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Original Article
Overcoming Langage Barrier by Korean Nurses in U.S. Hospital Settings
Myung Sun Yi
The Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1996;26(2):483-496.
Published online: March 30, 2017

Copyright © 1996 Korean Society of Nursing Science

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  • The purpose of this study was to describe how Korean nurses overcome the language barrier while working in the U.S. hospital settings. Twelve Korean nurses living in New York metropolitan area were asked open-ended, descriptive questions to collect the data. The interviews were done in Korean. All interviews were audiotaped under the permission of the participants and were transcribed verbatim. The data were analyzed using grounded theory analysis. The research process consisted of two phases. In the first phase 8 Korean nurses were interviewed and analyzed. In the second phase, further data were collected to verify categories and working hypotheses that were emerged from the first phase. The results of this study show that all Korean nurses experienced severe psychological stress such as confusion, anxiety, frustration, loss of self-confidence, embarrassment, guilt, depression, anger, and fear. Among the mode of communication such as listening, speaking, reading, and writing, they had the most difficulty in speaking. Speaking ability was especially important for them because of the emphasis of individualism and self-defense in the U.S. Among the verbal communication modes, non-face -to -face communications such as phone conversation and body language were the most difficult for them to overcome. It took at least 2 years for the participants to initially overcome the language barrier in U.S. hospitals. After 2-5 years they began to feel comfortable even in non-face-to-face communication. They could actively search for the better place to work after 5 years. They finally felt comfortable in English and in their job almost after 10 years. The factors that influenced the English improvement were 'the years of clinical experience in Korea,' 'the decade they came to the U.S.' 'coming to U.S. alone or with other Korean nurses,' 'racial homogeneity or heterogeneity of the working unit,' and 'the degree of social support.' The strategies Korean nurses used to overcome the language barrier included depending on the written communication, using 'nunchi,' working and studying hard, and establishing good interpersonal relationships with co-workers. They also employed assertive behavior of the U.S., such as using more explicit verbal language and employing smiles and eye contact with others during the conversation. The results of the study may help Korean nurses and nursing students who try to work in U.S. hospital settings by understanding problems other Korean nurses faced, factors that influenced their English improvement, and strategies they used. They may also help U.S. nurses and administrators in developing and implementing efficient programs for newly employed Korean nurses by understanding major problems and feelings the Korean nurses experienced and strategies they used to overcome the language barriers.

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        Overcoming Langage Barrier by Korean Nurses in U.S. Hospital Settings
        Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing. 1996;26(2):483-496.   Published online March 30, 2017
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