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Volume 18(2); August 1988
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Effect of 8 week's aerobic dance training on the body composition, cardiopulmonary function and blood cholesterol concentration in young women
Myoung Ae Choe
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1988;18(2):105-117.   Published online March 31, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

To evaluate training effect, aerobic dance was performed by eight female collegestudents for 8 weeks.' Body composition, cardiopulmonary function at rest and during maximal exercise, blood cholesterol concentration at rest were determined before and after 8weeks of aerobic dance training. Maximal exercise was performed on the treadmill according of Bruce protocol. Pre to post training differences were evaluated. The results obtained were as follows: 1. After the training, skinfold thickness and total body fat decreased significantly(p<0.1) while lean body mass increased with significance (p<0.1). 2. Heart rate and arterial blood pressure at rest decreased without sinificance after the training. 3. As a result of training, forced vital capacity and forced expiratory volume for a second increased significantly (p<0.01, P<0.1). 4. After the training period, heart rate at 3,6, and 9 min. during treadmill exercise was significantly lower than those of pretraining (p<0.05). 5. After the training, systolic and diastolic blood pressure at 6 and 9 min during the exercise was significantly lower than those of pretrainirig (p<0.025, p<0.1). 6. After the training, oxygen uptake at 3 and 6 min . during the exercise was significantly greater than those of pretraining (p<0.05). 7. As a result of training, the maximal oxygen uptake increased significantly during the exercise (p<0.1). 8. After the training, expired air volume for a minute at 3 and 6 min during the exercise was signigicantly grerter than those of pretraining (p<0.1). 9. After the training, repiratory quotient during the exercise was lower than pretaining without signif icance. 10. After the training, blood HDL-cholesterol concentration incereased with significance, (p<0.1) blood total cholesterol and triglycerids concentration dec-reasedsigntficantly (p<0.1). From these results, it may be concluded that 8 week aerobic dance training reduces skinfold thickness and body fat contents, improves the cardiopulmonary function and tissue oxygen utilization, reduces blood cholesterol and triglyceride concentration and brings about the increase of blood HDL-cholesterol concentriation.

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A study on the relationship between Health Locus of Contral and Health behavier of residents in Choong Nam Province
Young Whee Lee
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1988;18(2):118-127.   Published online March 31, 2017
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This descriptive correlational study was undertaken in order to examine if there was relationship between health locus of control and health behavior of 122 resi dents in Choong Nam Province. The sampling mehtcd was non-probability, conventent sampling technique. Questionnaire survey was conducted from March 2 to March 11, 1988. Each participant completed the Multidimensional Health Locus of control(MHLC) scale (Wallsten & Wallston, 1978) and Health Behavior scale (developed by Dr. cho) The collected data were analyzed using Peason Correlation coefficient, t-test and Analusis of Variance. The results were as follows: 1. Hypothesis i, stating that the higer the score of internal health locus of control, the higher the Score of level of actual implementation of health behavior was supported(r=.1344, p<.05). 2. Hypothesis 2, stating that the higher the score of chance health locus of control, the lower the score of level of actual implementation of health behavior was not supported (r= -.1344, p>.05). 3.Hypothesis 3, stating that the higher the score of internal health locus of control, the higher the score of the level of perceived importance of health behavior was supported (r=.3373, p<.00l). 4. Hypothesis 4, stating that the higher the score of chance health locus of control, the lower the score of level of perceived importance of health behavior was not supported (r=- .0810, p>.05). 5. The mean score of internal was 23.36, powerful others was 19.04 and chance 15.36 out of maximum range of 6 - 30 respectively. The mean score of level of actual implementation of health behavior was 112.84 and level of perceived importance of health behavior 143.60 our of maximum range of 32-160 respectively. 6. The variances which were related with the level of actual implementation of health behavior, were education level, occupation, economic status, referred method of primary health managemet and resicent's place. And the variance which were related with the level of perceived impertance of health behavior were sex, economic status and occupation.

