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Volume 26(2); June 1996
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Original Articles
Menstrual Experience of Adolescent Girls
Hyun Sook Chung
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1996;26(2):257-270.   Published online March 30, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

Studies on menstruation have focused only on menstruation itself and menstrual disorders. The menstruating girls or women have been neglected. So, the purpose of this study was to understand menstrual experience of adolescent girls in their perspective and build a theory on it. The specific purpose of this study were to find initial reaction of the girls, their strategies to adapt to menstruation, consequences of their efforts, influencing factor, and patterns of experience. The subjects of this study were eleven adolescent girls who experienced menarche three months to twenty-six months before the interview time. They were selected purposively. Their ages were in range of twelve and sixteen. One of them was a elementary school girls, three high school girls, and seven middle school girls. Two girls were handicapped because of cerebral palsy. All of them had some knowledge about menstrual physiology and hygiene during menstruation. Data were collected from September, 1994 to July, 1995. Data collection and analysis were done according to the grounded theory methodology by Strauss and Corbin(1990). Data collecting method was the long interviews and observation. Each interview took from 1 hour to 2 hours. Interview were tape?recorded and transcribed later by author. Data were analyzed immediately after interviews. Based on the results of previous interview, next interview were planned until gathered data reached the saturation point. Results were as follows. One hundred and six concepts were found. Those concepts were grouped into twenty eight categories and then fourteen higher categories. Twenty eight categories were as follows, "want to hide", "bewildered", "sense of burden", "sense of heterogeneity", "gladness", "sense of superiority", "negative empathy", "positive empathy", "limited hygenic control", "sense of timing", "lack of knowledge", "lack of support", "advance knowledge", "informational support", "emotional support", "edurance", "prayer", "disclosing", "avoidance", "diversion", "sense of powerlessness", "discovery of sex identity", "sense of maturation", "sense of stability", "acceptance of menstruation". Fourteen higher categories were as follows, "negative feeling", "posive feeling", "exchange of feeling", "limited hygenic control", "sense of timing", "accumulated experience", "dysmen-orrhea", "level of knowledge", "need for support", "perceived support", "sharing of feeling", "self-control", "passive acceptance", "active acceptance". The core category was "emotional shaking", which consisted of "positive feeling" and "negative feeling". "Emotional shaking" comes up to every adolescent girls experiencing menarche, independently of any contextual conditions, and its demension has two directions: positive one and negative one. Its influencing factors were time of menarche, advance knowledge, support from the significant persons, expression and self?regulation. Even if they showed different process of adaptation to menstruation, general process of adaptation were as follows: 1. stage of emotional shaking 2. stage of acceptance 3. stage of internalization of the menstrual experience. Seven patterns existed on the process of adaptation to menstruation after menarche. Those are as follows. 1. If girls thought their menarche came too early and they had not much knowledge on menstruation, they had a kind of negative feeling. If they did not get enough support and dysmenorrhea superimposed, they came to accept menstruation passively. 2. If girls had menarche too early, they had negative feeling, even though they had enough advance knowledge. But support helped them accept menstruation easily. 3. If girls had menarche too early, they had negative feeling, even though they had enough advance knowledge on menstruation. But by experiencing subsequent menstruations and disclosing feeling, they began to accept menstruation. 4. If girls had menarche too lately and they had enough advance knowledge on menstruation, they had positive feeling. If dysmenorrhea superimposed later, their feeling turned in to negative one. But they came to accept menstruation positively by disclosing feeling and getting support. 5. If girls had menarche too early, they had negative feeling, even though they had enough advance knowledge on menstruation. In addition to this, if dysmenorrhes superimposed while they did not get enough support, they felt powerless and came to accept menstruation passively. 6. If girls had menarche too early and did not get enough advance knowledge, they had negative feeling. But disclosing feeling and support made them get sense of homogeneity and began to accept menstruation. 7. If girls had handicap, they had negative feeling, even though they had enough advance knowledge and menarche was late. But Menarche made them get feel sexual identity. Their limited hygenic control and negative empathy from their mothers made them accept menstruation passively. To let adolescent girls take their menstrual experience as a part of their lives forming a positive sense of feminine identity, it needs qualified teaching and, support and deep concern of the significant others. Nurses including school nurses should try to develop an educational program, which include menstrual physiology, hygiene during menstrual period, meaning of menstruation and impact of menstruation on the development of female sexual identity.

