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A Study of Caregiver Stress as related to the Level of Self-care in Patients Who had a Cerebro Vascular Accident(CVA)
Eun Sook Choi, Hee Young So
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1993;23(4):602-616.   Published online March 31, 2017
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The purpose of this study; was to explore the degree of stress in caregivers earing for patients who had had a cerebro vascular accident as the stress is related to the self care ability of the patient. The subjects for the study were caregivers of 111 CVA patients, hospitalized at two University affiliated hospitals and two general hospitals in Daejon. The survey instruments used in the study were Kang's ADL Check List and a modified form of Lee's Stress Inventory. The survey was: conducted from July 16th to August 30th, 1992. The survey results were analyzed using the Statisitical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) and can be sumerized as follows: 1. The level of self-care for the CVA patients was: 1) complete dependence (M=34.7, 31.2%), 2) complete independence (M=14.8, 13.3%), 3) incomplete independence (M=17.5, 15.8%), 4) incomplete dependence (M=14.8, 13.3%) and 5) dependence and independence (M=14.1. 12.7%). The items for which there was a high level of self-care were: 1) drinking (M=3.640). 2) returning (M=2.351) and 3) eating (M=2.351): and the items for which there was a low level of self-care were: 1) ascending and descending stairs (M=2.351), 2) dressing and undressing trousers (M=2.514) and 3) dressing and undressing jacket (M=2.532). 2. There was a statistically difference between the paralytic status and the level of self-care according to their demographic characteristics (F=24. 7056, P<. 001). 3. There was no significant difference in the degree of caregiver stress according to patient's demographic characteristics. 4. There was a statistically significant difference in the degree of caregiver stress according to the following demographic characteristics: age (F=7.4189, P<.001), education level(F=5.8336, P<.01), family structure (t=2.10, P<.05) and their relationship with the patient (F=6.5099, P<.01). 5. There was no significant difference in the degree of caregiver stress according to the level of patient self-care.

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Effect of Lateral Position and Chest Percussion on Pulmonary Gas Exchange in Decreased Level of Conscious Patients
Seong Sun Seo, Hee Young So
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1991;21(2):204-217.   Published online March 31, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purpose of this study is to verify the effect of lateral position and chest percussion on gas exchange in the decreased level of conscious patients. The Subjects for this study were 21 patients' admitted in ICU of CNUH from Dec 18th, 1989 to Aug 4th, 1990. The Data was analyzed by paired t-test. The results of this study as follows ; 1) In comparison of supine position, good-lung dependent position and good-lung dependent with chest percussion, the difference of PaO was statistically significant(p<0.05). 2) In comparison of supine, good-lung dependent position and good-lung dependent with chest percussion, the difference of A-a Do was statistically significant(p<0.05). In conclusion, the use of good-lung dependent position and chest percussion was effective nursing intervention on decreased level of conscious patients in ICU.

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The Effects of prompted Voiding Therapy on Urinary Incontinence Control of Elderly Patients
Kyung Ja Lee, Mi Kyung Kim, Hee Young Song
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1997;27(4):943-952.   Published online March 30, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

