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The Effect of Relaxation Technique on Reduction of Anxiety of Nursing Students in the First Clinical Practice
Jeong Sook Park
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1986;16(3):123-130.   Published online April 3, 2017

This Study is aimed at showing the effect of relaxation technique on reduction of anxiety of hursing students in the first clinical practice. The samples of this research were eighty fresh man students of Dong San Junior College of Nursing. Of them thirty- eight were experimental group and remaining forty-two were control group. This study has been conducted from October 14 to 22,1985. Subjects in all two groups had measured their trait anxiety, after then, the researcher carried out Byun's relaxation technique with experimental group every other day After the experimental period, subjects in all two groups had measured their state anxiety. The tools of this study were two kinds; Spielberg, Gorsnch & L.ushene's STAI, and Byun's relaxation technique. To test the statistical difference in the subjects' trait anxiety, score of lecture in pre-clinical practice and score of practice in pre-clinical practice, t-test was performed. To verify the hypotheses, ANCOVA was performed. Results of this study were as follows: The main hypothesis that the nursing students who use relaxation technique will have less degree of anxiety in the first clinical practice than the nursing students who don't use relaxation tech nique was accepted (P<.005). Conclusively, the researcher thinks that it is necessary that nursing students were prepared with relaxation technique to reduce anxiety in their first clinical practice.

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The Effect of Relaxation Technique on Peduction of Postoperative Pain
Jeong Sook Park
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1985;15(1):76-96.   Published online April 3, 2017
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Postoperative pain is one of the most frequently occurred pain in hospitals, but it has been underestimated because it is only a part of postoperative physiological process and may disappear in time. It is necessary that nurses use the relaxation technique, planning and implementing by themselves independently, to reduce this postoperative pain. This study is aimed at showing the effect of relaxation technique on reduction of postoperative pain, and exploring the factors influencing postoperative pain. Fifty-seven patients with abdominal surgery who admitted in attached D Medical Center to K University in Daegu have been studied. Of them twenty-nine were experimental group and the remaining twenty-eight were control group. This study has been conducted for collecting data through interviews and observation from August 23 to October 24, 1984. The tools of this study were two kinds; Postoperative Pain Scale is obtained from a review of references by the researcher, and relaxation technique, designed to use postoperative setting adequately, is also obtained from a review of references by the researcher. After confirming no significant differences between the two groups, the hypotheses were statistically verified by x2-test, t-test, and pearson Correlation Coefficient. The results of this study are summarized as follows; The main hypothesis that the experimental group who use relaxation technique will have less degree of postoperative pain than the control group who don't use relaxation technique is divided into three sub-hypotheses. 1. The first sub-hypothesis that the experimental group will have less score of postoperative pain than control group was accepted(t=7.810, p<0.01). Even with controlling pain threshold, showing difference in some degree between the two groups, the experimental group has less score of postoperative pain than the control group. Therefore this confirms the acceptance of the first sub-hypothesis more strongly. 2. The second sub-hypothesis that the experimental group will have less frequency of analgesics than the control group is accepted(x2=9.85, p<0.01). 3. The third sub-hypothesis that the experimental group will have less variation of pulse, respiration, and blood pressure between pre and post operative periods than the control group is rejected. So this hypothesis is reverified through comparing the variation of pulse, respiration, and blood pressure between pre and post changing-position to measure the pure effect of relaxation technique. Pulse and respiration is significantly lowered in the experimental group (t=7.209, p<0.01, t=3.473, p<0.01), but systolic and diastolic blood pressure is not different significantly between to two groups (t=1.309, p>0.05, t=1.727, p>0.05). Therefore the third sub-hypothesis is partially accepted. Conclusively, the researcher thinks that it is necessary that nurses should provide patients with relaxation technique to reduce postoperative pain, and to increase independence of nursing.

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A Study on Korean Imaginations of Relaxation
Jeong Sook Park
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1993;23(1):29-41.   Published online March 31, 2017
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Relaxation technique is an independent nursing intervention used in various stressful situations. Relaxation techniques must be explored regarding relaxing imaginations used by the people in their traditional life experiences. So for Korean relaxation techniques to become culturally acceptable and effective imaginations of relaxation must be developed. The purpose of this study was to identify differences in relaxation levels of Koreans according to five relaxation imaginations and five groups and to analyze the factors influencing relaxation techniques for Korean people. The subjects were 38 hospitalized patients, 21 rural residents, 56 housewives, 16 researchers and 59 nursing students. Data were collected from September 4 to October 24, 1991 by interview or self-report questionnaires. The measurement tool was the graphic rating scale of relaxation levels. The data analysis was done by percent, ANOVA and Scheffe test using the SAS program. The results of study arc summerized as follows; 1. The relaxation level of Koreans was significantly different for the five relaxation imaginations (F=5.95, P=0.0001). Relaxation level of 'after bathing imagination' was 6.90, 'in bed imagination' was 6.55, 'in the mountain imagination' was 6.01. 'snow and fireplace imagination' was 5.84 and 'at the seashore imagination' was 5.80. As a result of the Scheffe test, 'after bathing imagination' was found to show a higher relaxation level than 'at the seashore imagination" 'in the mountain imagination' and 'snow and fireplace imagination(P<.05). 2. The relaxation levels of the Koreans were not different for the five groups(F=1.26, P=0.29). 3. There were no differences in the relaxation level of the koreans according to sex, age, place of residence, place of residence during childhood, mari-' tal status, religion or educational status. In conclusion, Korean people prefer the 'relaxation imagination of after bathing' to western style relaxation imagination of 'at the seashore imagination' and 'snow and fireplace imagination'.

