The author conducted a field survey form Feb.1, 1973 to March 31. 1973 in the Busan area, striding six "instutions" where mentally ill patients are kept. These six instituions are registered at Busan Government, but are not regular hospitals. Theresults of these investigation are as follows: 1. There are six institutions which are registered at Busan City Government. All six are operated by layman who have little psychiatric knowledge and little humanistic motivation. 2. These institutions are allegedly to promate the welfare of the mentally sick. However they give little help for the patients. And they do not even have a resident medical person. The staff of those places will not accept professional medical help, and try to keep all information secret. 3. The finances are largely composed of patients' fees and partially from city's help. The buildings are of high guality compared with the poor therapeutic situation. There also exist factors which make the patients worse, i,e. very small room space, compelling the patients to sit in a uteral position. This situation makes them worse and more autistic. 4. At the time of this survey, those lucrative overcrowded six institutions had 1.000 patients. At the same time the legitimate hospitals in Busan area had about 200 patients, 5. In ray opinion, the City Government must take a more positive policy for the mentally ill patients, instead of the passive attitude which has held till now. And most of all, these patients must be medically and humanitically helped, instead of being left in a forgotten, depressed snake pit.