This study is designed to meet the following objectives: (1) To study attitude and behavior regarding marriage and age at marriage, (2) To learn correlates of age at marriage and to examine their relations. (3) To measure relative importance of the correlates of age at marriage, and (4) To study relations of age at marriage and family planning practice to fertility and their relative importance as correlates of fertility. The data are obtained by an independent cross-sectional survey in three study areas purposively selected to represent metropolitan, semiurban, rural population. The study population is confined to women age 17-50 as of survey. The overall response rate is 90%. Reliability of data is measured by individual and aggregate inconsistency based upon a 15% subsample of the original interviews. The individual inconsistency (31%) is found to be high compared to the aggregate inconsistency (6%) for all 85 variables. However, the magnitude of differences betwaen means is small, and tha mean absolute shifts and! proportional shifts are also small on the whole. In a word, respondents did not change their answers too extremely or radically. Thec study populations of each study area are compared on some basic characteristics. It is found that the three study populations have more dissimilarities than similarities. The findings on seven different attitudinal positions of women toward marriage indicate that there have been tremendous changes in all study areas from "traditional* attitudes which have been prevalent for a long time in Korean socirty to "liberalized" or "modernized" attitudes. An apparent tendency is that women generally take a position of a "golden mean" attitude by not preferring either extreme of marriage attitudes. Nevertheless, the young, single, educated, and urbanite appears more "liberalized." There has been some increase in ideal age at marrige from 1958 to 1970 for both sexes. No age group, marital status, or study area differentials in ideal age at marrige are found, the average idea) age at marriage in every sub- group being 24-25. Awareness of existing legal marriageable ages is low; only 4.4% are aware that "with parental permission: minimum age for males is 18 years and for females 16 years," and only 3.7% are aware that "without parental permission: 27 years for males and 23 years for females." People in Korea tend to marry spouses who are in various social ways like themselves; the similarities include (a) education, occupational status of father, (c) egonomicc status, (d) usual residence befor marriage, and (e) religion. Both singulate and actual mean ages at marriage in this study confirm the trend of rising age at marrige previously established by other independent studies. The urban-rural differential in age at marriage is observed, but the differentia! narrows down gradually from 1935 to 1970. All socio-economic, demographic, and other variables pertaining to wife before and at first mar riage excluding (a) religion, (b) father's occupation, and (c) age of menarche, are correlated with respondent's age at first marriage, whereas only three variables out of all socio-economic variables relating to husband before and at wife's first marriage, viz.. (a) education, (b) usual residence, and (c) economic level of his old home, are correlated with respondent's age at marriage. Among socio-economic and modernity variables related to either husband or wife at the time of survey, only education and duration of residence are correlated with wife's age at first marriage. Among the correlates of respondent' age at first marriage, education is in general the most important variable. However, it is found that wife's education is more important than husband's. The combined effects of the correlates studied explain no more than about 40% of variance for any of the selected groups of variables. Points which might counteract the effects of late marrige on fertility are not serious in Korea. For each of the correlates of the three fertility indices chosen for this study, namely, (a) number of living children, (b) number of live births, and (c) number of pregnancies, age at marriage is the major contributor to the variance in all age groups except the age group of 20-29 in which the index of family planning practice is the major contributor. The proportion of variability in fertility indices accounted for by the correlates is never more than 40% of the total variance in any age group. Based upon the findings from this study, it could be concluded that in the foreseeable future (a) celibate group will not be increased to a point that would slow down population growth rate in Korea, (b) age at marriage will not increase continually, (c) although education stands out as the major contributing variable which independently explains the variation in age at marrige, it seems probable that education may not be the major variable in the near future, and (d) despite the fact found by this study that age at marriags has bean the major contributor to the variance of each of the fertility indices used, family planning practice will play a more important role in the reduction of fertility in the Korean society. Therefore, factors interrupting practice of family planning must be eliminated and famliy planning program should be strengthened if further fertility reduction is needed.