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Effect of Periodic Walking on the Type II Muscle of Growing Suspended Rats
Myoung Ae Choe
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1996;26(2):271-280.   Published online March 30, 2017
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The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of periodic walking during hindlimb suspension on the mass, relative weight, fiber type distribution and cross-sectional area of Type I and II fibers in the developing Type II plantaris muscle. To examine the effectiveness of periodic walking on mass and fiber size, the hindlimbs of young female Wistar rats were suspended(HS group) and half of these rats walked on a treadmill for 45 min/day(15 min every 4 hours) at 5 meters/min at a 15 degree grade(HS-W group) After seven days of hindlimb suspension, the plantaris muscle wet weight was 28.40% significantly smaller (P<0.005) and relative plantaris muscle weight was 26.97% smaller compared with those of control rats(P<0.05). The plantaris muscle wet weight and the relative plantaris muscle weight increased by 46.60% and 49.23% respectively with periodic walking, moreover, the plantaris muscle wet weight and the relative plantaris muscle weight of the HS-W rats recovered to the level of the control rats. No change was observed in fiber type percentage of the developing plantaris muscle following one week of hindlimb suspension or periodic walking during hindlimb suspension. Type I and II fiber cross-sectional areas of the developing plantaris muscle were 42.51% and 43. 68% lower in the HS group than in the control group(p<0.0001), Type I and II fiber cross-sectional areas of the developing plantaris were 30.82% and 45.97% greater in the HS ?W group than in the HS group(p<0.0001), whereas Type I and II fiber cross-sectional area of HS-W group were less than those of the control group(P<0.0001) The results suggest that periodic walking can attenuate developing plantaris muscle atrophy induced by hindlimb suspension.

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Development of a Nursing Diagnosis System Using a Neural Network Model
Eun Ok Lee, Mi Soon Song, Myung Ki Kim, Hyeoun Ae Park
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1996;26(2):281-289.   Published online March 30, 2017
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Neural networks have recently attracted considerable attention in the field of classification and other areas. The purpose of this study was to demonstrate an experiment using back-propagation neural network model applied to nursing diagnosis. The network's structure has three layers; one input layer for representing signs and symptoms and one output layer for nursing diagnosis as well as one hidden layer. The first prototype of a nursing diagnosis systern for patients with stomach cancer was developed with 254 nodes for the input layer and 20 nodes for the output layer of 20 nursing diagnoses, by utilizing learning data set collected from 118 patients with stomach cancer. It showed a hitting ratio of .93 when the model was developed with 20,000 times of learning, 6 nodes of hidden layer, 0.5 of momentum and 0.5 of learning coefficient. The system was primarily designed to be an aid in the clinical reasoning process. It was intended to simplify the use of nursing diagnoses for clinical practitioners. In order to validate the developed model, a set of test data from 20 patients with stomach cancer was applied to the diagnosis system. The data for 17 patients were concurrent with the result produced from the nursing diagnosis system which shows the hitting ratio of 85%. Future research is needed to develop a system with more nursing diagnoses and an evaluation process, and to expand the system to be applicable to other groups of patients.

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Concept Analysis and Development of Suffering -Application of Hybrid Model Method
Kyung Ah Kang
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1996;26(2):290-303.   Published online March 30, 2017
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There is a need to define the concept of suffering more appropriate in the context of Korean culture. This research is an attempt to analyze and develop the concept of suffering by applying the Hybrid Model suggested by Schwartz -Barcott and Kim. The data were collected from March 20, 1995 to September 17,1995. The subjects of the study were eight persons including in-patients and out-patients of a general hospital who were diagnosed as having cancer and those resting in sanatoria for natural treatment of cancer. Qualitative research methods of in-depth interview and participant observation were used for data collection. The contents of the interviews were recorded on tape. Data-analysis progressed according to the 3 phases suggested by the Hybrid Model. For each case, in-depth interview data and participant observation data were included and the attributes of suffering revealed in these data were analyzed. Finally, by summarizing the results from each case, the attributes of suffering, its dimensions, definition, and processes observed in the field were suggested. According to the results of the study, the following new definition of suffering is suggested: Suffering is a fundamental and inevitable experience of all human beings. When each individual experiences loss, damage, and pain which threaten one's personal integrity, suffering is perceived differently among each individual depending on their personal inner factors, one's significant others, exterior circumstances and stimuli, and the ultimate meaning of life. Suffering brings severe and unendurable distress which accompany despair, powerlessness, anxiety, bitterness, fear, anguish, guilt, depression, withdrawal and anger. The results of this study suggest that the more responsibility and burden a cancer patient felt, the more suffering she/he experienced and it tended to be more relevant to one's significant others and exterior circumstances and stimuli; the less responsibility and burden a cancer patient had, the less suffering she/he experienced and it tended to be related to one's inner factors. These findings have implications for nursing profession. When caring for patients who experience suffering, nurses need to consider the influence of responsibility, burden, and each dimension of suffering. Moreover, appropriate nursing interventions aimed at relieving pain and satisfying the spiritual need of patients experiencing loss need to be developed and implemented more widely.

