Gradually, there has been increase in the use of qualitative research methods in nursing research. Nursing scholars are using qualitative research methods to explore the essence of nursing and discover its meaning. However, there has been lack of standards for evaluating qualitative nursing research. Often nursing researchers are applying quantitative research evaluation standards to qualitative nursing research. Thus, there has not been any notable qualitative research done to date. In order to improve the quality of nursing research done to discover new knowledge for the nursing, and for development of nursing theory, criteria for critiquing qualitative research should be established. Therefore, this researcher introduced standards as criteria for critiquing qualitative research which are based on literature reviews and research experiences. The suggested criteria are developed several question's as follows: 1) description of the research phenomena, 2) significance, 3) research purpose, 4) research question, 5) assumptions, 6) researcher's abilities, 7) selection of research samples, 8) data collection, 9) human subjects, 10) data analysis, 11) description of researcher's results, 12) literature review. Follow-up of concrete questions for each of the criterias have been developed.