Today, over seventy five percent of the schools of nursing in Korea provide a psychiatric experience in the basic curriculum. The psychiatric presents numerous major problems of adjustment to the student. The importance of positive attitudes toward the nursing care of psychiatric patients is recognized by the nursing profession. The purpose of this study was to determine the expressed attitudes of fifty-three nursing students toward their psychiatric affiliation. An attempt, also, was made to determine what implications these attitudes revealed relative to future program planning for students during the psychiatric nursing affiliation. A questionnaire, a Korean translation of the "psychiatric Nursing Attitude Questionnaire" by Mildred Elizabeth Fletcher, was administered to fifty-three nursing students from three schools of nursing in Seoul. Who had completed a four-week psychiatric affliation in a large mental hospital during Mar. 19, 1973 to May 19, 1973. The questionnaire of 100 statements was administered In the following way; (1) Fart I, Prec-onceptions, was, given in individual conferences with each subject, during the first few days of their affiliation, and again during the final week of the affiliation. The responses to Part 1 were oral. (2) Part 2 Expectations, Part 3, Personal Relations, Part 4, Personal Feelings, and Part 5, Attitudes and Activities of Patients were given to all of ths subjects in a group meeting during the second week of the affiliation, and again, during the fourth week at the termination of the affiliation. Responses to Parts 2,3,4, and 5, were written. Each of the 100 statements of the questionnaire was considered to be either Positive or Negativ-e. A favorable response was assigned the Positive value of land an unfavorable response was assigned the Negative value of 0. The coefficient of correlation was computed between the two sets of scores for the fifty-three nursing students., The mean score, the standard deviation, and the differences in the means on each of the five parts of the questionnaire were computed and the relationships calculated by a t-test. The results of the study were as follows: 1. There was no significant correlation between the two sets of scores for the fifty-three nursing students during the four-week psychiatric affiliation. (r=573) 2. There was no significant difference in the mean scores between the first and final tests for any of the five parts of the auestionnaire. 3. The Part. 1, Preconceptions, data indicated nursing students enter the psychiatric affiliation with certain attitudes and preconceptions toward the psychiatric affiliation which affect their psychiatric nursing experience. 4. The Part 2, Expectations, data indicated inappropriate expectations of students related to lack of experience, Lack of pre-psychiatric affiliation orientation, lack of social understanding, and feelings of insecurity. 5. The Part I, Personal relations, data indicated some students have negative attitudes in personal relations with normal people in respect to psychological security and social responsibilities. 6. The Part 4, Personal feelings, data indicated nursing students have psychological insecurity & inappropriateness. 7. The Part 7, Attitudes and activities of patients, data indicated nursing students have negative attitudes Ot tear and frustration due to the psychotic behavior of certain patients in certain situations. 8. The data indicated preconceptions are predominate in unfavorable attitudes of students toward psychiatric nursing affiliation. Further researchis indicated in the following areas: 1. Because of the limited number of students in this study, similar studies should be performed with larger groups for further validation of the results. 2. Because of the findings concerning the influence of the opinions of people in close contact with the students, similar studies of the attitudes of the staff in nursing schools, attitudes of graduate nurses and attitudes of the public should be done to determine weakness and strengths of present programs.
This thesis intends to make a study on the effectiveness of Nursing Professors through perceptual psychological approach. Purpose ot the Study Researches have been made relating teacher's effectiveness measurement. However, they share a common defect that they have been done on the basis of superficial aspects of the problems aspects that can be measured by general objective survey only, but this study is designed "to understand his behavior in terms of a human behaving and of a self as an instrument"-principle, based upon the Perceptual Psychology which puts more stress on the inner perception than on the external one. Method of the Study This thesis is based chiefly on the two soarcess. "Perceptual Orientation Scale" (Chunghoon Choy, 1971) which has been standardized on the basis of perceptual psychology and the questio-naires made by the researcher of this thesis and given to the 34 Nursing Professors in seoul and other country. Result of the Study The method of data operation by Pearson "r" asserts that there were distinct deep relation Between Perceptual orientation and fellow's estimate, while a little relation among the estimate of a-dministration, educational backgrounds and occupations but no relations the status of experiences. It can be concluded that the estimates between fellows working at "the same fields" have kept deep relations together on perceptual orientation which resulted from finding out a useful method to measure occupational effectiveness according to the perceptual field. Conclusion of the Study The personnel administration has bsen managsd according to external status and not positive operation; on the other hand, this study holds, it shall be oparated in accordance with the estimates by fellow, the "Preceptual Orientation Scale" for more positive ability. The study requires the following researches on the devoted professional occupations, such as medical doctors, teachers, nurses, etc. for the purpose of increasing their occupational effectiveness more scientifically.