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Assessment of Nutritional Status in Elderly Dialysis Patients
YouJa Ro, Hae Jung Ha, Hoe Young Ko, Ok Soon Park
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1996;26(2):304-319.   Published online March 30, 2017
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It is important to evaluate nutritional status of elderly patients receiving dialysis, since wasting and malnutrition are their common problems. This study aims at assessing their nutritional status by the type and duration of dialysis. The nutritional status such as somatic fat and protein storage was evaluated with anthropometric measure including weight/height ratio, triceps skinfold thickness and midarm muscle circumference. It was also measured with albumin, transferrin, C3 and IGF-1 and calroie and protein intakes. The general clinical condition of patients was evaluated with the severity of uremia and metabolic acidosis, which were measured through the levels of serum urea, creatinine and bicarbonateion. The data were analyzed by using t-test, ANOVA, Wilcoxon -rank sums test, Scheffe test, Kruskal -Wallis test and Pearson correlation coefficients. The results are following; 1. There was no significant difference in the calorie and proten intakes by the type and duration of dialysis received. 2. As for the anthropometric measures, no significant difference was found by the type of dialysis in body mass index, triceps skinfold thickness and midarm muscle circumference. Yet these anthropometric measures differed significantly by the duration of dialysis in those elderly patients receiving hemodialysis(HD group), but this finding was not found in those receiving continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis(CAPD). 3. Regarding the indicators of uremia and metabolic acidosis, blood urea mtrogen(BUN) and creatinine were lower in the CAPD group than in the HD group, whereas bicarbonate ion was higher in the CAPD group than in the HD group, with no statistical significance. In the HD group, creatinine incresed significantly with the increase of the duration of dialysis. 4. Serum trasferrin and C3 were significantly higher in the CAPD group than in the HD group. However, each of biochmical indices did not show statistical significance by the duration of dialysis in both HD and CAPD groups. 5. Anthropometric measures were significantly associated with dietary intake. Significant correlations were observed between biocarbonate ion, BUN and creatinine. In addition, the correlations between serum protein and albumin and between transferrin and C3 were statistically significant. Yet, IGF-1 revealed no significant correlation with other nutritional indices. The above findings indicate that there were no difference in nutritional status mearsured with protein and calroie intakes between the type and duration of dialysis, but CAPD seems to benefit correcting uremia and metabolic acidosis than HD. Studies of dietary management for dialysis patients need to be pursued in order to improved the quality of aged patients receiving dialysis.

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Determinants of Health Promoting Behavior of Middle Aged Women in Korea
Sook Ja Lee, Eun Sook Park, Young Joo Park
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1996;26(2):320-336.   Published online March 30, 2017
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Health promoting behaviors of an individual are affected by various variables. Recently, there has been a growing concern over important health problems of the middle aged women. Physiological changes in the middle aged women and their responsibility for family care can result in physical and psychological burden experienced by middle aged women. This study was designed to test Pender's model and thus purpose a model that explains health promoting behaviors among middle-aged women in Korea. The hypothetical model was developed based on the Pender's health promoting model and the findings from past studies on women's health. Data were collected by self-reported questionnaires from 863 women living in Seoul, between 20th, April and 15th, July 1995. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and correlation analysis. The Linear Structural Relationship (LISREL) modeling process was used to find the best fit model which assumes causal relationships among variables. The results are as follows; 1. The overall fit of the hypothetical model to the data was good expect chi -square value (GFI=.96, AGFI=.91, RMR=.04). 2. Paths of the model were modified by considering both its theoretical implication and statistical significance of the parameter estimates. Compared to the hypothetical model, the revised model has become parsimonious and had a better fit to the data expect chi-square value (GFI=. 95, AFGI=.92, RMR=.04). 3. Some of modifying factors, especially age, occupation, educational levels and body mass index (BMI) are revealed significant effects on health promoting behaviors. 4. Some of cognitive -perceptual factors, especially internal health locus of control, self-efficacy and perceptive health status are revealed significant effects on health promoting behaviors. 5. All predictive variables of health promoting behaviors, especially age, occupation, educational levels, body mass index(BMI), internal health locus of control, self-efficacy and perceptive health status are explained 20.0% of the total variance in the model.

