The purpose of this study; was to explore the degree of stress in caregivers earing for patients who had had a cerebro vascular accident as the stress is related to the self care ability of the patient. The subjects for the study were caregivers of 111 CVA patients, hospitalized at two University affiliated hospitals and two general hospitals in Daejon. The survey instruments used in the study were Kang's ADL Check List and a modified form of Lee's Stress Inventory. The survey was: conducted from July 16th to August 30th, 1992. The survey results were analyzed using the Statisitical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) and can be sumerized as follows: 1. The level of self-care for the CVA patients was: 1) complete dependence (M=34.7, 31.2%), 2) complete independence (M=14.8, 13.3%), 3) incomplete independence (M=17.5, 15.8%), 4) incomplete dependence (M=14.8, 13.3%) and 5) dependence and independence (M=14.1. 12.7%). The items for which there was a high level of self-care were: 1) drinking (M=3.640). 2) returning (M=2.351) and 3) eating (M=2.351): and the items for which there was a low level of self-care were: 1) ascending and descending stairs (M=2.351), 2) dressing and undressing trousers (M=2.514) and 3) dressing and undressing jacket (M=2.532). 2. There was a statistically difference between the paralytic status and the level of self-care according to their demographic characteristics (F=24. 7056, P<. 001). 3. There was no significant difference in the degree of caregiver stress according to patient's demographic characteristics. 4. There was a statistically significant difference in the degree of caregiver stress according to the following demographic characteristics: age (F=7.4189, P<.001), education level(F=5.8336, P<.01), family structure (t=2.10, P<.05) and their relationship with the patient (F=6.5099, P<.01). 5. There was no significant difference in the degree of caregiver stress according to the level of patient self-care.