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A Direction for Nursing Research
Susie kim
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1988;18(2):128-134.   Published online March 31, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

This parper argues that nursing theories ideosyncratic to situations should be developed through research, if nursing practice is to be effective in achieving the objective of promoting, maintaining, or restoring health of clients / patients. After reviewing (1) the interactive relationship between the theory and research, (2) the type and sequence of research for theory- building, (3) the hierarchy of theories, and (4) congruence between the type of theory and research approach, it suggests (1) that more exploratory studies (research) should be undertaken as a way to develop descriptive theories that may lead to new hypotheses, (2) that more empirical studies should also be undertaken to test if new hypotheses generated from exploratory studies may be useful in the setting of nuring practice, (3) that more studies should be undertaken to develop useful measures of nursing concepts, and (4) that more replicated studies should be undertaken in order to give rise to the external validity of new theories. It also discusses the ethical considerations of nursing research in the future.

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A Study on Relationship between Dysfunctional Matrimonial Communication Patterns and Complaint Degree of House wives
Eun Sim Kim, Young Hee Choi
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1988;18(2):135-152.   Published online March 31, 2017
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Since 1950s' we have come to take a deep interest in matrimonial communication as the theories of family therapy though communication came to extend. In the rapid changing modern society, especially, the dysfunctional aspect of the communication rather than functional one tends to grow high because married couples who suffer from isolation and solitary in social life want to satisfy their unfilled desire through matrimonial communication and apt to be hurt easily by their attitudes and behaviors. When these discrepancies in dysfunctional aspect take place repeatedly, the conflict between married couple which is bad in their psychological effects go from bad to worse and influence their somatic symptoms. This study was attempted to examine the relationship between dysfunctional communication patterns of married couple and complaint degree of housewives psychosomatic symptoms and to use as basic materials focusing on nursing system centered around family, which aims to reach the family centered culture of Korea. To gain the aims, some surveys were performed at Seoul, Chinju and some areas of Kyeongki province, and the study materials were collected from 70 wives who were encountered by 12 pastrolists majoring in clinical pastrol of 'Y' Theological Graduate School and from neurotic patients of those who visited the internal Medicine depts of 1 university hospital and 4 hospitals J city, among whom they used dysfunctional communication pattern in their married life. And data collection was performed from Feb. 22, 1988 to April 22. In the survey, four types of dysfunctional communication presented by Song Sung-Ja were used as the survey tool. And the complaint degree on psychosomatic symptoms was measured by the classification according to the complaint degree of housewives's psychosomatic symptoms through pretest after content validity, in which the housewives who dysfunctional communication were surveyed. To learnmatrimonial Communicationpatterns that have an effect on housewives psychosomatic symptoms in the surveyed.

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A Study on the Health Services Provision of Community Health Practitioners
Young Im Kim
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1988;18(2):153-161.   Published online March 31, 2017
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The purpose of this study was to analyze the level of the services provision of community health practitioners (CHP) and to find out the influence factors on the services provision of CHP. In this study the dependent variables were the level of community health services (CHS), maternal and child health services(MCH), family planning services(FPS), primary care services(PCS) and the ratios of preventive health services(PHS). And independent variables were predisposing, community demographic and task factors. For this analysis, atepwise regression was used. Data collected for the study on reorganization of health centers organization in 1985 was partly used. The findings of this study can be summarized as follows : First, total variance of independent variables for CHS, MCH, FPS, PCS and PHS are shown 62.5 percent, 58.3 percent, 41.8 percent, 17 percent and 61.9 percent respectively. Second, the most important variables which explain CHS, MCH, FPS. PCS and PHS was ratios of household contacted(R2=0.289), marital status(R2=0.177), marital status(R2=0.167), ratios of household contacted(R2=0. 119)and management of preventive health services(R2 =0.203) respectively. The independent varivbles used in this analysis presen -ted that the explnining for the provision of preventive health service are more influenced than primary care services. In summary this analysis suggests that the level of preventive health services provision of CHP is low and the provision of primary care services compared with preventive health services are occurred independentely. In the future, the strategies for active preventive services by CHP must to be strengthened.

