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The Reactions of Emergency Department Nurses to Violence: Q-Methodological Approach
Eun Young Park, Ji Min Seo, Hyeon Ok Ju, Eun Nam Lee
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2007;37(5):762-771.   Published online March 28, 2017
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The purpose of this study was to identify the reactions of emergency department nurses to violence.


Q-methodology which provides a method of analyzing the subjectivity of each item was used. Thirty emergency department nurses classified 33 selected Q-statements into a normal distribution using a 9 point scale. The collected data was analyzed using the Quanl PC Program.


Three types of reactions to violence were identified. The first type(emotional and physical reactions) showed a sense of regret on the selection of an occupation and emotional and physical reactions such as anxiety, fear, depression, hopelessness, heart palpitations and trembling hands due to the violence. The second type(problem solving) actively coped to prevent the occurrence of violence, grasped the causes of violence and sought out a problem solving plan. The third type(anger reactions) felt a lot of anger against violence, and resented their reality of working under conditions of inadequately secured facilities and systems.


The emotional and physical reactions type and the anger reactions type should be required to attend educational programs to improve attitudes and abilities to solve the problems in a more active and positive manner.

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The Development of Educational CD-Program for Obesity Prevention and Management for Primary School Students
Yi Soon Kim, Hyeon Ok Ju, Mi Gyoung Song, Yoo Sun Shin
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2003;33(1):60-70.   Published online March 28, 2017

The study is designed to develop an educational CD-Program for prevention and control of obesity among primary school students.


The study is conducted from June 15, 2000 to April 15, 2002. Based on the course of program development suggested by Dick and Cray (1990), the study followed the planning, development, education and evaluation of a program.


The developed CD-Program consists 2 parts each for lower and higher grades of primary school students. The introduction part of the first trial for lower grade students uses quiz to encourage their motivations, the body proceeds with motion pictures and animations to trigger their interests. The introduction part of the second trial for the lower grades consists of remembering the exhibition lecture. The first trial for higher grades of primary school students builds on the contents of the low grades. Its body part, how to determine obesity and calculate ones own obesity, puts ones own weight and height in by the mouse. For the second trial of the higher grades, the body consists of life-style, diet, and regiments.


The merits of this CD-Program are that to be possible an interaction between teachers and students.

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Reliability and Validity of the Korean Version of the Perinatal Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Questionnaire
Yu Kyung Park, Hyeon Ok Ju, Hunjoo Na
J Korean Acad Nurs 2016;46(1):29-38.   Published online February 29, 2016
AbstractAbstract PDF

The Perinatal Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Questionnaire (PPQ) was designed to measure post-traumatic symptoms related to childbirth and symptoms during postnatal period. The purpose of this study was to develop a translated Korean version of the PPQ and to evaluate reliability and validity of the Korean PPQ.


Participants were 196 mothers at one to 18 months after giving childbirth and data were collected through e-mails. The PPQ was translated into Korean using translation guideline from World Health Organization. For this study Cronbach's alpha and split-half reliability were used to evaluate the reliability of the PPQ. Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA), Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA), and known-group validity were conducted to examine construct validity. Correlations of the PPQ with Impact of Event Scale (IES), Beck Depression Inventory II (BDI-II), and Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI) were used to test a criterion validity of the PPQ.


Cronbach's alpha and Spearman-Brown split-half correlation coefficient were 0.91 and 0.77, respectively. EFA identified a 3-factor solution including arousal, avoidance, and intrusion factors and CFA revealed the strongest support for the 3-factor model. The correlations of the PPQ with IES, BDI-II, and BAI were .99, .60, and .72, respectively, pointing to criterion validity of a high level.


The Korean version PPQ is a useful tool for screening and assessing mothers' experiencing emotional distress related to child birth and during the postnatal period. The PPQ also reflects Post Traumatic Stress Disorder's diagnostic standards well.

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The Attitudes of Nurses Toward Transsexuals
Eun Nam Lee, Ji Min Seo, Hyeon Ok Ju, Young Sun Song, Dong Mei Lee, Bok Nam Lee, Sun Mi Shin, Yeon Hee Ju, Ok Hee Choi, Yeong Hee Heo
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2006;36(7):1242-1252.   Published online December 31, 2006
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purpose of this study was to identify the attitude of nurses toward transsexuals.


The Q-methodology which provides a method of analyzing the subjectivity of each item was used. Twenty-nine nurses classified the 50 selected Q-statements into a normal distribution using a 9 point scale. The collected data was analyzed using the Quanl PC program.


Four types of attitudes toward transsexuals were identified. The first type (humanitarian acceptance) showed an attitude of respecting transsexuals as human beings and understanding and accepting their desires and difficulties. The second type (superficial understanding) understood the psychological conflicts and suffering of transsexuals but could not accept them as members of families or society. The third type (insufficient understanding) did not feel a sense of rejection toward transsexuals but showed a lack of understanding of their desires and difficulties. The fourth type (rejection) failed to understand the desires and difficulties of transsexuals and showed a sense of rejection toward them, in addition to regarding them as sexually immoral people.


The results of the study indicate that different approaches of educational programs based on the four types of attitudes toward transsexuals are recommended.

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J Korean Acad Nurs : Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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