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Concept Analysis of Caring
Byoung Sook Lee
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1996;26(2):337-344.   Published online March 30, 2017
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Caring is being rediscovered as a central and unifying concept of the nursing. Traditionally, nursing profession has emphasized spirit and activities of caring. But there is little efforts to study the caring phenomena scientifically and systematically in nursing, and then the concept of caring is still remained unclear and ambiguous. Changes of social, and health care environment are threatening the philosophy and practice of caring, so it is urgent to identify caring more scientifically and to rediscover the nature of nursing discipline. Knowledge of the caring is essential component for the development of nursing as a science and a profession. The first thing to study a concept is thought to be the analysis of the concept. So in this study, concept analysis of caring was perfomed to clarify the concept of caring as a basis for the study of caring afterward. The approach used for the concept analysis of caring was the approach presented by Walker and Avant. The defining (or critical) attributes of caring identified in this study were (1) a series of activities for helping others, (2) concern and devotion, (3) interpersonal relationship, and (4) scientific and systematic process. The identified antecedents of caring were (1) awareness of other's needs for help, and (2) moral and cognitive motivation for helping others. The identified consequences of caing were (1) healing, (2) satisfaction, and (3) growth. And the consequences of caring were revealed to both of the care giver and the care receiver. The empirical referents of caring could be the behaviors of interpersonal relationship through scientific and systematic process with concern and devotion for others.

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Factors of the 'Taegyo' of Korean Pregnant Women: Self Care of Pregnant Women Based on Oriental Folk Behavior
Soon Bok Chang, Young Joo Park, Youn Soon Choi, Chae Won Chung
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1996;26(2):345-358.   Published online March 30, 2017
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All human health behavior is deeply rooted one's beliefs or value system usually encompassed within the culture in which they live. The Taegyo, based on Oriental folk medicine, is defined as the behavior and self care of pregnant women administered for herself and her fetus(unborn child). Taegyo is believed to be desirable, effective, and healthy behavior by most of Korean pregnant women. It is essential in our contemporary culture, to ascertain what the components of Taegyo are and to integrate them into current, western nursing care, particularly in the area of prenatal care. 910 Korean women were the subjects of this study, who were in a gestation period of pregnancy between 10 weeks to three months postpartum. The subjects were selected by clustered sampling from 10 representative cities in Korea. Data was collected from February 10 to March 30 1995 by a constructed questionnaire which consisted of 95 items. The questionnaire was developed through three steps such as content analysis, calculation of content validity index, and pretest. Data was analyzed by descriptive statistics and rotated matrix factor analysis with pc-SAS. The mean age of the subjects was 28.9 years; 36.5% of them were employed and the mean income per month was about 2000 dollars. The component of Taegyo was clustered into five factors such as fetus psychological stability(equity), fetus personality development, maternal-fetal interaction, fetus intellectual development and physical health promotion. The variance of each factor were 23.7%, 8.3%, 4. 7%, 4.1%, and 3.3% respectively in that order. The Eigen value of each factor was 13.03, 4.57, 2.60, 2.23, and 1.83 respectively. It was found that the Taegyo is an unique and holistic self care behavior of Korean pregnant women. Therefore it has been concluded that this study has broadened the understandability of the implications the Taegyo. It is suggested that further studies on the effects of the Taegyo are needed to provide a scientific basis for professional maternity nursing.

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The Effect of Health Education on the Performance of Health Promoting Behavior in College Students
Jeong Sook Park, Chung Ja Park, Young Sook Kwon
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1996;26(2):359-371.   Published online March 30, 2017
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This study has been done for the purpose of testing the effect of health education on the performance of health promoting behavior in college students, and identifying the factors affecting health promoting behaviors. A Nonequivalent control group posttest research design was used. Two hundred thirty college students at K College in T city were studied, Of them, 114 who attended a systematic health education session for three hours a week during one semester were the experimental group. And 116 college students who were chosen of matched sampling of grade, class and sex were the control group. This study was conducted from March 1 to July 2, 1995. The instruments used for this study included a survey of general characteristics, perceived health status, self-esteem, health promoting behavior and health locus of control. Analysis of data was done by use of mean, t-test, Pearson correlation coefficient and multiple regression. The results of this study are summerized as follows; 1) The average item score for the health promoting behavior was low at 2.52. In the sub-categories, the highest degree of performance was 'harmonious relationships', following 'sanitary life', 'self-esteem', 'rest and sleep', and 'emotional support' and the lowest degree was 'professional health management'. 2) Hypothesis 1 that the college students who get health education will have a higher degree of health promoting behavior than the college students who do not get health education was accepted. There was a statistically significant difference between the average of the experimental group, 2.60, and the average of the control group, 2.45.(t=11.30, p=0.0009). 3) Hypothesis 2 that the college students who get health education will have a higher score of perceived health status than college students who do not get the health education was rejected. (t=1.13, p=0.289) 4) Performance of health promoting behavior was positively correlated with self-esteem and grade and negatively correlated with perceived health status. 5) The most important factor affecting performance of health promoting behavior was self-esteem. The following suggestions are made based on the above results; 1) Replication of the research is needed to confirm effects of health education. 2) More effective health education programs need to be deveolped through by modification of teaching methods and content analysis of health education. 3) Other factors affecting health promoting behavior should be identified. 4) Nursing colleges or departments of nursing should make an effort to develop and carry out various health education programs for the health promotion of all college students.