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A Survey for the Construction of Nursing Theory According to Korean Culture: Traditional View of Human and Expectation of Sick Role
Jeong Sook Park
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1996;26(4):782-798.   Published online March 30, 2017
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This study was a survey done for the purpose of constructing a nursing theory according to Korean culture and to identify the traditional Korean view of humans and the expectations of the sick role, and to confirm changes from the traditional view of humans and expectations of the sick role according to general characteristics of the population. The subjects were all adults over 18 years old. 517 who lived in six large cities and 191 who lived in five rural communities. Data collection was done from November 19th, 1994 to January 19th, 1995 using a tool to measure the traditional view of humans and expectations of the sick role which was developed by the investigator through a literature review. Collected data were analyzed using frequency, percent, Cronbach alpha, t -test, F- test and Scheffe post hoc contrasts, with the SAS program. Thr results of this study are summerized as follows; 1. The Traditional view of human score for all subject was 49.92, which shows that Korean traditional view of human is moderate. High scored items were "human need to live by making harmony with nature, not by overcoming the nature" (3.44), "Filial duty to parents and elders is important"(3.31), "Think of family more than a individual"(2.96). 2. The differences in the traditional view of humans between residential districts showed that the residents of Chungbuk(56.00), Kyungbuk(55.26), Chonbuk(51.32), Taegu(50.59) had a more traditional view of humans than those in Pusan(45. 42)and Seoul(47.27). 3. The differences in the traditional view of humans according to general characteristics showed that rural community residents, males, older people, people with lower levels of education, married and house-resident groups had a significantly higher traditional view of humans than urban residents, females, younger people, people with a higher levels of education, single and apartment-resident groups. There were differences according to religion and job. Buddhism had a higher traditional view of humans than those of atheism, Christianity and Catholicism and physical workers, a significantly highers score, than technicians and professional workers. 4. Daily expected task performance during illnesses was lowest for patients with stroke(2.16) and psy-chosis (2.40), in which case almost no daily general tasks were expected, followed by arthritis 4. 06, peptic ulcer 4.79, headache 4.99 and cough 5. 58. The amount of expected role exemption during illnesses was also highest for stroke(2.25), followed by psychosis(2.08), arthritis(1.64). peptic ulcer(1.29), headache(1.16) and cough(1.09). The amount of daily task performance in the acute stage(3.05) was significantly lower than that of convalescent stage(4.95). 5. Total expectation of role exemption according to general characteristics showed that there was no significant differences in urban/rural community, marriage, level of education and religion. By sex, women showed higher expectation of role exemption during illnesses than men. By age, the 31-40 year old group showed lower expectation of role exemption than the 41-50 year old group or over the 61 year old group.

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The Effect of Health Education on the Performance of Health Promoting Behavior in College Students
Jeong Sook Park, Chung Ja Park, Young Sook Kwon
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1996;26(2):359-371.   Published online March 30, 2017
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This study has been done for the purpose of testing the effect of health education on the performance of health promoting behavior in college students, and identifying the factors affecting health promoting behaviors. A Nonequivalent control group posttest research design was used. Two hundred thirty college students at K College in T city were studied, Of them, 114 who attended a systematic health education session for three hours a week during one semester were the experimental group. And 116 college students who were chosen of matched sampling of grade, class and sex were the control group. This study was conducted from March 1 to July 2, 1995. The instruments used for this study included a survey of general characteristics, perceived health status, self-esteem, health promoting behavior and health locus of control. Analysis of data was done by use of mean, t-test, Pearson correlation coefficient and multiple regression. The results of this study are summerized as follows; 1) The average item score for the health promoting behavior was low at 2.52. In the sub-categories, the highest degree of performance was 'harmonious relationships', following 'sanitary life', 'self-esteem', 'rest and sleep', and 'emotional support' and the lowest degree was 'professional health management'. 2) Hypothesis 1 that the college students who get health education will have a higher degree of health promoting behavior than the college students who do not get health education was accepted. There was a statistically significant difference between the average of the experimental group, 2.60, and the average of the control group, 2.45.(t=11.30, p=0.0009). 3) Hypothesis 2 that the college students who get health education will have a higher score of perceived health status than college students who do not get the health education was rejected. (t=1.13, p=0.289) 4) Performance of health promoting behavior was positively correlated with self-esteem and grade and negatively correlated with perceived health status. 5) The most important factor affecting performance of health promoting behavior was self-esteem. The following suggestions are made based on the above results; 1) Replication of the research is needed to confirm effects of health education. 2) More effective health education programs need to be deveolped through by modification of teaching methods and content analysis of health education. 3) Other factors affecting health promoting behavior should be identified. 4) Nursing colleges or departments of nursing should make an effort to develop and carry out various health education programs for the health promotion of all college students.