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A Preliminary Study on Setting Philosophy and Curriculum Development in Nursing Education
Yeon Kang Chung, Yoon Hee Kim, Kwang Hee Yang, Kyung Ja Han, Sang Im Han
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1988;18(2):162-188.   Published online March 31, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purpose of this study is to guide the direction of the Korean nursing education to analysize (1) the philosophy and objectives (2) curriculum, and (3) educational environment. This analysis is based on the data from 50 nursing schools (14 4-year collges and 35 3-year colleges) The survey was conducted from Dec. 1986 through Jan. 1987 by mail. 1) Educational philosophy and objectives 10 4-year collges and 8 3-year college program have curicular philosohp. Most popular curricular philosophies are human beings, health, nursing, nursology, nursing education, nurses role in the present and in the future. 10 nursing schools mentioned that human being is the subject to interact with : environment physically, mentally and socially. 2 schools mentioned that health is the state of functioning well physically, mentally and socially. 13 schools mentioned that the nursing is the dynamic act to maintain and to promote the highest possible level of health. 4 schools mentioned that the nursology is an applied science. 4 schools mentioned that nursing education is the process to induce the behavioural changes based on the individual ability. There is different opinion about the nurses' role between 4-year college and 3-year college. In the responses from 4-year colleges they focus on the leadership in effective changes, self-regulating and self-determining responsibilities, applying the new technology, continuing education, and participation in research to further nursing knowledge. In the responses from 3-year colleges, they focus on the education in college, primary health care nursing, direct care provider and public health education. Among 50 respondents 40 schools have educational goals which can be divided into two categories. One is to establish the moral and the other is to develop the professionalism. 2) Curriculm The analsis of curriculum is only based on the data from the 4-year colleges because the most of 3-year colleges follow the curriculum guideline set by the Ministry of Education. a) Comparison of the credits in cultural subject and in nursing major. The average required credit for graduation is 154.6 and the median credit is the range of 140-149. The average credit of cultural subjects is 43.4. In detail, the average number of credit of required course and elective courses are 24.1 and 19.3 respectively. The average credit for major subject is 111.2. In detail, the average credit for required courses and electives course are 100.9 and 10.4 respectively. In 5 colleges, students are offered even on elective course b) Comparison of the credit by class. The average earned credits are as follows : 41.1 in freshman, 400 in sophormore 38.3 in junior and 32.4 in senior. Cultural subjects are studied in early phases. c) Comparison of the compulsory and elective cultural subject by institute. The range of credit is 7-43 in compulsory cultural subjects and there are lot of differences among institutions. While all respondents require liberal arts as com-pulsary subjects, few respondents lists social science, natural science and behavioral science as required subjects. Social science-related subjects are frequently chosen as cultural subjects. d) Distribution of creditsin cultural subjects by institute. The liberal art subjects are taught in 20 institute. English and physical education courses are taught in all instituions. The social science subjects are taught in 15 colleges and the basic Psycology and the Basic sociology are the most popular subjects. The natural science subjects are taught in 7 colleges and Biology and Chemistry are the most popular subjects among them. e) Distribution of credits in major basic courses by institute. Most of the institutes select Anatomy, Microbiology, Physiology, biochemistry and Pathology as basic major courses. f) Comparison of the required and elective courses for nursing major by institutions. Subjects and credit ranges in major are varing by institute. More than half of the respondents select the following subjects as required major subjects. (1) Adults Health Nursing and Practice (19.5 credits) (2) Mother and Child Care and Practice (8.9 credits) (3) Community Health Care and Practice (8.5 credits) (4) Psychiatric Nursing Care and Practice (8.1 credits) (5) Nursing Management and Practice (3.9 credits) (6) Fundamental of Nursing, Nursing Research and Health Assessment and Practice. Three institutions select Introduction to nursing, Rehabilitation Nursing, School Nursing, Public Health Nursing, Nursing English, Communication, Human Development as electives in nursing major. 3) Educational environment a) Nursing institution There are forty-three 3-year colleges and seventeen 4-year colleges and 81.4% of which are private b) Number of students and faculty 19.2% of the students are in 4-year colleges and 80. 8% of the students; are in 3-year colleges. In 4-year colleges, the number of nursing faculty members is in the other of assistant professor, instructor and professor. In 3-year colleges, the orderiis lecturer, associate professor, full time instructor and assistant professor. In 4-year colleges, 18.8 students are allocated per nursing faculty and in 3-year colleges. 33.1 students are allocated per nursing faculty. c) Clinical practices 66.7% of the 4-year colleges practice over 1201 hours in clinic and 28.5% of 3-year colleges practice over 1201 hours in clinic. In 4-year colleges, 11.5 students are allocated per nursing faculty and in 3-year olleges,17 students are allocated per nursing faculty. The survey shows no difference in the procedure between 4 year colleges and 3-year colleges but 3-year colleges choose the more variety practicing site such as special hospital and community health clinic. d) Audiovisual facilities The survey shows a lot of diference in audiovisual facilities among institution and 3-year colleges are less equipped than 4-yearcolleges.