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The Effect of Walking Exercise Program on Cardiorespiratory Function and Flexibility in Elderly Women
Yun Hee Shin, Young Hee Choi
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1996;26(2):372-386.   Published online March 30, 2017
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Recently, the ratio of elderly in the population are fastly growing due to socio-economical development and the better medical service. Proportionally, the health problems in elderly are increasing, too. Medical professionals must try so that the elderly have the better life through health promotion and disease prevention as well as disease treatment. This study evaluated the effect of walking exercise program on the cardiorespiratory function and the flexibility in the elderly women. The design of research was one group pretest -posttest design. The subjects were eleven elderly women over sixty years old to live in K-city, Kyonggi-do. The type of exercise was walking, which was the most popular exercise in questionnaire. The exercise intensity was 40%~60% of the target heart-rate by Karvonen's method and maintained by the heart-rate monitor. The exercise period was five weeks and the exercise frequency was three times per week. The exercise duration was forty minites at first and gradually increased up to a hour. In order to evaluate the effect of walking exercise, we measured VO2 max, resting heart-rate, systolic/diastolic blood pressure, FVC, FEV1, the flexibility before and after the five week's exercise program. The data are analyzed by the paired t-test and Wilcoxon signed rank test using SAS package. The results are as follows: 1) The hypothesis that cardiorespiratory function will be improved was partly supported. In VO2 max(p=0.0001), resting heart-rate(p=0. 0030), systolic/diastolic blood-pressure (p=0.0387/p=0.0024), there was significant difference. FVC and FEV1 were increased after the exercise, but there were no significant difference. 2) The hypothesis that the flexibility will be improved was supported. There was significant difference in the flexibility (p=0.0140). As the further study, it is necessary to reevaluate the effect with more refined design. We also need to try meta-analysis about the results of previous studies obtained in the experimental setting and compare our result obtained in the field setting with them.

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Perceived Weight and Health Behavior Characteristics Normal and Over-weight Middle-aged Women
Hyun Sook Jo
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1996;26(2):387-398.   Published online March 30, 2017
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The objective of this study was to clarify whether there are any differences between normal and over-weight middle-aged(40~59yrs)women in their perceived weight, health status, health conception and health behavior choices. The sample consisted of 39 normal weight and 55 over-weight (11% above on the Body Index Scale) women who live in Juan, Inchon. The Participants were randomly selected in each weight group considering socio-demographic factors. The findings from this study are summarized below. 1) Among the 55 overweight middle-aged women, 16 were above 20% on the Body Index Scale and 14 were above 30%. Twenty-fivc(45.5%) of the overweight group and 12(30.8%) of the normal weight group had one disease, and there were 12(21.8%) in the overweight group and 8(20.5%) in the normal weight group where one of the family members had a disease, but these differences were not statistically significant. The average monthly family income for the overweight group was won 1,880,000 compared to won 2,140,000 for the normal weight group, but this difference was also not significant. The age range for the whole group was between 40 and 59(mean=46.8 for total, 48.6 for overweight and 45.7 for normal weight group). Again no significant difference found. Occupations were housemaker 53(56.4%), private business(13.8%), salarywoman(9.6%), and teacher(2.1%). Thirty housemaker(54.5%) from the overweight group and 23(59%) from the normal group did not constitute a statistically siganificant different. For the educational status, 34(61.8%) of the overweight women and 33(84.6%)of the normal weight group finifished high school or more educational courses, but there was no significant statistical difference. Elven(20.0%) of the overweight women and 5(12. 8%) of the normal weight group were single, but again no significant statistical difference was found. 2) A test for difference in health characterisics between two weight groups indicated that two groups do not show statistical differences in their perceived health status, health conception or health behavior choice. That is, the overweight group, also perceive their health status as good as the normal group, and regard 'Health' as a state that enables them to carry out social roles and functions rather than as the traditional concept of health as no disease or no symtoms. Moreover, the overweight group selected their health behaviors not for the prevention of diseases or maintenance of health but for promotion of health. To determine if no statistical difference might be related to the overweight group's failure of perceive themselves as overweight, the perceived and objective overweight status were compared by the chi-square analysis, and no difference was found(X2=49.37, df=l, p=.000). However, 7(17.9%) of the normal group perceived themselves as being overweighted and 7(12.7%) of the overweight group thought they were of normal weight. Even though the overweight group employed in this study perceived themselves as being overweight, they regarded themselves as healthy as those in the normal weight group. It was shown that there was no statistical difference between two groups in health conception, and that they chose health behaviors to promote health status. 3) Perceived health conception was shown to be significantly related to health behavior choice (r= .28, p=.006 for whole group: r=.33, p=.014 for overweight group: and r=.12, p=.463 for normal group). There was an indication that the more complicated the perceived health conception was, the more the trend of health behavior choice to promote health. This was especially true for the overweight group. But, the perceived health status did not related to health behavior choice statistically(r=.13, p=.202), and it was thought that reasons for selecting health behaviors were not related to their health status. That is, the overweight group perceive themselves as healthy as the normal weight group or thought that overweight itself does not incur any risk on their health. Data from two groups were combined and analyzed with multiple regression methodology, because the relationship pattern of the two groups was similar. The analysis showed that health behavior has a significant relationship with age and the perceived health conception(r2=. 1517, p=.05, F=8.133). It means they come to health behavior along with their health conception and their age rather than their weights, perceived weight, health status or other social characteristics. This study was intended to understand how overweight middle-aged women perceive 'weight' and 'health', and how they meet their health related needs in comparison with normal weight middle-aged women. Other factors related to the health behavior in overweight middle-aged woman need to be determined through further descriptive studies outlined in the following recommendations, a) Reseach with the study area expanded. b) Reseach with grouping more detailed: much more overweight and underweight group c) Reseach on restricted relationship between overweight and age or profession. d) Reseach on what overweight middle-aged women do to reduce their weight and what factors motivate them to do it.