This study was carried out for the objectives to collect the basic informations on the health behaviors of the elementary school children in an urban area in Korea. Seven hundred students were drawn to fill in the designed questionnaire which carries variety of questions on health related behaviors in general, eating habits, disease history, mental health, and sex education. Questionnaire were filled in by their parents. Major findings are as follows: 1. 55.7% had habits of washing the hands before eating whereas 59.8% washing their hands after toilet. The others had no idea of washing hands before eating and after toilet. 2. 26.5% had habits of brushing the teeth twice a day 54.7% only once in the morning, and 2.6% once only in the evening. Thus, the idea of prevention from decayed teeth seems to be lacking among the school children. 3. Bathing habits were also inquired to get 40.3% of bathing more than once a week, 43.1% once every two weeks, and the rest of 16.6% once every one to three months. 4. 41.7% keep the regular bedding time whereas 58.3% irregular. Physical exercises were conducted by 76.6% on the ground while 23.5% did not practice any physical exceraiaes at all. Of those physical exercises, rope skipping occupied 37.5%, and the other 66.9% consisted of 14 different kinds of individual type physical exercises such as gymnastic exercise. The main reasons for not enjoying exercises were different by sex; boys largely complained the inadequacy and lack of gymnastic facilities and girls felt in short of friends who could join the exercises. 5. 31.9% of the school children had been taking not much of food while 28.3% had unbalanced diets. Of these unbalanced diets, meat occupied 33.2% to be the priority to have an order of the following items such as vegetables, bread or noodle, and fishes as next to each. For eating habits, 88.5% take simple snack such as bread (38.4%, cookies, fruits, and candies in order. 25.8% of the children were provided such snacks by their parents regularly. Breakfast was sufficiently taken by 45.0% whereas 8.4% had never sufficiently. As to the lunch, 63.6% had sufficiently while 16.8% insufficiently. 70.6% take breakfast with all family members together and 30.4% separately. Correlation of sufficient taking of breakfast and eating toget her of the family members seems to be significant when we compare 72.5% of sufficient takers who enjoy breakfast together with the family members with 55.6% of insufficient takers who enjoy it with the family. This finding allows the investigator to point out the importance of table circumstances for children's eating. 6. The most common disease was catching a cold (38.8%), and the second was stomach trouble to be followed by the frequency of car sickness, headache, and skin infection. Doctors are consulted only by 23.9% when they are sick whereas 59,7% resorted to the drug stores. The lower the educational attainment of the parents, the lower therate of visiting clinics. 7. 36.7% of their parents pointed out the problems of personality guidance as the most difficult thing at home. 71.3% of their parents worried about and unsatisfied with their children's personality traits. Of these complains of the parents, impatience stood at the top to be tabu-lated at 24.1%, and 21.1% indicated narrow-mindedness. In line with this primary socialization at home, the most crucial problem seems to be related with the lack or recognition of the parents' own rol3 when we find only 43.1% of the parents understood the importance of their own role for the home education of children; the latter group attributed the responsibility of personality formation to the children themselves. 8. As to the sex educational aspects, 30.9% of children have ever asked about the physiology of reproduction or sexual matters to their parents, of those parents only 17.0% could givc the constructive responses to the inquiries of the children. In comparis on with these data. 25.6% recognized their own role in sex education for their own children while the large seg ments of the parents (51.1%) attributed the responsibility of sex education to the low level of 38.3% who recognized the importance of sex education in the school curriculum and 25.1% of the parents insistad to wait until they get to know naturally about sex. 38.1% of the parents said they had some knowledge on sex from books while 16.9% through mass media. The next groups had common senses of sex from their own parents, schools, friends, and other sources.
