This study was undertaken to determine the identify the relation between the high risk mother and their baby which then allows the nurse to assess and plen for the delivery of optimal health care to the high risk groups. This study was carried out between January through December 1978. This study sample consisted of 300 pregnant women who visited Ewha womens hospital during this time. The method used to for the collection of data was an "Antepartum High-risk pregnancy acoring form. The questionair included 4 categories: 1) reproductives history 2) Associated conditions 3) present pregnancy and 4) total risk score The bind are as follows: 1. The frequency of high risk pregnancy women 149(49.7%) was highest. 2. In the investigation sample high risk factors were related to hypertension and toremia. 3. There was a difference in the high risk scores and newborn babys scores (r = 0.610). 4. Relationship between high risk pregnancy women and least of pregnant women was highest prenatal mortality. Implications of positive assessing of high risk factors by MCH nurse and community health nurses.
This research is to prevent the infection of maternity in the hospital by examining the microbes contaminations in maternity through airbone microbes and those who are engaged in the ward of O.B. & G.Y. and to furnish the basic data available to hospital management. The bacterial growth of airbone microbes contaminations in nosocomial air and whether the nasal cavity of passers by (doctors, nurses, parturient women) who went to the ward of O.B. & G.Y. contaminated or not were examined in "E" Univ. Hospital from July to August, 1979 by using thioglycollate broths and agar plates. The following results were obtained: 1. The average colony number of airborne microbes revealed as follows the pediatric ward (36 colonies), the internal ward (33 colonies), the ward of O.B. & G.Y. (30 colonies), the ward of surgery (24 colonies), delivery- waiting room (11 colonies), and the delivery room (3 colonies). 2. The bacterial growth beforenoon differed from that of afternoon. Namely, the latter (24 colonies) was higher than the former (21 colonies). 3. The type of strains isolated from the air of the ward revealed staphylococci (82%), Gram negative bacilli (18%), fungi (17%), Gram positive diplococci (13%), and Bacillus subtilis (2.8%). 4. The strains isolated in the delivery-waiting room revealed staphylococci (66.7%), Gram negative bacilli (33.6%), and revealed staphylococci (75%), Gram positive diplococci (8.3%), and fungi (8.3%), in delivery room. 5. Most of strains isolated in the ward of O.B. & G.Y. revealed staphylococci (100.0%), Gram positive diplococci (8.3%), and Gram negative bacilli (6.7%). 6. The strain isolated in the surgical ward revealed staphylococci (91.7%), fungi (33.3%), Gram positive diplococci (25%), Gram negative bacilli (25%) and Bacillus subtilis (8.3%). 7. The strain isolated in the pediatric ward revealed staphylococci (75%), fungi (25%), Gram positive diplococci (8.3%), Bacillus subtilis (8.3%), and Gram negative bacilli (8.3%). 8. The strain isolated in the internal ward revealed staphylococci (91.7%), fungi (33.3%), Gram positive diplococci (25%), and negative bacilli (16.7%). 9. The strains isolated from the nasal cavity of those doctors and nurses who ard enaged in the ward of O.B. & G.Y. revealed staphylococci (80%), Bacillus subtilis (10%), and Gram negative bacilli (10%), from doctors and Gram positive diplococci (10%), instead of Gram negative bacilli (10%), from nurses. 10. The strain isolated from nasal cavity of parturient women on admission revealed staphylococci (90%), and Gram negative bacilli (10%), but after admission revealed staphylococci (70%), Gram positive diplococci (10%), and Gram negative bacilli (10%). 11. Of the total 91 staphylococci isolated from the air of the ward, the Coagulase pastive was 36 (39.6%), and the negative 55 (60.4%), As a result of the coagulase experiment of the staphylococci isolated from the nasal cavity of those who are engaged in the ward of O.B. & G.Y. all were revealed as negative that belonged to non-pathogenic. 12. Consequence of the biochemic examination of the gram negative bacilli isolated from the air of the ward the aerobacter aerogens revealed was (16.7%) E-coli 5% in the nasal cavity of those came and went to the of O.B. & G.Y. and Aerobacter aerogens 7.5%.