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Computerization of Nurse Staffing and Scheduling according to Patient Classification
Jang Ho Park, Hyeoun Ae Park, Hyon Cho, Yong Sun Choi
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1996;26(2):399-412.   Published online March 30, 2017
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Even though Korean medical law stipulates that number of patients attended by a nurse is 2.5 for hospitalization and 30 for ambulatory care, the number of patients cared by a nurse per day is much greater than the standard prescribed by the medical law. Current nursing productivity of nurses is not desirable unless the quality of care considered. Moreover, nursing manpower staffing based on neither current nurses' productivity nor standard of medical law cannot respond properly to dynamic situation of the medical services. As for the nurse scheduling, the critical problem of it in the hospital is determining the day-to-day shift assignments for each nurse for the specified period in a way that satisfies the given requirements of the hospital. Nurse scheduling, however, involves many factors and requirements, manual scheduling requires much time and effort to produce an adequate schedule. Under these backgrounds, the necessity of more efficient management of nursing manpower occupying 1/3 of total hospital workers has been recognized by many nursing administrators. This study was performed to develop a system computerizing nurse staffing and scheduling based on the patient classification. As a preliminary step for the system development, nursing workload in a secondary hospital was measured from Sep. to Oct. 1994. On the grounds of this result, computerization of nurse staffing and scheduling was proceeded with three options. First one is based on the current medical law. Second one is based on the assigned number of nursing staff. And the last is based on the request by patient classification. Computer languages used in this study were MS Visual Basic 3.0 for the staffing and Access 2.0 for the scheduling, respectively. Prospective users may operate this system easily because icons and mouse are used for easier graphic user interface and reducing the need for typing efforts. This system can help nurse administrators manage nursing manpower efficiently and nurses develop quick and easy schedule generation and allow more time for the patient care.

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The Effect of a Self Regulation Education Program for the Promotion and Maintenance of Self Care Behavior in the Chronically ill patients: For Diabetic Patients
Mee Ock Gu
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1996;26(2):413-427.   Published online March 30, 2017
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This study was conducted to test the effect of a self regulation education program as a nursing intervention with chronically ill patients. A quasi experimental research (non equivalent control group pretest-posttest design) was used in this study. The subjects were 30 non insulin dependent diabetic patients (experimental group: 14 patients, control group: 16 patients). The study was carried out from May, 1995 to February, 1996. Data were collected before the education program, immediately after and 2 months later and were analyzed with repeated measure ANCOVA, paired t-test and t-test. The results are as follows: 1. There was a significant difference in self efficacy between the two groups(F=27.61, P=0.000). There was a significant difference according to experimental stages(F=33.09, P=0.000) and interaction between education and experimental stages(F=30.21, P=0.000), 2. There was a significant difference in self care behavior between the two groups (F=27.05, P=0. 000). There was a significant difference according to experimental stages(F=31.14, P=0.000) and interaction between education and experimental stages(F=28.88, P=0.000), 3. There was a significant difference in glycemic control between before the education program and 2 months later in the experimental group (t=2.88, P=0.013). But there was no significant difference between before the education program and 2 months later in the control group. These results suggest that a self regulation education program is effective in promoting and maintaining self care behavior and in improving glycemic control. Thus this program can be recommended as an effective nursing intervention for chronically ill patients including diabetic patients.

