This second study on the effectiveness of nursing organization was designed to test the relationships between effectiveness of nursing organizations and structural variables that had been significant variables in the first study, the group design variable and the personal characteristic variables that had not been analysed in the first study based on personal resource productivity model. The data were collected through self-reported questionnaires completed by 605 nurses working in hospitals in seoul and 782 patients being hospitalized in 5 tertiary hospitals in Seoul. The results showed that according to the canonical correlation analysis, the managing job design, nursing delivery system. nurse's age career, and formalization were revealed as predicting variables of a nurses' job satisfaction and patients satisfaction among the five hospitals. Hospitals in which the team nursing method was used showed a higher score in nurses' job satisfaction and patient satisfaction than in hospitals which used the functional nursing model.
This study was designed to test relationship between effectiveness of nursing organizations and structural and managerial variables of nursing organizations that are described in the Robbins Organizational theory model. The data were collected through self reported questionnaires from 605 nurses working in, and 782 patients hospitalized in, five tertiary hospitals in seoul. Results showed that according to MANOVA there was a significant difference in nurses job satisfaction and patient satisfaction among the five hospitals. According to cluster analysis of the structural and managerial variables of nursing organizations, the five hospitals were divided into two clusters and there was no significant difference in nurses job satisfaction or patient satisfaction between the two clusters. According to canonical correlation analysis the formalization and centralization of structural variables were shown to be predicting variables for nurses job satisfaction, and the managing job design and managing change of managerial variables were shown to be predicting variables for nurses job satisfaction.
The purpose of this study was to contribute to the development of clinical instruction by students' ratings of teaching effectiveness in clinical nursing education. The subjects were comprised of graduating class 618 students from 24 nursing colleges in the nation. The instruments used in this study were "general characteristics and status of clinical nursing education" developed by the researcher and "Instrument to Measure Effectiveness of Clinical Instructors " by Reeve (1994). The 50 questions used in the questionaire were categorized into 13 components subject to factor analysis. The 13 components were interpersonal relationships, communication skills, role model, resource for students, favorable to students, encouraging to think for selves, teaching methods, evaluation, finding assignments for objectives, organization of subject matter, professional competence, knowledge of subject matter and working with agency personnel. The results of this study are as follows 1. Status of clinical nursing educaion: 1) Clinical nursing education were led by nursing professors(44.9%), a team of both nuring professor and head nurse(6.8%), instructors from specific hospital(15.1%), instuctos for a specific subject(14.6%), and head nurse (6.8%). For 3-year program students, 34.6% of the clinical nursing education were led by instructors from specific hospital and 51.4% of the education by nursing professors for Bachelor's program. 2) The contents for clinical education comprised of Conference being the most frequent of 34.5%; a combination of Nursing skills, Orientation, Conference etc. 22.0%; Nursing process 21.7%; Orientation 13.5%; Inspection (making rounds) 6.4%, and Nursing skills of 2% being the least frequent. 3) Students' preference of clinical teachers from the highest to the lowest were instructors for a specific subject being the most desired(44.9%) followed by nursing professor, head nurse, a team of both nursing professor and head nurse, and instructors from specific hospital being the least desired. 4) Students felt that the qualification for clinical teachers should be at least a master's degree holder and 5 or more years of clinical experience. The reason they felt was because knowledge and experience are imperative for professional education. 2. Clinical teaching effectiveness: The total points for teaching effectiveness was 147.97(mean of 2.95 +/- 0.98) where the total score is considered to be an average rating. 3. Teaching effectiveness as status of clinical nursing education: 1) The score ratings for the clinical instructors from the highest to the lowest were as follows; instructors for a specific subject, instructors from specific hospitals, a team of both nursing professors and head nurses, nursing professors, head nurses, which resulted in significunt differ-ence(F=4.53, P<0.001). 2) The rating scores based on the teaching program from the highest to the lowest were as follws; nursing skills, nursing process, a combination of nursing skills, orientation, conference etc., conferences, orientation, inspection, which resulted in significunt difference(F-10.97, P<0.001). 4. Based on 13 categorized components from the questionaires, questions related to communication skills scored the highest points of 3.20 where inquiries regarding resource for students scored the lowest points of 2.38. 5. Among the 13 categorial components from the questionaire, Interpersonal relationship, Communication skills, Resource for students, Encouraging to think for selves, Evaluation, Teaching method, Finding assignment for objectives, Organization of subject matter, Professional competence, and Working with agency personnel, instructors for a specific subject scored the highest points and head nurse scored the lowest, which resulted in significant diference. Favorable for students, instructors for a specific subject scored highest points and nursing professor scored the lowest, which resulted in significant deference (F=5.39, P<0.001). Role model and Professional competence, instructors for a specific subject scored the highest points and head nurse scored the lowest, with minimum variation(F-1.29, p>0.05:F=1.64,P>0.05). 6. Based on 13 categorial components as a whole, the highest points scored among the 5 groups of clinical teachers was instructors for a specific subject and the lowest, by head nurse(F=1.94, P<0. 001). A team of both nursing professor and head nurse attained higher score in clinical education than their independent education.