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An Analysis of Nursing Research on Pain Reported in Korea from 1970 to 1994
Jeong Sook Park, Chung Ja Park
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1995;25(1):30-44.   Published online March 30, 2017
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This study aimed at analyzing the trend of research on pain in Korea, suggesting direction future pain research, and contributing to the use of pain interventions in nursing practice. Research studies on pain were selected from journals of medical and nursing schools, the Korean Nurse, the Korean Nurses' Academic Society Journal, the Central Journal of Medicine, the New Medical Journal, and from theses and dissertations, which were conducted between 1970 and 1994. The total number of the studies was 93. These studies were analyzed for 1) time of publication or presentation, 2) thesis for a degree or nondegree, 3) research design, 4) characteristics of subjects used in each study, 5) measurement tool, 6) types of correlated variables, 7) Korean terms for pain, 8) types of nursing interventions, and 9) results of studies. The findings of the analysis can be summerized as follows: 1) The number of studies related to pain has increased rapidly since the early 1980's. The number of experimental research studies related to pain has increased chronologically, but the number of survey research studies related to pain was highest from 1981 to 1985, after that it decreased slowly. 2) The subjects in 19 studies were healthy people and, in 73 studies, patients with various illnesses. Thirty two studies were conducted with surgical patients. 3) Sixty one pain research studies were done for a thesis for a degree and 32 were nondegree research studies. 4) As measurement tools for pain, self-report pain scales were used in 54 studies and more than two tools were used in 28 studies. In the experimental studies, the trend was to use more than two tools. And in the nonexperimental studies, the trend was to use self-report pain scales only. 5) There were 11 correlational studies. In these studies, the trend was to study anxiety, depression and variables such as intravenous infusion as related to pain. 6) In the thirty six experimental studies, the effects of 16 types of nursing interventions were tested. Teaching and information, and relaxation technique were the most popular interventions for pain. 7) In eighteen methodological studies, the majority were studies testing the validity and reliability of Dr. Lee's Korean Pain Rating Questionnaire. The following suggestions are made based on the above findings: 1) The patterns of these studies related to pain in Korea need to be compared with trends in other countries. 2) Meta-analysis should be done to analyze and integrate the results of various studies. 3) This analysis of pain research is needed to identify the present trend of pain research and to suggest the direction of future pain research, so these patterns of studies should be done in 5 to 10 year intervals. 4) More replicated pain research is needed to prove the effect of nursing interventions and more qualitative reserch on pain is needed to identify indepth the meaning of pain. 5) Pain researchers should make an effort to apply research result in various clinical settings and try to carry out team research with clinical nurses or with other multidiscipinary researchers.

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A Relation Study on Burden, Health promotion Behavior and Health Status of the Family Caregiver of Intensive Care Unit Patient
Eun Sil Kim, Jeong Sook Park, Chung Ja Park
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2002;32(5):654-664.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to identify the burden, health promotion behavior and health status and to describe the relationship of the burden, health promotion behavior and health status of the family caregivers of intensive care unit patients. METHOD: The subjects were 48 family caregivers of ICU patients in a University Hospital. Data were collected between June, 1 and July, 31, 2000 using structured questionnaires. Research tools used were Suh and Oh's Burden Scale, Revised Walker, Sechrist, and Pender's HPLP(1987) ; Revised Nam's Health State Scale(1965). RESULT: The mean score of burden of family caregiver was 3.01(full score was 5). The mean score of health promotion behavior of family caregiver was 2.52 (full score was 4). And the mean score of health status of family caregiver was 0.68(full score was 1.00). The score of psychological health state was a little higher than the physiological one. In correlational analysis, the burden and the health status of caregivers were reversely correlated . The correlation between the burden and the health promotion behavior, and the health behavior and health status were not significant. CONCLUSION: The more burden caregivers of ICU patients felt, the worse their health status. So nurses need to understand the family caregiver's burden and apply nursing care that can reduce burden, in order to improve the health status of family caregivers.

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Home Care Needs of Parturient Women and Neonates-Retrospective Study
Soon Bok Park, Yun Soon Choi, So Mi Park, Jeong Sook Park, Eun Sook Kim
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 1999;29(3):507-517.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purpose of this study is to understand home care needs for parturient women and neonates up to the postpartum period. MEHTODS: The design of this study is a cross-sectional survey study. The subjects of this study are 88 postpartum mothers who delivered a first baby during the period from December 1996 to July 1997. Data collection was done with a structured questionnaire by mailing. Data were collected at the point of six months after delivery. A structured questionnaire composed of items related to home care needs. Data analysis was done with descriptive statistics. The study results are as follows: 1) The highest need was personal hygiene(93.2%) for the parturient women, and the peak period was the two week period after delivery. 2) The most frequent maternal needs regarding neonates were cord care(72.4%) during the first week, elimination(67.9%) during the first two weeks, baby crying(88.3%) and sleeping pattern(71.5%) at one month after delivery, and baby temperament(30.4%) at sixth months after delivery. 3)The mothers requested home care methods such as written material for self health care(35%) and counseling(34%) and direct home visits(5%) for neonate care. CONCLUSION: The most important period for home health care needs was one week after delivery, and the health care needs for neonate temperament, behavior and sleeping pattern rose rapidly at the period of 6 months after delivery. Therefore it could be concluded that the postpartum home care should be done by those, written material should be enhanced for parturient women care, and counseling enhanced for neonate care.