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Experimental Study for Construction of Mouth Care in Chemotherpy Patients
Young Soon Byun, Ae Kyung Kim
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1996;26(2):428-442.   Published online March 30, 2017
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Stomatitis is a common toxicity associated with the administration of certain cancer chemoth-erapeutic agents used in the treatment of malignant tumors. It represents one of the most distressing side effects of cancer chemotherapy and can interfere with the patient's ability to eat, be the cause of much pain and discomfort, and require the use of potent analgesics. The situation also creates favorable conditions for local infection which may lead to septicemia. Several authors have identified the need to estabilish protocols for the control and treatment of the oral discomfort associated with oral mucositis as a result of chemotherapy. Thus this study attempted to development of oral care protocol for chemotherapy patients. The effects of the mouth care using sterile normal saline, nystatine solution on oral stomatitis were investigated in 30 patients on chemotherapy. The subject were devided into three groups; control group: not gargling experimental group A: normal saline gargling (4 times a day) experimental group B: nystatine solution gar-gling(4 times a day) The Oral Assessment Guide (OAG) was used to assess oral status three times (once in the prechemotherapy period, on 5th, 10th day of post chemotherapy) Oral culture was used to assess oral infection on 5th day of postchemotherapy. Data was analyzed on SAS program which used repeated ANOVA, t-test, X2 test. The results are as follows; 1. The incidence of stomatitis was higher in the control group and experimental group A than in experimental group B. (X2=0.002 P=0.001) 2. The grade of stomatitis (mean of total score) for patients in the experimental group B were significantly lower than in the experimental group A (F=1.96 P=0.0024). 3. In incidence of tougue change, control group, experimental group B were significantly higher than experimental group B(F=6.84 P=0.0039). 4. In control group and experimental group A, oral infection due to pathogenic bacteria were identified. In conclusion, mouth care with nystatine solution four times a day could reduce the incidence of stomatitis and secondary oral infection due to stomatitis. Thus active mouth care protocol which used to nystatine solution gargling need to prevention of stomatitis in chemotherapy patients.

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A Study on Health promoting behaviors for children
Hwa Za Lee, Hyang Mi Jung, Hye Gyung An
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1996;26(2):443-466.   Published online March 30, 2017
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Young children need continuous care and fostering by their family. They help children organize and develop their potential and grow to be and integrated individuals. Children are influenced by then family at first and continuously when they grow up and develop their capability. Especially, mothers spend a lot of time with time to their children, encourage children's growth, give advice, and do their best to take care of their children. The ethnograpic study is to understand the patterns and rules of human behaviors. This study utilized this method in order to interpret the maternal health promoting behaviors for their children. The data were collected through the participant observation and direct interview for about 18 months in P city. The participants were 7 mothers, from 32 to 37 years old. They have children of ages 3 to 10 and 1 or 2 children in total. The data were analyzed through the Spradley's Ethnograghic method and the results were summarized as follows: The viewpoints which influence maternal health promoting behaviors include "having childlike appearance", "having childlike character", "living without illness", and "eating well". The maternal health promoting behaviors for children are classified as "adapting to nature", "supporting of ability", "sharing with the family", "training", and "praying". The adapting behaviors include "recognizing child's innate character", "controlling maternal desires", "preparing natural food", which includes breast feeding. The supporting behaviors include "recognizing childlikeness", "empowering", and "restricting certain actions to preventing accidents". In order to promote child's health, it is essential to promote mother's health first of all. The sharing with the family includes "promoting family concord or acquaintanceships concord" and "adapting to circumstances beyond family". The training behaviors include "forming good habits" and "having good moral value". It is very important to form good habits in childhood. The praying behavior include "waiting for opportunities" and "endeavoring activity to promote child's health". The above 5 behaviors by mothers appeared to be able to promote children's health. The results of this study can be utilized to provide the basic information necessary to develop the patterns of maternal health promoting behaviors consistent with our culture and can contribute us develop the body of knowledge about the maternal health promotion for children in nursing.