Cost effectiveness is a recent and newly emerging approach in nursing evaluation studies. Nursing is in a unique position among health care providers to respond to these efforts and is ready to provide evidence of its cost-effectiveness because nurses has long advocated a holistic view of patient care, that means, nurses are unique position to identify the full range of costs and effects. The cumulative evidence showed that nurses provided cost-effective care that substituted for physician services in many situations and new and important services in long-term care and nursing homes. The purpose of this article is to review, critique, and synthesize research on the cost-effectiveness of nursing care from the research methodology perspective. Two major problems are apparent from this review. First, there is no uniform approach to identifying and valuing resources used in producing nursing intervention options. Second, although it is not difficult to find reports of cost savings, the cost to effect ratio was not used to evaluate the relationship between the cost and effects of alternative options. Based on my analysis, the nursing CEA literature seemed to have huge variation in methods, so that it is not easy to compare the CEA methods among studies. There are still such methodological problems as we found in the literature review. Many of the studies reviewed here would have profited from improved designs. Therefore, future cost-effectiveness analyses should include methodological progress in the context of nursing area application such as the definition and quantification of multi-attribute effectiveness measures, employment of sensitivity analysis, a concept of discount. Nurse and nurse researchers should consider cost-effectiveness questions when addressing other research questions. Because these efforts are forcing policy makers to consider the economics of nursing, nurses should demonstrate and document the value of nursing as compared to other uses of society's health care resources.
The purpose of the study was to identify the effect of structured patients education had on prevention of osteoporosis, with fracture and the resulting of life style changes in patients. In this study, a non equivalent control group pre and a post test design was employed. Data were collected through an interview process using questionnaires from April to December of 1999. The subjects, consisting of 59 patients with fractures and over 40 years of age, were diagnosed in K University Hospital. This study tested the patients knowledge at three times. The times were before the program 2 weeks into the program, and 6 months after education program. Life style change related to prevention of osteoporosis was shown twice (before and 6 months after the education program) in the experimental group, and control group went without it. The instruments used for this study were developed by literature review according to a reliability test. Data was analyzed using X2 test and t test to determine similarities between the experimental and control groups. The hypothesis was tested using repeated measures of ANOVA, t-test and Pearson correlation coefficients. The results of the study were summarized as follows: 1. The first hypothesis was accepted: a higher level of knowledge about osteoporosis was found in experimental groups who received education than to the control group during the period (F=19.82, p=.0001). 2. The second hypothesis was accepted: a higher level of life style changes about osteoporosis on experimental group were recorded than as compared to control group (t=3.55, p=.001). 3. The third hypothesis was accepted: the higher the knowledge about osteoporosis the higher the level of performance of life style changes about prevention of osteoporosis (r=.600, p=.0001). In conclusion, structured patient education in patient with fractures improved the level of knowledge about osteoporosis and more likely undergo of life style changes 6 months after the education program. Also reeducation would be needed 6 months after program ends. That is structured patient education in pamphlet form would be very effective in nursing intervention that may to result in life style changes. Therefore further research is needed to reinforce the education material and to generalize the education effect.