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A Study on Adult's Perception of Health Concept
Young Soon Byun
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1988;18(2):189-196.   Published online March 31, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

Health, a major concept in nursing, has not yet consistent or agreed upon definition. Although effective health care depends on clear communication between health care provider and client clear definition of health would enhance the promotion of quality in health care. There are no agreed definitions or criteria for overall health. An essentialstep would seem to be to determine cmmonly held meaning about the concept of health. Therefore, the study was aimed at identifying the Adult' s perceptions of health concept. The subject's consisting of 312 adults, who were sampled through area sampling from May 10 to May 30,1988. The instruments used for this study were Health Conception Scale, which was developed by Smith, Laffrey's revised and tested its reliability. The data was Analyzed by S.P.S.S. program and the results were as follows;1. The results of the reliability test for content of health concept was alpha=,87. 2. The respondents perception of Health Meaning were inclined to emphasize the functional / role performance dimension rather than clinical dimension. 3. The perceptual level of health concept was proved to be significantly different by the variable : age, sex, religion, area marital status. In conclusion, adult's perception of Health Concept is revealed that functional and role performance dimension is more important than other dimensions. Futher study is necessry to clarify the structure of functional, adaptive, eudaimonistic dimension and systematic study with subculture will be and repetitive verification and modification of this tool is demanded.

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The Pain Behavior of Patients with Joint Pain
Eun Ok Lee, Yoon Bok Hahn, Soon Ja Kim, Sun Ok Lee, Dal Sook Kim, Jo Ja Kim, Kwang Joo Kim, Joo Hee Kim, Ran Young Lim, Jum Hee Park, Soon Hee Choi
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1988;18(2):197-210.   Published online March 31, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purposes of this study were ; 1) to assess the level of pain and to identity the varieties and the degree of pain-related behavior, 2) to measure the level of correlation between the level of pain and the degree of pain?related behavior, 3) to test the correlation between the Korean Pain Rating Scale (KPRS) and Graphic Rating Scale(GRS), and 4) to gather data relevant to the Socio-demqgraphic status of the subjects. The level of pain was measured by KPRS and GRS developed by the researchers. The KPRS consists of three dimensions ; the sensory, the affective and the miscel laneous and the GRS of two separate scales ; the intensity scale and the unpleasantness scale. Of the 2,025 who had visited orthopedic and neurosur-gical out-patients department of 11 university hospitals in various districts of Korea with the episode of joint pain, 405 subjects were self-selected by responding to the data gathering tools and questionaires mailed. The results are summaried as follows; 1. Maale(217, 53.6%) exceeded female patients( 188, 46. 4%) in number and the onset of joint pain was more prevalent in the age groups of the 20s and the 30s. 160(39.5%) had been hospitalized for the treatment of, and 87 (21.5%) had retired because of the joint pain. 2. Mean pain score measured by KPRS was 128.31 (ran ge; 0 1.344.8); mean sensory score was 43.23(range: 0-645.88%), mean affective score was 46.09(range; 0 356.72), and mean miscellaneous score was 39.99 (range; 0-341.68). Mean pain scores measured by GRS were; sensory intensity score; 109l(range: 0-200) and distress score; 99.1 (range: 0 200). 3. The prevalent sites of joint pain revealed to be the right knee joint(203: 50.1%), left knee joint(181(44. 7%), left ilium ( 147,36.3%). lumbar regir,n(106: 26. 2%), hip joint(92: 22.7%) and the ankle(84; 20.7%). 4. The average sleep hour was 6.8hours per day and the average rest hour during the day hours was 3.3hours (range 0-20). 5. The average duration of suffering from bint pain was 49.1 months. 6. Most of the subjects(298; 73.6%) used some sorts.

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The effect of sensorimotor stimulation for ingestion in dysphagic patients who have nonprogressive brain damage: Preliminary Study
Hyun Sook Kang
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1988;18(2):211-219.   Published online March 31, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

No abstract available.

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J Korean Acad Nurs : Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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