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Role Stress, Organizational Commitment and Job Involvement in Clinical Nurses
Myung Ha Lee
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1996;26(2):467-482.   Published online March 30, 2017
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This study was carried out to measure the degree of organizational commitment, job involvement, and role stress of clinical nurses, and to identify the relationships among personal characteristics, role stress, organizational commitment and job involvement in clinical nurses. The subjects were consisted of 412 nurses who were working at three General Hospitals in Chonbuk. The data were collected by self-reporting questionnaire from Sept. 20 to Sept. 31, 1995. The instruments used in this study were Organizational Commitment Scale developed by Mowday et al. and Job Involvement Scale developed by Kanungo. The role stress was measured by the scale developed by Rizzo(: role conflict, role ambiguity) and Beehr(: role overload). T-test, one-way ANOVA, Scheffe test and pearson's correlation coefficient were used for data analysis. Major findings were as follows: 1. Mean scores for organizational commitment were 3.008, job involvement 3.074, and role stress 2. 815(: role conflict 2.802, role ambiguity 2.253, role overload 3.294) on a 5 point scale. 2. All of personal characteristics were significantly related to the level of organizational commitment: age(r=.481, p=.000), clinical experience(r= .479, p=.000), educational level(t=4.11, p= .000), position(F=30.867, p=.000), marital status(t=-5.63, p=.000) and hospital agency (F=21.374, p=.000). 3. All of personal characteristics were significantly related to the level of job involvement: age(r= .381, p=.000), clinical experience(r=.393, p= .000), educational level(t=3.72, p=.000), pos-ition(F=18.004, p=.000), marital status (t=-4. 91, p=.000) and hospital agency(F=39.441, p= .000). 4. There was a negative relationship between role stress and organizational commitment (r= - .519, p=.000). 5. There was a negative relationship between role stress and job involvement (r= -.256, p=.000). 6. There was a positive relationship between organizational commitment and job involvement (r=.591, p=.000).

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Overcoming Langage Barrier by Korean Nurses in U.S. Hospital Settings
Myung Sun Yi
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1996;26(2):483-496.   Published online March 30, 2017
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The purpose of this study was to describe how Korean nurses overcome the language barrier while working in the U.S. hospital settings. Twelve Korean nurses living in New York metropolitan area were asked open-ended, descriptive questions to collect the data. The interviews were done in Korean. All interviews were audiotaped under the permission of the participants and were transcribed verbatim. The data were analyzed using grounded theory analysis. The research process consisted of two phases. In the first phase 8 Korean nurses were interviewed and analyzed. In the second phase, further data were collected to verify categories and working hypotheses that were emerged from the first phase. The results of this study show that all Korean nurses experienced severe psychological stress such as confusion, anxiety, frustration, loss of self-confidence, embarrassment, guilt, depression, anger, and fear. Among the mode of communication such as listening, speaking, reading, and writing, they had the most difficulty in speaking. Speaking ability was especially important for them because of the emphasis of individualism and self-defense in the U.S. Among the verbal communication modes, non-face -to -face communications such as phone conversation and body language were the most difficult for them to overcome. It took at least 2 years for the participants to initially overcome the language barrier in U.S. hospitals. After 2-5 years they began to feel comfortable even in non-face-to-face communication. They could actively search for the better place to work after 5 years. They finally felt comfortable in English and in their job almost after 10 years. The factors that influenced the English improvement were 'the years of clinical experience in Korea,' 'the decade they came to the U.S.' 'coming to U.S. alone or with other Korean nurses,' 'racial homogeneity or heterogeneity of the working unit,' and 'the degree of social support.' The strategies Korean nurses used to overcome the language barrier included depending on the written communication, using 'nunchi,' working and studying hard, and establishing good interpersonal relationships with co-workers. They also employed assertive behavior of the U.S., such as using more explicit verbal language and employing smiles and eye contact with others during the conversation. The results of the study may help Korean nurses and nursing students who try to work in U.S. hospital settings by understanding problems other Korean nurses faced, factors that influenced their English improvement, and strategies they used. They may also help U.S. nurses and administrators in developing and implementing efficient programs for newly employed Korean nurses by understanding major problems and feelings the Korean nurses experienced and strategies they used to overcome the language barriers.

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Criteria for Critique of Qualitative Nursing Research
Kyung Rim Shin
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1996;26(2):497-506.   Published online March 30, 2017
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Gradually, there has been increase in the use of qualitative research methods in nursing research. Nursing scholars are using qualitative research methods to explore the essence of nursing and discover its meaning. However, there has been lack of standards for evaluating qualitative nursing research. Often nursing researchers are applying quantitative research evaluation standards to qualitative nursing research. Thus, there has not been any notable qualitative research done to date. In order to improve the quality of nursing research done to discover new knowledge for the nursing, and for development of nursing theory, criteria for critiquing qualitative research should be established. Therefore, this researcher introduced standards as criteria for critiquing qualitative research which are based on literature reviews and research experiences. The suggested criteria are developed several question's as follows: 1) description of the research phenomena, 2) significance, 3) research purpose, 4) research question, 5) assumptions, 6) researcher's abilities, 7) selection of research samples, 8) data collection, 9) human subjects, 10) data analysis, 11) description of researcher's results, 12) literature review. Follow-up of concrete questions for each of the criterias have been developed.

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J Korean Acad Nurs : Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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