This study was performed to investigated of characteristics of male diploma nursing students, Data were collected by means of a mailed questionnaire. The sample included 29 respondents from 3 diploma nursing colleges during the period of Nov. ist-l5th, 1978. Major findings included. 1) Motive by which the objects of this investigation have chosen the science of nursing. Twenty-one (72.4%) responded, "As nursing occupation is a public welfare work," the highest rate, eighteen (62.3%) chose on advices of their parents and acquaintances. Seventeen (58.6%) reflected as a means of life with an occupation in hope of employment abroad. 2) Appreciation of nursing occupation. Twenty-two (75.9%) of opinions that the nursing job is called for by society was pre-dominent. While eighteen (62.1%) replied, "It is the job fit for the male sex, too." "It is admitted as specialized occupation.", or "It needs various human relation." 3) Degree of satisfaction with the science of nursing. Fifteen (51.7%) responded neither satisfied nor dissatisfied, while eight (27.6%) indicated as "satisfied," and four (13.8%) as "dissatisfied." 4) Degree of satisfaction with the faculty. Sixteen (55.2%) replied, "common," the highest, while ten (34.5%) indicated as "dissatisfied," two (6.9%) as "satisfied." The reason for dissatisfaction with the faculty; The responses regarding dissatisfaction was twenty- three (79.3%) as insufficiency of the faculty. Thirteen (44.8%) indicated" the lack of personal cultivation of the faculty.", And eleven (37.9%) indicated as "the quantitive shortage of the faculty," or "the vagueness of learning estimation." 5) Degree of satisfaction with the clinical training. Eight (27.6%) responded as "common," or "dissatisfied," while seven (24.1%) indicated as "satisfied." Reason for dissatisfaction with the training; Twenty (69.0%) indicated "deficiency of personal treatment to the students of the men of business in the hospital" with respect to the reason, eighteen (62.1%) was indicated as gap between theory and practice, while eleven (37.9%) indicated "insufficiency of the equipment and materials of the hospital." 6) Interest in employment after graduation Twenty-five (86.2%) indicated "going abroad" while fifteen (51.7%) indicated "education of nursing," which were the highest responses. Thirteen (44.8%) chose "Community Health Nursing (Health Center, Industrial Health)." 7) Interest in employment during clinical nursing. Sixteen (55.2%) was interested in an operating room or the department of anesthesia, while fifteen (51.7%) was indicated "psychiatry." Eight (27.6%) chose a intensive care unit or a emergency room.