This study was undertaken to determine the subjective symptoms of fatigue among the housewives groups. Inquiries into subjective symptoms of fatigue were made by the form designied by the Industrial Fatigue Research Committee of the Japan Society of Industrial Health (1967), Comprising 30 items. These items are classified into 3 groups of 10 items, namely, A) Physical Symptoms, B) Mental Symptoms, C) Neuro Sensory Symptoms (Figure 1). The results of the investigation can be summerized as follows: 1. Within the total items (T), the physical symptoms (A) were the strongest in the effect on the feelings of fatigue, and were followed by (B), and (C). 2. There was a significant difference shown in the distribution of responses by height (X2=236.29, d.f. = 145, p < 0.00001). In the mental category (F = 2.22, d.f. = 4, p = 0.05) and neuro-sensory category (F = 2.64, d.f. = 4, p < 0.001), there was a difference in the responses' complaints by weight. 3. As for the ages, housewives at the age of 50 presented a higher rate than those 30 or 20. 4. Regarding the number of children, respendents have more children showed higher frequency rate of complaints. 5. In the investigation sample, complaints were related to education level (f = 18.34, d.f. = 3, p < 0.0001) nentruation (t = 2.31, p < 0.022), and sleeping hours (F = 6.04, d.f. = 6, p < 0.0001).
The study was undertaken in an effort to observe whether the level of performance difficulty may vary with the backgrounds of the nurses who are engaged in maternity care service. The business adaptability was measured by the degree of difficulty which was scored by the results of questionaire test. The test was performed during the period of September 11 to October 5, 1976. A total of 128 professional nurses have responded to this questionaire survey in relation to the maternity care such as 1) antenatal care, 2) labor and delivery care and 3) postpartum care. The results of the study are summarized as follows: 1. The adaptability scores to the maternity care were founded to be significantly affected by the duration of the total clinical career, maternity care career and nurses' age. 2. It could be observed that the adaptability scores to the maternity care were not substantialy affected by nurses' educational background, marital status and nurses' working area.
A review of this literature and discussions reveal a development of ideas concerning the elements of nursing models. The elements of a nursing model are the nurses view of the human being, nursing's goal, and nursing activities. It has long been recognized that human beings, at one time or another, require nursing care. Varieties of literature were reviewed in regard to the human being as recipient of nursing care through the theory development in nursing. Florence Nightingale initiated the modern era of nursing and described more clearly man as the recipient of nursing care. She looked at man as responding to the laws of nature whether the person was healthy or sick. Henderson added to Nightingale's concept of man, the recipient of nursing care by emphasizing that man is a whole, complete, and independent being. Her view is further specified by her enumeration of the activities the human being must perform. Johnson has developed a very comprehensive view of man as the recipient of nursing care. Man is a behavioral system which has a tendency to achieve and maintain stability in patterns of functioning. Like Nightingale, Johnson sees that similar patterns occur in both health and illness. Johnson postulates that the whole behavioral system of the human is composed of eight subsystems: affiliative, achievement, aggressive, dependency, eliminative, ingestive, restorative, sexual. Roger's main contribution to the development of nursing models was her emphasis upon unitary man. She pointed out that man is a unified whole, possessing his own integrity and manifesting characteristics that "are more than and different from the sum of his parts " Rogers focuses on the life processes of the human and points out that these processes have the following characteristics. Wholeness, openness, unidirectionality, pattern and organization, sentence, and thought. According to Roy, man is a biopsychosocial being in constant interaction with a changing environment. To cope with this changing environment, man has certain innate and acquired mechanisms. Man's ability to respond positively or to adapt, depends upon the degree of the change taking place and the state of the person coping with the change. When she analyzes man as an adaptive organism she further describes man as being composed of four adaptive modes: physiological needs, self-concept, role function, and interdependence. Based on the literary review through the theory development in nursing, general approach by a unified nursing model to a view of the recipient of nursing care may be stated as follows: Man is a unified whole composed of subsystems with a flexible and normal line of defense; his internal regulating mechanisms help him to cope with a changing environment; he functions by the principles of homeodynamics.