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The Effect of Cutaneous Stimulation and distraction on IV Injection Pain of Chemotherapy Patients
Jeong Sook Park
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 1998;28(2):303-318.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

Cutaneous stimulation and distraction are independent nursing interventions used in various painful conditions, which I explained by gate control theory. This study was aimed at identifying the effect of cutaneous stimulation, distraction and combination of cutaneous stimulation and distraction on the reduction of intravenous injection pain levels of chemotherapy patients. Repeated measurement post test research design was used for one group. Fifty-three cancer patients who received intravenous chemotherapy regular in outpatient injection rooms of D medical center and Y medical center in Taegu were studied from June 23, 1997 to July 12, 1997. First the intravenous injection pain level of the control period was measured. Second, the intravenous injection pain level of the experimental period using cutaneous stimulation was measured. Third, the intravenous injection pain level of the experimental period using distraction was measured. Fourth, the intravenous injection pain level of the experimental period using a combination of cutaneous stimulation and distraction was measured. The instruments used for this study were a visual analogue pain scale as subjective pain measurement and an objective pain behavior checklist. Analysis of data was done by use of repeated measure ANOVA, bonferni, t-test, and F-test. The results of this study were summarized as follows : 1) The first hypothesis that the subjective pain score of intraveneous injection pain in the experimental period with cutaneous stimulation will be lower than in the control period. 2) The second hypothesis that the objective pain behavior score of intravenous injection pain in the experimental period with cutaneous stimulation will be lower than in the control period was accepted(F=24.23, p=0.0001, Bornferni p<0.5). 3) The third hypothesis that the subjective pain score of intravenous injection pain in the experimental period with distraction will be lower than in the control period was rejected. 4) The fourth hypothesis that the objective pain score of intravenous injection pain in the experimental period with distraction will be lower than in the control period was accepted(F=24.23, p=0.0001, Bornferni p<.05). 5) The fifth hypothesis that the subjective pain score of intravenous injection pain in the experimental period with combination of cutaneous stimulation and distraction will be lower than in the control period was accepted(F=3.04, p=0.031), Bonferni p<.05). 6) The sixth hypothesis that the objective pain score of intravenous injection pain in the experimental period with combination of cutaneous stimulation and distraction will be lower than in the control period was accepted(F=24.23, p=0.0001, Bonferni p<.05).

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The Effects of Hope Intervention on Hope and Depression of Cancer Patients Staying at Home
A Mi Shin, Jeong Sook Park
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2007;37(6):994-1002.   Published online March 28, 2017
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PURPOSE: This study was to identify the effects of hope intervention on hope and depression of cancer patients staying at home. METHODS: The study design was a randomized control group design. The subjects consisted of forty cancer patients randomly selected who were registered at S-Gu Public Health Center. Hope intervention, which was composed of hope assessment, hope objective setting, positive self identity formation, therapeutic relationships, spiritual & transcendental process improvement, positive environmental formation and hope evaluation, was provided from November 20, 2006 to January 26, 2007. RESULTS: The 1-1 hypothesis, "The experimental group which received hope intervention will have a higher score of hope than the control group", was supported(t=-3.253, p= .003). The 1-2 hypothesis, "The experimental group which received hope intervention will have a higher level of hope index than the control group", was supported (t=-4.001, p= .000). Therefore the 1st hypothesis, "The experimental group which received hope intervention will have a higher level of hope than the control group" was supported. The 2nd hypothesis, "The experimental group which received hope intervention will have a lower level of depression than the control group", was not supported (t=1.872, p= .070). CONCLUSION: Hope intervention is an effective nursing intervention to enhance hope for patient with cancer.

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Analysis of Research Papers Published in the Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
Yeon Ok Suh, Jeong Sook Park, Jin Hyang Yang, Hae Won Kim, Min Hyun Suk, Hyun Sook Shin, Hee Jung Jang, Myun Sook Jung, Myung Sill Chung
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2007;37(6):1013-1019.   Published online March 28, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

PURPOSE: This study was to determine the current trend of nursing research as exploring both quantitative and qualitative methodologies, and to provide the explicit direction to improve the quality of published papers. METHODS: Total of 366 articles published between 2004 and 2006 was reviewed using the criteria of analysis. RESULTS: There was more number of quantitative studies than qualitative studies. More studies were conducted with subjects who had health problems, and studies that targeted women and elderly population have been significantly increased. In quantitative methodology, utilization of experimental and quasi-experimental designs has been increased, however descriptive study was dominant as yet. In qualitative methodology, studies using grounded theory and phenomenology were frequently published. It was noted that theoretical framework and rational for sample size were rarely presented in quantitative study. Philosophical position and the process of preparation for study, which guided the research, were not clearly described in qualitative study. CONCLUSION: The findings of this review suggest that published studies have been improved and diversified, however, detailed and clear evaluation tool that assesses study process and method should be developed as a way to further improve the quality of published papers.

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Comparison of Glass Particle Contamination according to Method of Ampule Cutting and Needle Aspiration
Jeong Sook Park, Hyae Ryeung Oh, Bo Hyae Seo, Jung Hee Bhang
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2006;36(6):1033-1041.   Published online March 28, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

Glass particle contamination of the contents of single-dose glass ampules can occur upon opening. Different aspiration techniques, different sizes of needles, different sizes of ampules, and different cutting methods were studied to determine if they had any effect on glass particle contamination.


