This descriptive correlational study was undertaken in order to examine if there was relationship between health locus of control and health behavior of 122 resi dents in Choong Nam Province. The sampling mehtcd was non-probability, conventent sampling technique. Questionnaire survey was conducted from March 2 to March 11, 1988. Each participant completed the Multidimensional Health Locus of control(MHLC) scale (Wallsten & Wallston, 1978) and Health Behavior scale (developed by Dr. cho) The collected data were analyzed using Peason Correlation coefficient, t-test and Analusis of Variance. The results were as follows: 1. Hypothesis i, stating that the higer the score of internal health locus of control, the higher the Score of level of actual implementation of health behavior was supported(r=.1344, p<.05). 2. Hypothesis 2, stating that the higher the score of chance health locus of control, the lower the score of level of actual implementation of health behavior was not supported (r= -.1344, p>.05). 3.Hypothesis 3, stating that the higher the score of internal health locus of control, the higher the score of the level of perceived importance of health behavior was supported (r=.3373, p<.00l). 4. Hypothesis 4, stating that the higher the score of chance health locus of control, the lower the score of level of perceived importance of health behavior was not supported (r=- .0810, p>.05). 5. The mean score of internal was 23.36, powerful others was 19.04 and chance 15.36 out of maximum range of 6 - 30 respectively. The mean score of level of actual implementation of health behavior was 112.84 and level of perceived importance of health behavior 143.60 our of maximum range of 32-160 respectively. 6. The variances which were related with the level of actual implementation of health behavior, were education level, occupation, economic status, referred method of primary health managemet and resicent's place. And the variance which were related with the level of perceived impertance of health behavior were sex, economic status and occupation.