This study was performed to investigated of characteristics of male diploma nursing students, Data were collected by means of a mailed questionnaire. The sample included 29 respondents from 3 diploma nursing colleges during the period of Nov. ist-l5th, 1978. Major findings included. 1) Motive by which the objects of this investigation have chosen the science of nursing. Twenty-one (72.4%) responded, "As nursing occupation is a public welfare work," the highest rate, eighteen (62.3%) chose on advices of their parents and acquaintances. Seventeen (58.6%) reflected as a means of life with an occupation in hope of employment abroad. 2) Appreciation of nursing occupation. Twenty-two (75.9%) of opinions that the nursing job is called for by society was pre-dominent. While eighteen (62.1%) replied, "It is the job fit for the male sex, too." "It is admitted as specialized occupation.", or "It needs various human relation." 3) Degree of satisfaction with the science of nursing. Fifteen (51.7%) responded neither satisfied nor dissatisfied, while eight (27.6%) indicated as "satisfied," and four (13.8%) as "dissatisfied." 4) Degree of satisfaction with the faculty. Sixteen (55.2%) replied, "common," the highest, while ten (34.5%) indicated as "dissatisfied," two (6.9%) as "satisfied." The reason for dissatisfaction with the faculty; The responses regarding dissatisfaction was twenty- three (79.3%) as insufficiency of the faculty. Thirteen (44.8%) indicated" the lack of personal cultivation of the faculty.", And eleven (37.9%) indicated as "the quantitive shortage of the faculty," or "the vagueness of learning estimation." 5) Degree of satisfaction with the clinical training. Eight (27.6%) responded as "common," or "dissatisfied," while seven (24.1%) indicated as "satisfied." Reason for dissatisfaction with the training; Twenty (69.0%) indicated "deficiency of personal treatment to the students of the men of business in the hospital" with respect to the reason, eighteen (62.1%) was indicated as gap between theory and practice, while eleven (37.9%) indicated "insufficiency of the equipment and materials of the hospital." 6) Interest in employment after graduation Twenty-five (86.2%) indicated "going abroad" while fifteen (51.7%) indicated "education of nursing," which were the highest responses. Thirteen (44.8%) chose "Community Health Nursing (Health Center, Industrial Health)." 7) Interest in employment during clinical nursing. Sixteen (55.2%) was interested in an operating room or the department of anesthesia, while fifteen (51.7%) was indicated "psychiatry." Eight (27.6%) chose a intensive care unit or a emergency room.
The objectives of this study have been conducted to establish effective clinical teaching program to I.C.U in terms of proper assignment of the clients for the students, proper rotation schedule, priorities in critical nursing problems and selection of the teaching and learning. We have analyzed statistically 1,850 patients who have been admitted during a period from January 1977 to October 31 1979 in Ewha Woman's University Hospital, The results are as follows: 1. The proportion to the total inpatients number was 6.5% and mortality rate was 16.3%. 2. The average hospitalized days were 5.8 days in I.C.U and the total death was occured from 1st hospital day to 5th hospital day. So it shows a certain difficulties for clinical experiences of the senior students in I.C.U. 3. In the age of the death, 41.3% of the patients were in the 41-60 year age group. It shows highest mortality rate in socially active and productive age groups. 4. The mortality rates of the departments of the medicine was 18.7%, general surgery 18.5%, and neurosurgery 14.7%. 5. The number of patients admitted to the department of neurosystem was 30.6%, cardiovascular system 22.6%, respiratory system 11.1% and urinary system 2.9%. 6. On utilizing instruments and machine for diagnosis and client's assessment in I.C.U, they have utilized everything a usual. But they never utilize angiogram and cardiac catheterization in cardiovascular system, and retroperitoneal pneumography in the urologic system. Further more we would recommend as follows. 1. In consideration of the average hospital days and the date of death, the rotation program for clincal experience need to be adjusted as continuing practice program in apposite to current alternative practice program for comprehensive nursing care. 2. Socioeconomic needs for the patient's families and himself should be emphasized by the students in addition to physical needs. 3. Course content for critical care might be built up in considering of core disease centered nursing problems. 4. The diagnostic procedures and client's assessment items which could not experience in our university hospital by the students might be considered and refilled as filled trips to another hospital and visual aids.