Different aspiration techniques(with filter, without filter), different sizes of needles(18G, 25G), different sizes of ampules(2ml, 20ml), and different cutting methods(with cotton, without cotton) were evaluated.


Twenty ampules were randomly assigned in each group. Three slides containing glass particles for each ampule were made and counted under a microscope by 3 study blind persons.


The number of glass particle contamination is much less when using a filter rather than without a filter. The number of glass particle contamination is much less when using a 25G needle rather than on 18G needle. The number of glass particle contamination is much less when using 2ml ampules rather than 20ml ampules. The number of glass particle contamination is much less when using cotton rather than without cotton.


It was shown that using a filter, a small size needle, smaller sized ampules and using cotton when cutting the ampule will decrease the risk of parenteral injection of glass particles.

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Knowledge Discovery in Nursing Minimum Data Set Using Data Mining
Myonghwa Park, Jeong Sook Park, Chong Nam Kim, Kyung Min Park, Young Sook Kwon
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2006;36(4):652-661.   Published online March 28, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purposes of this study were to apply data mining tool to nursing specific knowledge discovery process and to identify the utilization of data mining skill for clinical decision making.


Data mining based on rough set model was conducted on a large clinical data set containing NMDS elements. Randomized 1000 patient data were selected from year 1998 database which had at least one of the five most frequently used nursing diagnoses. Patient characteristics and care service characteristics including nursing diagnoses, interventions and outcomes were analyzed to derive the meaningful decision rules.


Number of comorbidity, marital status, nursing diagnosis related to risk for infection and nursing intervention related to infection protection, and discharge status were the predictors that could determine the length of stay. Four variables (age, impaired skin integrity, pain, and discharge status) were identified as valuable predictors for nursing outcome, relived pain. Five variables (age, pain, potential for infection, marital status, and primary disease) were identified as important predictors for mortality.


This study demonstrated the utilization of data mining method through a large data set with stan-dardized language format to identify the contribution of nursing care to patient's health.

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Development and Application of an Online Alternative Therapy and Health Promotion Class
Jeong Sook Park, Young Sook Kwon, Hye Ran Lee
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2006;36(2):286-298.   Published online March 28, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

This study was to develop an online ‘ alternative therapy and health promotion’ class for university students and to evaluate its changes.


The online class was developed based on the Instructional Systems Development (ISD) model and model of Web-Based Instruction (WBI) developmental process. This was a quasi- experimental, one group pretest-posttest design. The subjects of this study were 130 students in 3 universities, and they were provided the cyber class for 16 weeks. Data was analyzed by descriptive and plural answer statistics, and paired t-test.


The cyber class was developed in five steps : analysis, design, data collection and reconstruction, programing and publishing, and evaluation. The results of program evaluation were positive, which included learning 3.47, system 3.57, and learning satisfaction 3.64 on the scale of 5. The posttest scores of cognition and reliability of alternative therapy were higher than pretest scores. The posttest score of health promoting lifestyle (t=-5.051, p=.000) and perceived health status (t=2.979, p=.003) were significantly higher than those of the pretest.


These results suggest that the cyber class is a positive method in increasing a cognition, reliability of alternative therapy, and is effective to improve a health promotion lifestyle and perceived health status for the university students.

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The Effects of a Health Promotion Program in Rural Elderly on Health Promotion Lifestyle and Health Status
Jeong Sook Park, Yun Jung Oh
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2005;35(5):943-954.   Published online March 28, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purpose of this study was to identity the effects of a health promotion program for rural elderly on health promotion lifestyle and health status.


The study was a nonequivalent control group pre-post experimental design. Data collection was performed from April 12th, 2003 to August 2nd, 2003. The subjects were selected at Mari Myun Geochang Gun in Korea. 44 elders were in the experimental group and 45 elders were in the control group. The 16-week health promotion program was given to the experimental group. Data was analyzed by descriptive statistics, χ2-test, t-test, and ANCOVA test with SPSS/Win 10.0 program.


The experimental group showed higher scores of a health promotion lifestyle and perceived health status than the control group. In addition, systolic BP, heart rate, body fat and glucose of the experimental group were lower than the control group. Waist flexibility, left hand grip power, back strength and leg strength of the experimental group were higher than the control group. However, there were no significant differences in diastolic BP, total cholesterol and right hand grip power between the two groups.


This health promotion program for rural elderly can be recommended as an effective nursing intervention in rural communities.

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The Effects of an Elderly Health Promotion Program on Health Promotion Lifestyles, Health Status and Quality of Life in the Elderly
Jeong Sook Park
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2004;34(7):1194-1204.   Published online March 28, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purpose of this research was to identify the effect of an elderly health promotion program on health promotion lifestyles, health status, and quality of life in the elderly.


The research design was a nonequivalent control group pre post experimental design. Thirty two elderly persons were in the experimental group and the other thirty two elderly were in the control group. A 16 week health promotion program was given to the experimental group. The measurement tools were HPLP II, grip strength, back lift strength, flexibility, body fat percentile, blood sugar, serum cholesterol, and quality of life.


The experimental group showed a higer score of health promoting lifestyles, flexibility, grip strength, back lift strength, and quality of life. There were no differences in body fat percentiles, blood sugar and serum cholesterol between the experimental and control group.