Despite the intensive family Planning program of the government, which has reduced the average population growth to 2.0 percent in 1970, the continuing high fertility rates and poor family planning services in urban slum areas has been continually pointed out by various evaluation seminars. Thus, it was felt that a study of the current suatus of family planning in an urban slum population was needed. The aims of the study were tor (1) delineate the general characteristics of the urban slum population (2) discover the knowlsdge, attitudes, and practice of family planing. (3) determine what was felt to be the ideal number of children. (4) determine the status of induced abortion. A random stratified sampls of 200 women was selected from a population of 3,118 married women, 20-49 years of age, living in the Yonsei Community Health Project area and registered at the Yonheo Community Health Service Institute. The respondents were interviewed by the investigater, using a pratested questionare, from the period of October 1 to October 30, 1972. The findnigs of the Study were as follows: 1. More than half of the respondents were in the high fertility age group (25-34); of lower educational level (under primary School); from rural areas; and with unstable sources of income. 2. The average respondent had 3.6 living children. 3. Most of the respondents had knowledge of contraceptive methods such as the Loop(78.5%) and Oral pill (87'0%). 4. Seventy seven percent of the respondents recogninzed the Health Center as an available source for family planning. 5. About seventy percent of the respondents approved of family planning. 6. Eighty four point five percent of all the respondents answered that using contraceptives is harmful to maternal health. 7. Currently, 21.0 percent of the respondents were using contraceptives, while 40.0 percent of the respondents were current users or had used contraceptives. 8. Of the respondents who had ever stopped using contraceptives, 78.0 percent gave side effects as the reason they discontinued the method. 9. The average number of ideal children reported by the respondents was 3.5. 10. If they had only 2 daughters, 85.5 percent of the respondents thought they must have mure children. 11. Sixty nine point five percent of the respondents approved of induced abortion for unwanted pregnancies, while 34.5 percent of the respondents had experienced induced abortion (or unwanted pregnancies. The mean number of induced abortion for unwanted pregnancies was 0.7. 12. The result of this study showed that such urban slum population would be one of the most important target of the family planning services, therefore further social-psychological researches with technical development on this area are recommended.
The author conducted a field survey form Feb.1, 1973 to March 31. 1973 in the Busan area, striding six "instutions" where mentally ill patients are kept. These six instituions are registered at Busan Government, but are not regular hospitals. Theresults of these investigation are as follows: 1. There are six institutions which are registered at Busan City Government. All six are operated by layman who have little psychiatric knowledge and little humanistic motivation. 2. These institutions are allegedly to promate the welfare of the mentally sick. However they give little help for the patients. And they do not even have a resident medical person. The staff of those places will not accept professional medical help, and try to keep all information secret. 3. The finances are largely composed of patients' fees and partially from city's help. The buildings are of high guality compared with the poor therapeutic situation. There also exist factors which make the patients worse, i,e. very small room space, compelling the patients to sit in a uteral position. This situation makes them worse and more autistic. 4. At the time of this survey, those lucrative overcrowded six institutions had 1.000 patients. At the same time the legitimate hospitals in Busan area had about 200 patients, 5. In ray opinion, the City Government must take a more positive policy for the mentally ill patients, instead of the passive attitude which has held till now. And most of all, these patients must be medically and humanitically helped, instead of being left in a forgotten, depressed snake pit.
A study on the nutritional status for school-children has been carried out on 1,700 school-children of Song-do primary school located in Song-do beach, Busan, Korea, from November to-December, 1972. The evaluation of the nutritional status has been carried out through skin-fold thickness and hemoglobin. The summarized results were as follows.: 1. Skinfold thickness 1) Subscapular skinfold thickness Among boys, that was 3.5mm in the age 6 and 5.4 mm in the age 11 Among girls, that was 4.2mm in the age 6 and 7.6mm in the age 11. Girls were thicker than boys in the all age. 2) Upper-arm skinfold thickness Among boys, that was 5.0mm in the age 6 and 6.8mm in the age 11. Among girls, that was 6.2mm in the age 6 and 8.7mm in the age 11. Girls were thicker than boys in the all age 3) Abdominal skinfold thickness. Among boys, that was 4.0mm in the age 6, and 6.4mm in the age 11. Among girls that was 4.0mm in the age 6, and 8.4mm in the age 11. Girls were thicker than boys in the all age. 2. Hemoglobin Proportional range of hemoglobin were observed as 12.2-12.8 gm/dl
This study of 855 clinical nurses was conducted using a questionnaire that include four different scales; the motives of determining their profession, the attitudes toward their profession, the general items, and desire and expectation to their profession and society. The data were analyzed by Chi-Square Test and Percentage. The results of this study included Hypothesis are as follows; The respondents were 855 (78.630 among 1088 clinical nurses who were employed by General of Educational hospitals through the city of Seoul, Pusan, Tacgu, Daejun, Kwangju. and Wonju. 1) a. In the Age Distribution, the majority of respondents were under the age of 30yrs(88.2%) and the minority were above 31yrs(11.2%), and the preponderance of the majority to minority(9:1) was noted. In compared with area, a group above 31yrs old in Seoul (6.9%) was lower than other area (16,3%). b. The types of Educational background were 16.3% in Voc.Tr. School, 66.5% in Diploma and 17.1% in Degree. 146 clinical nurses were from the Degree course, and 142 (97.3%) CN among those of them were occupied around Seoul and 4(2.7%) around other area. c. In the Marital Status, 71,5% were the unmarried and 28.5% were the married. And compared with the area was 20.4% in Seoul and 41.4% in other area. d. Most common Lenght of Clinical Experience after graduation was under the 2yrs(55.4%), 3yrs(14.2%5, and 4yrs (6.2%). In compared with area, Seoul(15.3%) was lower than other area (38.1%) above 5yrs of clinical experience, and the preponderance of the other area to Seoul as 2.5: 1 was noted. 