace bullying. Data were collected through focus group and individual in-depth interviews from February to May, 2015. Theoretical sampling method was applied to the point of theoretical saturation. Transcribed interview contents were analyzed using Corbin and Strauss’s grounded theory method.


A total of 110 concepts, 48 sub-categories, and 17 categories were identified through the open coding process. As a result of axial coding based on the paradigm model, the central phenomenon of nurses’ workplace bullying experience was revealed as ‘teaching that has become bullying’, and the core category was extracted as ‘surviving in love-hate teaching’ consisting of a four-step process: confronting reality, trial and error, relationship formation, and settlement. The relationship formation was considered to be the key phase to proceed to the positive settlement phase, and the participants utilized various strategies such as having an open mind, developing human relationships, understanding each other in this phase.


The in-depth understanding of the workplace bullying experience has highlighted the importance of effective communication for cultivating desirable human relationships between nurses.

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Risk Factors and Clinical Outcomes for Vancomycin-Resistant Enterococcus Colonization on Intensive Care Unit Admission
Sook-Jin Byun, Jiyeon Kang
J Korean Acad Nurs 2013;43(2):287-295.   Published online April 30, 2013
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purpose of this study was to identify vancomycin-resistant enterococcus (VRE) colonization rate in patients admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU), associated risk factors and clinical outcomes for VRE colonization.


Of the 7,703 patients admitted to the ICUs between January, 2008 and December, 2010, medical records of 554 VRE colonized and 503 uncolonized patients were reviewed retrospectively. To analyzed the impact of colonization on patients' clinical outcomes, 199 VRE colonized patients were matched with 199 uncolonized patients using a propensity score matching method.


During the study period, 567 (7.2%) of the 7,703 patients were colonized with VRE. Multivariate analysis identified the following independent risk factors for VRE colonization: use of antibiotics (odds ratio [OR]=3.33), having bedsores (OR=2.92), having invasive devices (OR=2.29), methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus co-colonization (OR=1.84), and previous hospitalization (OR=1.74). VRE colonized patients were more likely to have infectious diseases than uncolonized patients. VRE colonization was associated with prolonged hospitalization and higher mortality.


Strict infection control program including preemptive isolation for high-risk group may be helpful. Further research needs to be done to investigate the effects of active surveillance program on the incidence of colonization or infection with VRE in the ICU.

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Hospital Nurses' Knowledge and Compliance on Multidrug-resistant Organism Infection Control Guideline
Jiyeon Kang, Jinwan Cho, Yujung Kim, Dong-Hee Kim, Jiyoung Lee, Hey-Kyung Park, Sung-Hee Jung, Eun-Nam Lee
J Korean Acad Nurs 2009;39(2):186-197.   Published online April 28, 2009
AbstractAbstract PDF

This study was done to investigate nurses' knowledge of, and compliance with the multidrug-resistant organism (MDRO) infection control guidelines.


A survey questionnaire was developed based on the institutional and national guidelines and was administered to a convenience sample of 306 nurses in a university hospital.


The mean score for knowledge was 33.87 (percentage of correct answers: 82.61%). The percentages of correct answers for basic concepts, route of transmission, hand washing/protective devices and environment management were 74.27%, 94.29%, 92.90% and 75.54% respectively. The mean compliance score was 4.15 (range: 1-5). The compliance scores for education, communication, contact precaution, disinfection, surveillance culture, and hand washing were 3.29, 4.05, 4.20, 4.50, 4.40 and 4.48 respectively. Nurses indicated "lack of time (30.06%)", "lack of means (10.78%)" and "lack of knowledge (9.48%)" as reasons for noncompliance.


While most educational programs have focused on hand washing or use of protective devices to prevent transmission of MDRO in acute care settings, hospital nurses' knowledge of the basic concepts of MDRO and environmental management has remained insufficient. Nurses are relatively non-compliant to the guidelines in the areas of education (staff, patient, family) and communication. Comprehensive educational programs are needed to decrease hospital infection rates and to improve the health of patients.

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A Preliminary Survey of Nurses' Understanding of Delirium and Their Need for Delirium Education: In a University Hospital
Young Sook Park, Keum Soon Kim, Kyung Ja Song, Jiyeon Kang
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2006;36(7):1183-1192.   Published online December 31, 2006
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purpose of this survey was to investigate clinical nurses' understanding of delirium and their educational need of delirious patient care.


A survey questionnaire regarding nurses' general perception and understanding of delirium, experience with delirious patients and educational need was developed and conducted with 179 clinical nurses in a university hospital in Seoul. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics.


Nurses thought that delirium was one of the most important nursing problems and they considered it to be more treatable than to be preventable. However, the majority of nurses were not confident in caring for delirious patients. Nurses reported that delirium happened most often after surgery, and that possible contributing factors could be changes in physical environment and anxiety/stress, as well as medication and long-term isolation. Thirteen nursing interventions were identified but half of the nurses utilized only one or two of the thirteen. The most frequently used intervention was reorienting the patient followed by medication and emotional support, presenting family, and close observation. 99.5% of nurses addressed the importance of professional education on delirium care, especially in the area of intervention and management.


The results support the strong need for development of a multi-component educational program on delirium care.

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J Korean Acad Nurs : Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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