This health promotion program for elderly can be recommended as an effective nursing intervention for elderly in a community.

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Effects of Hand Massage and Hand Holding on the Anxiety in Patients with Local Infiltration Anesthesia
Hyun Jung Oh, Jeong Sook Park
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2004;34(6):924-933.   Published online March 28, 2017
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This study was to examine the effects of hand massage and hand holding as nursing interventions on the anxiety in patients with local infiltration anesthesia.


The design of this study was a nonequivalent, control group, non- synchronized design. The subjects of this study consisted of 15 patients for the hand group, 15 patients for the hand holding group and 17 patients for the control group awaiting surgery in the operation room of a general hospitalin Daegu. As an experimental treatment, hand massage was carried out by the Hand Massage Protocol developed by Snyder(1995) and interpreted by Cho(1998) and hand holding developed by Cho(1998). The data were analyzed by SPSS/WIN, T-test, ANOVA, Cronbach's α, and the Scheffe test.


The hand massage group and hand holding group were more effective than the control group in reducing anxiety, VAS score, systolic blood pressure and pulse rate.


Hand massage and hand holding are effective nursing interventions that alleviates the psychological and physiological anxiety of patients with local infiltration anesthesia. In particular, the simple contact of hand holding is regarded as an effective and easily accessible nursing intervention in the operating room.

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The Effect of Drug Abuse Prevention Program for Elementary School Students
Jeong Hea Sung, Jeong Sook Park
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2004;34(3):421-429.   Published online March 28, 2017
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This study is to evaluate the effects of drug abuse prevention program for elementary school students.


The design of this study is nonequivalent control group pretest-posttest design. The subjects of experimental group were 27 students and the subjects of control group were 25 students in fifth grade of elementary school in C City, Gyeongsangbuk-do. The experimental group had Drug Abuse Prevention Program, which was two days per week program, for 5 weeks. And post-test was carried out in the same way as the pre-test. Data analysis was done using frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, Chi-square test, t-test, Paired Samples t-test using with SPSS WIN 11.0.


the experimental group, to which drug abuse prevention program was given, was improved in knowledge of drug and unacceptable attitude of drug compared to the control group, but there were no significant differences of self-esteem and assertiveness between two groups.


The drug abuse prevention program was effective to increase knowledge and attitude of drug in elementary school students.

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Effect of a Posture Training Program on Cobb Angle and Knowledge of Posture of Elementary School Students
Mi Jeong Park, Jeong Sook Park
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2003;33(5):643-650.   Published online March 28, 2017
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This study was conducted to examine the effect of a posture training program, including posture education and spinal exercise as implemented on the elementary school students with scoliosis.


The design of this study is nonequivalent sample control group pretest-posttest design. The study subjects were elementary school students attending 7 elementary schools located in G city in Gyungsangbuk-Do. Among them, those who had the Cobb angle between 4~10° in spine x-ray who agreed to participate in the study program were selected as the study subjects. The research instruments included the degree of spinal scoliosis(cobb angle), the level of knowledge on posture, and an evaluation following the posture training program. The data were collected from March 1, 2002 to July 30, 2002. The collected data were analyzed by frequency, percentile, mean, standard deviation, t-test, χ2 test and Mann-Whitney U test were using SPSS WIN10.0 program.


The elementary school students with scoliosis who received the posture training program have a lower Cobb angle and higher level of knowledge of posture than the elementary school students with scoliosis who did not receive the posture training program.


The posture training program was effective on the on Cobb angle and Knowledge of posture in the elementary school students with scoliosis in this study. Therefore, the program training program can be usefully utilized for the students with mild scoliosis in the field of school health.

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Development and Application of an Overcoming Compassion Fatigue Program for Emergency Nurses
Yeong Ah Kim, Jeong Sook Park
J Korean Acad Nurs 2016;46(2):260-270.   Published online April 29, 2016
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This study was conducted to develop a program to help emergency nurses overcome compassion fatigue, and to analyze the effects of the program.


A nonequivalent control group pretest-posttest design was used. There were 14 participants in the experimental group and 18 subjects in the control group. The program was comprised of five, weekly 80-minute sessions including understanding and assessment of compassion fatigue, enhancing positive affect, balancing work-life, planning self care, training in relaxation techniques and cognitive restructuring, and getting social support. Research variables were ego-resiliency, compassion satisfaction and compassion fatigue of the ProQOL 5, and salivary cortisol. Data were analyzed using Chi-square test, independent t-test, and paired t-test.


The first hypothesis, "There will be a difference in scores for ego resiliency between the experimental group and the control group". was not supported. The second hypothesis, "There will be a difference in scores for compassion satisfaction between the experimental group and the control group" was supported (t=2.15, p=.046). The third hypothesis, "There will be a difference in scores for compassion fatigue between the experimental group and the control group" was not supported.


The first program for emergency nurses to overcome compassion fatigue in Korea was effective in increasing emergency nurses' compassion satisfaction and decreasing salivary cortisol level in the experimental group. Therefore, this program for overcoming compassion fatigue is useful to increase emergency nurses' compassion satisfaction. However replication studies of short-term intensive program reflecting emergency nurses' opinion are needed.