2) a. Hypothesis 1 was significant relation between the types of Educational Background of the CN and their motives for selection of Nursing, P-value was below 0.01. b. There was a significance on hypothesis 2 (P<0.01)i that was relation between their motives for selection of clinical nursing field after their graduation and the area which they were employed. c. Hypothesis 4 was accepted as significant relation between the level of satisfaction of their clinical experience after their graduation and the types of educational back- ground, P-value wa below 0.01. d. There was a significance on hypothesis 5(P<0.01) that was relation between the CN's response about the orientation program and the area which they were employed. e. Hypoth esis 6 was retained as significant relation between the area and inservice cduca- tional programme of their employed hospital was practising or not. P-value was 0.01. f. Hypothesis 7 was retained as significan relation between the area and the CN's response about the inservice educational programmme of their employed. P-value was below 0.01. g. There was a significance on hypothesis 8 (P<0.01) that was relation between the CN's experience en attending the professional meeting and the area. h. Hypothesis 10 was accepted as significant relation between the response about the present licence system and their educational background. P-value was below 0.01. i. There was a significance on hypothesis 11 (P<0.01) that was relation between the carrying out the regular and delivery vacation and the area. j. Hypothesis 12 was accepted as significant relation between the CN's consideration of the lack of leisure and their marital status. P-value was below 0.01' k. There was a significance on hypothesis 13 (P<0.01) that was relation between the CN's response about their salary and their marital status. l. Hypothesis 14 was significant relation between the most difficulties of CN during their working and the hospital which they were employed. P-value was below 0.01.
The goal of Modern nursing is to provide comprehensive nursing care to patients. If comprehensive nursing care to children (within the hospital setting) is to be provide, consideration of the stage of growth and development of the child is especially important. From clinical observation, it appeared that nurses often disregarded individual requirements of children in giving nursing care. Therefore, the purpose os this study is to show that comprehensive nursing care which is based on an understanding of the growth and development of the child contributes to both the child and the mother's adaptability to the child's hospitalization. METHOD: Sixty children, three to twelve year of age, hospitalized at the Yonsei University Pediatric Ward were studied. From April 1, 1973 to May 5, 1973 children admitted to the hospital were assigned to either an experimental or a compare groups. There were 30 children in each group. The sex and age of the children in each group was similar. In both groups were more male than female children. In the experimental group, each mother stayed with her child continuously during his hospitalization. In the compare groups, the mother or some other member of the family stayed with the child. Each day on the child's admission the investigator visited the ward from 1-2 P.M. to 9-10 P.M., in order to provide comprehensive care for the experimental group. The assistance given the nurses by the investigator was in the from of conferences regarding care and in giving direct care to the child and his mother. The compare group of children received nursing care as usually provided by the hospital. The instrumental used to obtain the data for analysis were as follows : 1. The fear and anxiety reaction of the child was recorded by observation of the investigator for four areas : 1) separation from parent and relatives 2) reaction to Doctor and Nurse with white gowns 3) reaction to nursing care 4) reaction to injection and tests, etc. 2. Regression in area of eating, sleeping, and elimination were recorded by the investigator by questioning the mother and by observation. 3. Adaptability to the hospitalization was reordered by direct questioning of the children for areas of emotional and social adjustment. For children older than 3 years of age or children not seriously ill, using the simple I.Q. test this was possible for only 35 of the total 60 children. RESULTS : 1. 55 percents of the total 60 children had been prepared by their patents for hospitalization. The children who had received prior preparation accepted hospitalization more readily than those who had received no preparation. ( x2 4.6 P<0.05 ) 2. On admission 31.7 percent of the children expressed verbal fear of their disease or treatment. 25 percent felt that the disease was due to their mistake. 3. There was a significant difference in the reaction of the child to separation from the parent or relatives, between the two groups. The experimental groups showed less anxiety due to separation than the compare group. ( x2 4.34 P<0.05 ) In both groups there was less anxiety due to separation among school age(6-12 years) children than among preschool age(3-5 years) children. 4. More than half of the children in both groups reacted with fear and avoidance to doctor and / or nurses wearing white gowns. ( x2 0.06 P<0.05 ) 5. The experimental group reacted more favorably to nursing in general than the compare group. ( x2 4.8 P<0.05 ) 6. There was no difference in the fear and refused reaction to special tests and / or such as X-rays and injections, etc. between the groups. ( x2 3.77 1>P>0.05 ) 7. More children in the compare group showed regressive tendencies in eating, sleeping, and elimination habits than in experimental groups. ( x2 2.3 P>0.05 x2 3.88 P<0.05 x2 4.9 P<0.05 ) 8. There was a significant difference in the adaptability to hospitalization between the two groups. The experimental groups adapted more readily. ( x2 2.02 P<0.05 ) 9. For children who had higher I.Q.s the adaptability to hospitalization was better regardless of the group. However, because of the small number of cases(60), this finding cannot be extrapolated without further verification. The data demonstrates that there was a greater adaptability to hospitalization by the child when comprehensive nursing care was given. By planning care and applying knowledge of growth and development to meet, nurses are in a position to prevent some of the psychological trauma associated with ospitalization.
