A Study and Survey on Clinical Nurses concerning the General Items, the Motives of Determining their Profession, the Attitudes toward their Profession and the Desire and Expectation to their Profession and Society
This study of 855 clinical nurses was conducted using a questionnaire that include four different scales; the motives of determining their profession, the attitudes toward their profession, the general items, and desire and expectation to their profession and society. The data were analyzed by Chi-Square Test and Percentage. The results of this study included Hypothesis are as follows; The respondents were 855 (78.630 among 1088 clinical nurses who were employed by General of Educational hospitals through the city of Seoul, Pusan, Tacgu, Daejun, Kwangju. and Wonju. 1) a. In the Age Distribution, the majority of respondents were under the age of 30yrs(88.2%) and the minority were above 31yrs(11.2%), and the preponderance of the majority to minority(9:1) was noted. In compared with area, a group above 31yrs old in Seoul (6.9%) was lower than other area (16,3%). b. The types of Educational background were 16.3% in Voc.Tr. School, 66.5% in Diploma and 17.1% in Degree. 146 clinical nurses were from the Degree course, and 142 (97.3%) CN among those of them were occupied around Seoul and 4(2.7%) around other area. c. In the Marital Status, 71,5% were the unmarried and 28.5% were the married. And compared with the area was 20.4% in Seoul and 41.4% in other area. d. Most common Lenght of Clinical Experience after graduation was under the 2yrs(55.4%), 3yrs(14.2%5, and 4yrs (6.2%). In compared with area, Seoul(15.3%) was lower than other area (38.1%) above 5yrs of clinical experience, and the preponderance of the other area to Seoul as 2.5: 1 was noted. 2) a. Hypothesis 1 was significant relation between the types of Educational Background of the CN and their motives for selection of Nursing, P-value was below 0.01. b. There was a significance on hypothesis 2 (P<0.01)i that was relation between their motives for selection of clinical nursing field after their graduation and the area which they were employed. c. Hypothesis 4 was accepted as significant relation between the level of satisfaction of their clinical experience after their graduation and the types of educational back- ground, P-value wa below 0.01. d. There was a significance on hypothesis 5(P<0.01) that was relation between the CN's response about the orientation program and the area which they were employed. e. Hypoth esis 6 was retained as significant relation between the area and inservice cduca- tional programme of their employed hospital was practising or not. P-value was 0.01. f. Hypothesis 7 was retained as significan relation between the area and the CN's response about the inservice educational programmme of their employed. P-value was below 0.01. g. There was a significance on hypothesis 8 (P<0.01) that was relation between the CN's experience en attending the professional meeting and the area. h. Hypothesis 10 was accepted as significant relation between the response about the present licence system and their educational background. P-value was below 0.01. i. There was a significance on hypothesis 11 (P<0.01) that was relation between the carrying out the regular and delivery vacation and the area. j. Hypothesis 12 was accepted as significant relation between the CN's consideration of the lack of leisure and their marital status. P-value was below 0.01' k. There was a significance on hypothesis 13 (P<0.01) that was relation between the CN's response about their salary and their marital status. l. Hypothesis 14 was significant relation between the most difficulties of CN during their working and the hospital which they were employed. P-value was below 0.01.
A Study and Survey on Clinical Nurses concerning the General Items, the Motives of Determining their Profession, the Attitudes toward their Profession and the Desire and Expectation to their Profession and Society
A Study and Survey on Clinical Nurses concerning the General Items, the Motives of Determining their Profession, the Attitudes toward their Profession and the Desire and Expectation to their Profession and Society