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Development and Application of a Self-management Program based on Prothrombin INR Monitoring for Patients with Cardiac Valve Replacement
Hyun Rye Jeon, Jeong Sook Park
J Korean Acad Nurs 2015;45(4):554-564.   Published online August 31, 2015
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purpose of this study was to develop and evaluate a self-management program based on INR monitoring for patients with cardiac valve replacement.


This program was comprised of five weekly sessions based on Sousa's Enhance-Behavior Performance Model. The first session included individual teaching, and the other four sessions included Prothrombin Time International Normalized Ratios (PT INR) self-monitoring, telephone counseling and self-management checklist recording. Participants were patients who had cardiac valve replacement. They were randomly assigned to the experimental or control group. Sixteen in the experimental group participated in the self-management program and seventeen in the control group participated in general care. Self-management knowledge, self-efficacy, self-management behavior and PT INR were measured as dependent variables. Data were analyzed using Mann Whitney U-test, t-test and ANCOVA.


The experimental group showed significantly higher post-test scores in self-management knowledge (t=5.86, p <.001), self-efficacy (F=18.32, p <.001), and self-management behavior (t=3.44, p =.002) compared to the control group. Also, the experimental group showed significantly higher frequency in maintaining the treatment range of PT INR compared to the control group (χ2=4.80, p =.028).


The results of the research on the self-management program based on PT INR monitoring showed that it is effective in improving self-management knowledge, self-efficacy, and self-management behavior as well as maintaining treatment range of PT INR of patients with cardiac valve replacement.

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Development of a Prediction Model for Postpartum Depression: Based on the Mediation Effect of Antepartum Depression
Eun Joo Lee, Jeong Sook Park
J Korean Acad Nurs 2015;45(2):211-220.   Published online April 30, 2015
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This study was done to develop a prediction model for postpartum depression by verifying the mediation effect of antepartum depression. A hypothesized model was developed based on literature reviews and predictors of postpartum depression by Beck.


Data were collected from 186 pregnant women who had a gestation period of more than 32 weeks and were patients at a maternity hospital, two obstetrics and gynecology specialized hospitals, or the outpatient clinic of K medical center. Data were analysed with descriptive statistics, correlation and exploratory factor analysis using the SPSS/WIN 18.0 and AMOS 18.0 programs.


The final modified model had good fit indices. Parenting stress, antepartum depression and postpartum family support had statistically significant effects on postpartum depression, and defined 74.7% of total explained variance of postpartum depression. Antepartum depression had significant mediation effects on postpartum depression from stress in pregnancy and self-esteem.


The results of this study suggest that it is important to develop nursing interventions including strategies to reduce parenting stress and improve postpartum family support in order to prevent postpartum depression. Especially, it is necessary to detect and treat antepartum depression early to prevent postpartum depression as antepartum depression can affect postpartum depression by mediating antepartum factors.

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Effect of an On-line Health Promotion Program connected with a Hospital Health Examination Center on Health Promotion Behavior and Health Status
Jeong Sook Park, Sang-min Kwon
J Korean Acad Nurs 2008;38(3):393-402.   Published online June 30, 2008
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of an On-line health promotion program connected with a hospital health examination center.


Based on contents developed, the homepage was developed. The research design was a one group pretest-posttest design. Seventy-three clients participated in this study. The data were collected from January 3 to June 30, 2005. As a way of utilizing the homepage, this paper attempted to measure the change of pre and post program health promotion behavior and health status (perceived health status, objective health index-blood pressure, pulse, total cholesterol, blood sugar, waist flexibility, grip strength and lower extremity strength). Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics and paired t-test with the SPSS/Win 12.0 program.


There were significant differences of perceived health status, systolic BP, waist flexibility and grip strength. However, there were no significant differences in health promotion behavior, diastolic BP, pulse, lower extremity strength, blood sugar and total cholesterol between pre program and post program.


It is expected that an on-line health promotion program connected with a hospital health examination center will provide an effective learning media for health education and partially contribute to client's health promotion. A strategy, however, is needed to facilitate the continuous use of the on-line health promotion program for adult clients.

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Accuracy of References in Eight Nursing Journals in Korea
Min-Hyun Suk, Hee-Jung Jang, Jeong Sook Park, Hae-Won Kim, Yeon-Ok Suh, Hyun-Sook Shin, Jin-Hyang Yang, Myun-Sook Jung, Myung-Sill Chung
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2008;38(1):180-185.   Published online February 29, 2008
AbstractAbstract PDF

This study was to investigate the reference accuracy in major nursing journals in Korea.


The references in articles from eight nursing journals from 2006 were compared with PubMed for authors, year, title, journal, volume, and page accuracy. Four hundred sixty-six references were reviewed. Errors were classified as major or minor and categorized by bibliographic headings (author, title, journal, year, volume and page).


Of the 466 references, 223 (47.9%) had citation errors. The reference error rates ranged from 28.6% to 58.7%. Most errors occurred in the author element (37.9%), followed by title (20.9%), journal (19.0%), page (13.9%), volume (5.9%), and year (2.4%).


This study identified a considerable error rate in the references of nursing journals. Inaccuracy of references is a reflection on scholarly work of authors and journals. Authors and Editorial committees are responsible for the accuracy of references.