The purpose of the present study is 1) to explain major effect models (main, moderating, and mediating) of social support and statistical methods for testing the effect models and 2) to analyze and evaluate the consistency in the use of the effect models and its statistical methods in Korean nursing studies. A total of 57 studies were selected from Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing, Journal of Korean Academic Society of Adult Nursing, Journal of Korean Women's Health Nursing Academic Society, Journal of Fundamentals of Nursing, Journal of Korean Community Nursing, Journal of Korean Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing Academic Society, and Journal of Korean Pediatric Nursing Academic Society published in the year of 1990-1999. In results, most studies on social support performed in Korea Nursing Society were about a main effect model. There are few studies on moderating or mediating model of social support. Thus, it was difficult to find research findings how, why, under what conditions social support impacted on health outcomes. Most studies on the moderating or mediating effect model of social support used statistical methods for testing main effect model rather than for testing moderating or mediating effect model. That is, there are inconsistency between effect models of social support and its statistical methods in Korean nursing researches. Therefore, it is recommended to perform studies on moderating or mediating effect model and use appropriate statistical methods.
The purpose of the present study is to identify the mediation effect of hope between fatigue and psychosocial adjustment in women with breast cancer. The framework for this study was guided by concepts and propositions derived from the theoretical and empirical literature on fatigue, hope and adjustment. The design of this study is a descriptive correlation study using a cross-sectional design. One hundred and twenty two outpatients with early breast cancer, receiving post-surgical radiation therapy or chemotherapy, were selected from three major medical centers in Seoul, Korea. A packet including PABCF (Psychosoical Adjustment to Breast Cancer Factor), revised RPFS (Revised Piper Fatigue Scale), HHI (Herth Hope Index), and self-addressed return envelope was given to the participants at seven to eight weeks post surgery. The questionnaires were to be completed at home and returned to the researcher by mail. The obtained data were analyzed using three regression equations guided by Baron and Kenny (1986); first, hope was regressed on fatigue; second, psychosocial adjustment was regressed on fatigue; and third, psychosocial adjustment was regressed on fatigue and hope, simultaneously. In the first equation, fatigue explained 4% of the variance in hope. In the second equation, fatigue explained 47% of the variance in psychosocial adjustment. In the last equation, hope and fatigue significantly explained the variance in psychosocial adjustment. Therefore, all conditions for the test of mediation effect of hope were satisfied. For the test of the mediation effect, the beta coefficients of fatigue on psychosocial adjustment on the second and third regression equations were compared. The beta coefficients were decreased from .69 (p < .001) on the second regression equation to .63 (p < .001) on the third regression equation. Thus, the hypothesis of this study was supported. As a result of this study, the negative Influence of fatigue on psychosocial adjustment is dampened through the mediator effect of hope in women with breast cancer. Therefore, when planning care for the adverse effect of fatigue on psychosocial adjustment, oncology nurses should consider hope as a mediator between fatigue and psychosocial adjustment to breast cancer.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of a rehabilitation program on physical health, physiological indicators and quality of life in breast cancer mastectomy patients.
The subjects included thirty-one patients with breast cancer (17 in the experimental group and 14 in the control group). The subjects in the experimental group participated in a rehabilitation program for 10 weeks, which was composed of an exercise program, teaching, counseling and support for 2 sessions per week.
There was a significant increase in flexion, internal rotation and external rotation but no significant increase in extension in the experimental group compared to the control group. The total cholesterol, triglyceride, HDL, LDL, and CD56 in the experimental group compared to the control group was not significantly decreased after the rehabilitation program. Compared to the control group, quality of life in the experimental group was significantly improved and fatigue in that group was significantly decreased after the rehabilitation program.
The 10-week rehabilitation program showed a large affirmative effect on physical health, physiological indicators and quality of life in breast cancer mastectomy patients.
This study was to test the effectiveness of Web-based multimedia contents for Physical Examination and Health Assessment on learning achievement.
Multimedia contents based on Jung's teaching and learning structure model were used to enhance learning achievement. Learning achievement was measured by the knowledge of Physical Examination and Health Assessment. The participants of this study were students in a BSN and RN-BSN program in a university located in Seoul. 59 students in the experimental group received lectures using web-based multimedia contents and 75 students in the control group received regular lectures.
The mean score of the degree of educational achievement in the experimental group(mean=31.09) was significantly higher than in the control group(mean=25.55)(t=-3.883, p=.000).