This study was done to analyze the effects of prompted voiding therapy on urinary incontinence in elderly patients in an elderly care hospital. Specifically, this study looks to evaluate the effects of prompted voiding as an intervention for improving independent voiding and also identified the relationship of urinary continence to cognitive, emotional, and physical factors. The study was based on a pre-experimental design used to evaluate the effects of prompted voiding therapy on an experimental group without a control group. An experimental group of 143 patients was selected through convenience sampling from patients in an elderly care hospital. The data was collected from November 4 to December 14, 1996. Prompted voiding therapy is a behavioral therapy for managing incontinence and it is applied to patients who are cognitively impaired and dependent. In this study, the patients were asked at each designated time whether or not they had to urinate. If they answered yes, they were either given a bedpan or were assisted to the bathroom, and if the patient answered no, their diaper was checked to determine whether or not it was wet. The results were then recorded on the patients urinary voiding record. The urinary voiding score based on the model presented by Burton(1984), Burke and Walsh(1992), Chenitz, Stone and Salisbury(1991 was modified and used as a tool in this study. After forty six out of the total of 143 patients were selected for interviews through random sampling the levels of cognitive functions, mental depression and ADL(activities of daily life) within the given time frame were measured. In this study, the cognitive function was measured using the scale developed by Kabhn, Goldfarb, Pollack and Peck(1960), elderly mental depression, using the tool developed by Sheikh and Yesavage(1986), and the ADL(activities of daily living, through the Barthel Index. The data was analyzed through SPSS windows for descriptive statistics, repeated measured ANOVA and Pearson's correlation. According to the results of the study, the application of the prompted voiding therapy can improve the voiding pattern of patients. It was shown especially that incontinence could be controlled by the intervention developed according to the individual voiding pattern. In terms of the relationship between cognitive function, mental depression and ADL and the voiding function score, a close correlation was not found. It was shown that urinary incontinence can be improved through therapy even though patients have problems with their cognitive, mental and physical functions.

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A Study on Nursing Diagnoses and Nursing Intervention Classification: focused on Home Health Care Clients
Cho Ja Kim, Ae Kyu Choi, Ki Ran Kim, Hee Young Song
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 1999;29(1):72-83.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purpose of this study was to classify, from collected home health care records data, nursing diagnoses according to the NANDA system and nursing interventions according to the NIC system, and to link nursing interventions to nursing diagnoses. For this study, 101 home health care records of clients seen between September, 1994 and November, 1996 at Yonsei Medical Center, Seoul, were analyzed. The results of this study are summarized as follows: 1. The most frequent nursing diagnoses were 'Risk for infection' and 'Altered nutrition : Less than body requirements', then 'Impaired skin integrity' and 'Ineffective airway clearance' in the Exchange patterns of NANDA nine human response patterns. 2. The most frequent nursing interventions were the interventions in the Physiological : Complex domain, there were 690(50.7%) interventions among a total 1347 interventions. This results corresponds to Yom, Young Hee(1995)'s research, both Korean and U.S. nurses used the interventions in the Physiological : Complex domain most often on a daily basis. And respiratory nursing interventions were most frequent because 32.7% of the subjects were respiratory patients. 3. The next step was to link the nursing interventions to nursing diagnoses. The most frequent nursing diagnosis was 'Risk for infection' and 19 interventions for 'Risk for infection' were used 267 times. Then 14 interventions for 'Impaired skin integrity' were used 258 times, 12 interventions for 'Ineffective airway clearance' were used 193 times, 12 interventions for 'Altered nutrition : Less than body requirements' were used 122 times, 10 interventions for 'Activity intolerance' were used 75 times, and 11 interventions for 'Knowledge deficit' were used 52 times. 4. The use of standardized classification in the areas of nursing diagnoses and nursing interventions facilitates clinical decision making and prompt nursing activity, and so enhances the effectiveness of nursing care.

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Hardiness: Determinants of Psychological Distress from Stress
Mi Ra Lee, Hee Young So, Eun Kyong Ahn, Tae Sook Kim
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 1998;28(3):583-590.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

This study was understand in order to examine the effect of hardness on stress-causing factors, defined in this study as burnout in nursing. The subjects were 248 nurses working in three general hospitals in Taejon. The instruments used for this study were a survey of general characteristics, modified Health-Related Hardiness Scale(HRHS) (25 items), job stress scale (63 items), and burnout scale(20 items). Analysis of data was done through the mean, percentage, Person correlation coefficient, and stepwise multiple regression done with a SAS program. The results of this study are as follows. 1) The average item score for the job stress was high at 4.44. In the subcategories, the highest degree of stress was night duty(5.11), and work overload(4.70), responsibility for extra affairs(4.70), conflict in nurse-doctor relationships(4.69), and low reward (4.63) in that order. 2) In the stepwise multiple regression analysis, hardiness(11.55%) was a significant determinant of burnout along with job stress(17.24%) and job duration(12.94%). The results of this study show that hardiness has an effect on psychological distress caused by stress.