The study was conducted during the period of July, 1972 to June, 1973 in Seoul city and Choong Chung Buk Do area. The purpose of this study was to find out the Weaning Patterns and investigate the habits of health care of the babies. The conclusions obtained were as follows: 1. 65 percent of the infants were sufficiently fed by mothers' milk. But, the ether 35 percent were not ennugh to be breastfed. 2. Over 50 percent of the mothers started the weaning when the infants became 9-12 months of age. The period of time needed for weaning was between 6-18 months of age. 3. Majorty of the mothers preferred to give infants corns as the major diets. 4. It; was noted that many mothers did not know the importance of weaning. And it was felt that public health nurses have to instruct these mothers who are bringing up the babies why weaning is necessary. 5. Only half of the babies who were investigated were found to be regularly vaccinated with all the necessary preventive inoculation at Public Health Centers both in farming and city areas.
This study observed on habitual methods of toilet training for infants and toddlers in Korea thru 300 mothers at four medical institutions (Ewha Woman's University Hospital, Ewha Maternal and Child Health Center, Severance Hospital and Seoul National University Hospital) with a design to analyze beginning time, duration of period, methods employed, motives, equipments used, special terminology used for the subject training. The main purpose of this study was to generalize the proper methods of toilet training, and also to contribute a better psychological education for the mother and child. The results obtained from this study were as follows; 1. Majority of (67,3%) observed were in the age category between 30 and 40 year and dominant numbers (64.7%) were housewives with high level of education and from midelle class family background. 2. In the most cases (85%), toilet training was carried out by mothers(includinx wives who had a job) while more than half of mothers (53.7%) maintained their important motive for (lie training was "due to having high regard for cleanliness" 3. As for the time of beginning toilet training, finding indicated that starting period was decided (70%) at inconsiderate descretion of each mother, whereas, only minority group (30%) represents the cases where mother started the training when they consider the child was physically and psychologically ready. Also greater number (77.7%) started bladder training prior to that of bowel. 4. It is noticeable that in course of training a large number of mothers (48.3%) applied strict training method when the child proper toileting, and the more rigid and strict in the training, the more malformation of personality of the infant and toddler were seen after the training period (P< 0.01). 5. Over the half of the total cases denoted (bowel 54.3%, bladder 67.7%) starting period before one year and in most cases (bowel 79.3%, bladder 72%)the training was accomplished within 12 month, and therefore it was noted that earlier start(before 1 year) shortened the training period (with 12 month). There was no significant difference between male and female infants in both starting period and duration of period in bladder training, however, in bowel training there was a tendency that female started earlier(7-12 months needed, 51.4%) than the male (13-18 months needed, largest number 41.4%), and also in cases of female the period for needed for training were shorter than the cases of male. 6. Many a number (bowel 50.3%, bladder 97.7%) employed the method of continuous toileting at regular interval in accordance with that of child's habit formed before training. Equipment used were variOU kinds, however, pieces of paper for male (45. 5%) and pics pot or bedpot (42. 3%) for female were common, on the other hand "Eung-ga" for defecation (52. 3%) and "Shii" for the urination (95.3%) were most standard expression that used during the training period.