These web-based multimedia contents were found to maximizethe effectiveness of the teaching process when used as a teaching aid, and yet kept the strength of a face to face teaching learning method. This program is recommended as part of a main text, vital teaching aid or cyber lecture materials in nursing schools and in health care educational institutions.
The purpose of this paper was to describe the characteristics of smoking prevention programs in Korea, to estimate overall effect size of Korean smoking prevention programs, and to investigate effect size variations by program modality and instruction method.
Meta-analysis was performed on21 programs in 20 studies.
The estimation of overall effect size for knowledge and attitude was not possible because effect sizes were not homogeneous in this meta-analysis. However, effect sizes of studies that were socially influential programs or active/interactive methods were larger than information-oriented programs or passive/non-interactive methods in the pictures. The effects for behavioral outcomes were generally not as positive and not statistically significant. Q statistics showed that variations among effect sizes within program modality and instruction method classifications were heterogeneous.
The results from this meta-analysis support the continued use of socially influential programs and active/interactive methods for smoking prevention programs. Because behavioral effect might be the fundamental objective of smoking prevention programs, the present results indicate that smoking prevention programs should consider adopting more effective programs.
The study was done to identify the relationship of treatment side effects, family support, and quality of life in patients with cancer, and factors influencing quality of life.
A convenience sample of 106 patients who were receiving cancer treatment at W hospital were interviewed using the Side Effects scale by Hur, Family Support scale by Kang, and QOL scale by Ro.
Results indicate that women experienced more severe side effects than men. There was a negative relationship between side effects and quality of life, and a positive relationship between family support and quality of life. The most bothersome side effects were changes in taste and appetite, followed by general weakness and fatigue. Side effects such as loss of hair, nausea, dizziness, numbness, pins and needles in fingers and toes, and dry mouth were also experienced. General weakness and family support were analysed as to whether they were factors influencing quality of life.
The results revealed that relieving general weakness should be given high priority in nursing interventions for patients undergoing cancer treatment. In addition, nursing programs should be developed that can reinforce family support.
The purpose of this study was to develop a breastfeeding empowerment program and to investigate the effects of the breastfeeding empowerment program on self-efficacy, adaptation and continuation of breastfeeding for primiparous women.
The 5 session breastfeeding empowerment program was developed and a non-equivalent control group non-synchronized quasi-experiment design was used. Fifty-five participants were assigned to either the experimental group (n=27) or the control group (n=28). Effects were tested using repeated measures ANOVA and χ2-test.
Scores for self-efficacy, adaptation and continuation of breastfeeding of in the experimental group after program were significantly higher than 1week, 4weeks, 8weeks scores in control group.
The effects of the breastfeeding empowerment program for elevating self-efficacy, adaptation and continuation of breastfeeding in primiparous women were validated. Therefore, this program can be recommended for vigorous use in clinical practice.
The purpose of this study was to introduce the main concepts of statistical testing and effect size and to provide researchers in nursing science with guidance on how to calculate the effect size for the statistical analysis methods mainly used in nursing.
For t-test, analysis of variance, correlation analysis, regression analysis which are used frequently in nursing research, the generally accepted definitions of the effect size were explained.
Some formulae for calculating the effect size are described with several examples in nursing research. Furthermore, the authors present the required minimum sample size for each example utilizing G*Power 3 software that is the most widely used program for calculating sample size.
It is noted that statistical significance testing and effect size measurement serve different purposes, and the reliance on only one side may be misleading. Some practical guidelines are recommended for combining statistical significance testing and effect size measure in order to make more balanced decisions in quantitative analyses.
This study was done to develop a prediction model for postpartum depression by verifying the mediation effect of antepartum depression. A hypothesized model was developed based on literature reviews and predictors of postpartum depression by Beck.
Data were collected from 186 pregnant women who had a gestation period of more than 32 weeks and were patients at a maternity hospital, two obstetrics and gynecology specialized hospitals, or the outpatient clinic of K medical center. Data were analysed with descriptive statistics, correlation and exploratory factor analysis using the SPSS/WIN 18.0 and AMOS 18.0 programs.
The final modified model had good fit indices. Parenting stress, antepartum depression and postpartum family support had statistically significant effects on postpartum depression, and defined 74.7% of total explained variance of postpartum depression. Antepartum depression had significant mediation effects on postpartum depression from stress in pregnancy and self-esteem.