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Content Analysis of the Experience of Preceptors in Clinical Education for Senior Student Nurses
Hea Kung Hur, Sang Soon Choi, Yang Heui Ahn, Young Mi Lim, Yun Hee Shin, So Mi Park, Gi Yon Kim, Hee Young Song
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2004;34(5):859-868.   Published online March 28, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purpose of this study was to identify experiences of nurses who served as preceptors in clinical education for senior student nurses in a college of medicine in Wonju city.


Data was collected from 20 preceptors instructing senior student nurses in 2001 using a self-completion questionnaire. To analyze data, content analysis was done using an analysis scheme developed by the investigators.


The analysis scheme consisted of 7 categories and 25 subcategories. 135 significant statements were analyzed and categorized. Preceptors indicated that they were role models, socialization facilitators and educators while instructing students in the clinical practicum. In performing the preceptors' role, preceptors reported that their most important change was self-enhancement,and positive experience was a constructive work atmosphere. The most important factor facilitating the preceptors' role performance was support from head nurses, and the most discouraging factor was work loads.


This study suggests that interventions for encouragement and socialization of preceptors should be developed to promote clinical education for senior student nurses.

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Effects of Tai Chi Exercise on Cardiovascular Risk Factors and Quality of Life in Post-menopausal Women
Rhayun Song, Sukhee Ahn, Hee Young So, In Sook Park, Hyun Li Kim, Kyung Ok Joo, Jong Sung Kim
J Korean Acad Nurs 2009;39(1):136-144.   Published online February 17, 2009
AbstractAbstract PDF

Natural menopause resulting in the decline in endogenous estrogen concentrations is responsible for an increased risk of coronary heart disease in postmenopausal women. The purpose of the study was to examine the effects of a 6-month Tai Chi exercise program on cardiovascular risk factors and quality of life in post-menopausal women.


A quasi-experimental design with pretest and posttest measures was used. The participants in the study, 29 women in the Tai Chi group and 31 in the control group, were enrolled for 6 months.


After 6 months of Tai Chi exercise, total cholesterol (M=213 to 185), LDL-cholesterol (M=135 to 128), and their 10 yr cardiovascular disease risk (M=2.62 to 2.27) had improved significantly for the Tai Chi participants compared to the control group. Total scores for quality of life along with the sub-dimensions of health perception and mental functioning were also significantly higher in the Tai Chi participants.


Tai Chi exercise favorably affected cardiovascular health and quality of life in post-menopausal women after 6 months. Additional rigorous studies are needed to examine long term effects on the prevention of cardiovascular disease in this population.

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Factors explaining Quality of Life in Individuals with Coronary Artery Disease
In Sook Park, Rhayun Song, Sukhee Ahn, Hee Young So, Hyun Li Kim, Kyung Ok Joo
J Korean Acad Nurs 2008;38(6):866-873.   Published online December 31, 2008
AbstractAbstract PDF

The study was done to compare quality of life by gender, and to identify factors which explain quality of life in individuals with coronary artery disease.


For the survey, 91 individuals (53 men and 38 women) agreed to participate in the study. Cardiovascular risk factors, systolic blood pressure, body mass index, total cholesterol, triglyceride, high density lipoprotein-cholesterol, and low density lipoprotein-cholesterol, health behavior as well as quality of life, were measured. Descriptive statistics, t-test, correlation and hierarchical multiple regression with SPSS WIN 12.0 were used to analyze the data.


Significant gender differences were found for education, smoking status, chronic disease, perceived health status, and quality of life within sub-dimensions. Hierarchical regression analysis showed gender (men), age, perceived health status, cardiovascular risk scores, and health behaviors together explained 40.2% (adjusted R2) of variance in quality of life.


As the factors explaining quality of life in individuals with coronary artery disease have been identified as gender (men), age, perceived health status, and health behaviors, health promotion programs designed for this population should focus on these factors for effective behavioral modification, and consequent improvement in quality of life.

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