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Developmental Direction for Review System of the Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
Hae Won Kim, Myungsill Chung, Jeong Sook Park, Yeon Ok Suh, Min Hyun Suk, Hyunsook Shin, Jin Hyang Yang, Hee Jung Jang, Myun Sook Jung
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2007;37(3):422-430.   Published online April 30, 2007
AbstractAbstract PDF

This study was performed to identify current characteristics of the Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing and to explore a way to elevate it to an international level and to critique the overall review process so as to delineate the advanced, objective paper appraisal in this journal.


Data was collected using self administered questionnaires to 75 journal reviewers belonging to the Korean academy of nursing and its division academy of nursing from August 15th to September 30th, 2006.


The majority of reviewers pointed out a lack of discrimination between the Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing and other journals. Among the main answers of reviewers, Creativeness(52.3%) and excellence of nursing(38%) will be critical factors to develop in order to elevate to an the journal to an international level. In specific evaluation areas, reviewers preferred a subjective critique method(60%), and the condition of the decision making process regarding paper acceptance as a combination of checklist and subjective evaluation(84%). Subjective evaluation opinions with major categories will occur in the next revised evaluation format. 76% of reviewers agreed with the current objective evaluation form.


The journal review process should be evaluated on a regular basis to elevate the journal level and a mutual agreement of the journal's scope, range, and purpose will be necessary. As a recommendation, an attempt at various approaches in journal reviews and reviewer training should be made.

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Evaluation of a Virtual Class on Lifelong Health Care for Women
Jeong Sook Park, Jin Hyang Yang
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2006;36(7):1265-1273.   Published online December 31, 2006
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This study was to evaluate a virtual class, ‘lifelong health care for women’, for female university students.


The research design was one group pre-post design. A pretest and posttest were conducted to measure CMI, perceived health status, health promoting lifestyle, and knowledge related to women's health. The subjects of this study were 74 female students in 3 universities, and they were provided with the virtual class by K university consortium for 16 weeks. Data was analyzed by descriptive and paired t-test.


There were statistically significant differences in CMI (t=3.367, p=.001), perceived health status (t=-2.788, p=.007), and knowledge related to women's health (t=-10,432, p=.000) between the pretest and posttest. However, there was not a statistically significant difference in a health promoting lifestyle (t=-1.431, p=.157) between the pretest and posttest.


These results suggest that a virtual class on lifelong health care for women is aneffective method in decreasing health problems, and improving perceived health status and knowledge related to women's health by female university students.

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The Effect of an Exercise Program on Body Composition and Physical Fitness in Obese Female College Students
Hyang Dong Kim, Jeong Sook Park
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2006;36(1):5-14.   Published online February 28, 2006
AbstractAbstract PDF

This study was done to analyze the effects of an exercise program on body composition and physical fitness of obese female college students.


Data was collected from September 29, 2003 to December, 29, 2003. The research design was arandomized control group pretest-posttest experimental design. The subjects were college nursing students at K University. Forty four students, 20 in the experimental group and 24 ina control group, with more than 30% body fat were randomly assigned. The subjects in the experimental group participated in an exercise program for 12 weeks, sixty minutes per session, five times per week. Body composition and physical fitness was measured by a body composition analyzer, cardiovascular endurance, muscle endurance, muscle strength(grip strength, back strength), flexibility, balance, agility(whole body reaction time) and power(standing long jump).


Body weight(F=4.76, p=0.035), body fat(kg)(F=5.68, p=0.022) and body mass index(F=5.73, p=0.021) of the experimental group were significantly different from the control group, but there were no significant differences in body fat(%), lean body mass, muscle mass and WHR. Back strength(F=6.50, p=0.015), flexibility(F=14.62, p=0.000), muscle endurance(F=7.98, p=0.007), power(F=5.76, p=0.021) and balance(F=2.46, p=0.018) of the experimental group were significantly different from the control group, but there were no significant differences in cardiovascular endurance, grip strength or agility.


The exercise program was effective in improving body weight, body fat(kg), body mass index, back strength, muscle endurance, flexibility, balance and power of obese female college students.

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The Effects of Dogbi(ST35) & Sulan Moxibustion on Knee Joint Pain, Range of Motion and Discomfort during ADL in the Aged
Jeong Sook Park, Soon Jo Kwon, Young Sook Kwon
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2006;36(1):189-196.   Published online February 28, 2006
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purpose of this research was to test the effects of ST35 & Sulan moxibustion on knee joint pain, range of motion, and discomfort during Activies of Daily Living (ADL) in elderly with knee joint pain.


A nonequivalent control group pre-post test research design was used. Thirty four elderly who had knee joint pain were studied. Of them, sixteen were in the experimental group and eighteen the control group. The instruments used for this study were NRS, goniometer, and a modified ADL questionnaire developed by Lee.


The pain scores of right & left knee joint after moxibustion were significantly different between the experimental group and the control group (Right: F=26.27, p=0.000, Left: F=20.77, p=0.000). Right and left knee ROM scores were significantly different between the experimental group and the control group after moxibustion (Right: F=10.74, p=0.003, Left: F=9.239, p=0.005). Discomfort during ADL scores were significantly different between the experimental group and the control group after moxibustion (F= 32.31, p=0.000).


It is necessary that nurses provide the elderly with knee joint pain with moxibustion to reduce joint pain and to increase knee ROM as an alternative therapy.

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J Korean Acad Nurs : Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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