The results of this study suggest that it is important to develop nursing interventions including strategies to reduce parenting stress and improve postpartum family support in order to prevent postpartum depression. Especially, it is necessary to detect and treat antepartum depression early to prevent postpartum depression as antepartum depression can affect postpartum depression by mediating antepartum factors.
This study was conducted to examine the late effects, social adjustment, and quality of life in adolescents who had been completely treated for childhood leukemia and their parents.
Participants consisted of 41 pairs of adolescent survivors (13-18 years) and their parents. Parents checked for their child's physical late effects. The Korean Version of Post-Traumatic Symptoms for psychological late effects, social functioning questionnaire for social adjustment and the PedsQL 4.0 Generic Core Scales for quality of life were completed by adolescents and parents. Data were analyzed using SPSS.
Twenty out of 41 adolescents had one or more physical late effects. Adolescents showed more serious psychological late effect than parents. Five children and seven parents had above cut-off scores and they were considered the high risk group for posttraumatic symptoms. Parent-reported scores were significantly higher than child-reported scores in terms of social adjustment and emotional functioning of quality of life. Low school functioning in adolescents was associated with physical late effects.
The results indicate that long-term and systematic management for childhood leukemia survivors affect positive social adjustment and can further improve quality of life.
This study was done to develop and evaluate a drug dosage calculation training program using cognitive loading theory based on a smartphone application. Calculation ability, dosage calculation related self-efficacy and anxiety were measured.
A nonequivalent control group design was used. Smartphone application and a handout for self-study were developed and administered to the experimental group and only a handout was provided for control group. Intervention period was 4 weeks. Data were analyzed using descriptive analysis,
The experimental group showed more ‘self-efficacy for drug dosage calculation’ than the control group (t= 3.82,
These results indicate that this drug dosage calculation training program using smart-phone application is effective in improving dosage calculation related self-efficacy and calculation ability. Further study should be done to develop additional interventions for reducing anxiety.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the Permission, Limited Information, Specific Suggestions, Intensive Therapy (PLISSIT) model sexual program on female sexual function for women with gynecologic cancer.
The integrative 6-hr (two hours per session) program reflecting physical and psychosocial aspects of women's sexuality was developed based on Annon's PLISSIT model. Participants were 61 women with cervical, ovarian, or endometrial cancer. Of them, 29 were assigned to the experimental group and 32 to the control group. The women completed the Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI) including sexual desire, arousal, lubrication, orgasm, satisfaction, and pain. Independent t-test and repeated measured ANOVA were used to test the effectiveness of the program.
Significant group differences were found on FSFI sub-domain scores including sexual desire, arousal, lubrication, orgasm, and satisfaction but not pain. Significant time differences were found on all domains except for pain in the experimental group repeated measured ANOVA.
The results indicate that the three-week PLISSIT model sexual program is effective in increasing sexual function for women with gynecologic cancer. Nurses may contribute to improving women's sexual function by utilizing the program. Strategies to relieve sexual pain need to be considered for greater effectiveness of the program.
This analysis was conducted to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of gemcitabine-cisplatin chemotherapy for non small-cell lung cancer patients in an outpatient setting compared with the traditional inpatient setting.
A cost-effective analysis was conducted from a societal perspective. The effects of treatment, which was measured as an adverse event rate, were abstracted from a published literature search and empirical data from one university hospital. The costs included both direct and indirect costs. Direct costs included hospitalizations, outpatient visits, and lab tests. Pharmaceutical costs were excluded in analysis because they were same for both options. Indirect costs included productivity loss of patients as well as care-givers. In order to determine the robustness of the results, sensitivity analysis on treatment protocol was conducted.
Literature search showed no difference in adverse effect rates between inpatient treatment protocol and outpatient treatment protocol. Therefore, this analysis is a cost-minimization analysis. Cost-savings in the outpatient setting was 555,936 won for one treatment cycle. Our sensitivity analysis indicated that the outpatient chemotherapy still showed cost-savings, regardless of changes in treatment protocol.
The outpatient gemcitabine-cisplatin chemotherapy for non small-cell lung cancer resulted in cost savings compared to inpatient chemotherapy. More importantly, outpatient chemotherapy could improve the utilization of health service resources in terms of available beds.