This study was done in order to help alleviate or prevent the anxiety resulting from cardiac catheterization among adult patients. This goal may be reached through providing relaxation techenique to the patients. Such an informativeness would make if possible to establish a basis for comprehensive nursing intervention. The results of this study are summarized as follows: 1. The first hypothesis; "The experimental group with relaxation informativeness will have less score of state anxiety level before cardiac catheterization than the control group without relaxation informativeness" was accepted. (t=3.72, p=.001). 2. The second hypothesis; "The experimental group with relaxation technique informativeness will have less score of distress level during the procedure than the control group without relaxation technique informativeness" was accepted. (t=2.36, p=.023) 3. Additional analysis; It is seen that most cardiac patients were satisfied with precardiac catheterization procedure information provided by medical teams. (experimental group: 90%, control group: 85%) The relaxation technique informativeness contributed to the decrease of anxiety level. Patients showed interest in reusing the relaxation technique informativeness in the event of further need. in conclusion, the researcher thinks that it is necessary that nurses provide patients with relaxation technique to reduce the anxiety level with cardiac catheterization. This will enable them to practice effective comprehensive nursing.
This study was undertaken to elucidate effects of ingesting small or large amount of tap or iced water on circulation of normal healthy men with the purpose of furnishing basic data for nursing interven-tion of myocardial infarction patients. The subjects for this study were normal healthy men consisting of 30men and 30women in age from 22 to 30 years. One group consisting of 30men drank 240ml tap water on dayl and 240ml iced water 24hours later. The other group drank 960ml tap water on day 1 and 660ml iced water 24hours later. Blood pressure and heart rate were taken in a sitting position before ingesting water, and immediately after ingesting it and at 2,5,10,15,30 minute intervals thereafter. Changes of heart rate, systolic and diastolic blood pressure after ingesting water were compared with those of preingestive period. The results obtained were as follows: 1. There were no significant changes in blood pressure and heart rater after ingesting small amount of water regardless of its temperature. 2. No significant decrease in blood pressure after ingesting large amount of tap water at all time peroids was noted. 3. A strongly significant interaction effect between temperature and volume was demonstrated, that is, there was a highly significant decrease in blood pressure and heart rate at all time periods after ingesting large amount of iced water.
A group of studies revealed that family members of the seriously ill patient had some needs during the period of patient's hospitalization. Needs of the seriously-ill patient family could be classified into three aspect, i. e. needs on the prognosis of patient, needs on the well-being of family members themselves and needs on hospital enviroment. Several instrument were developed to measure the needs of the seriously ill patient, but their content tended to overemphasize the aspect of the prognosis of patient. The purpose of this study was to develop a new instrument to measure the needs in the aspect of the seriously ill patient's family themselves in details to increase the cummulative percentage of the scale. Subjects were 134 family members of the seriously-ill patients, who were being cared in ICU of seven university hospitals and data were collected from march 16, 1987 to April 11, 1987. The instrument used in this study was made by the author on the basis of results of literature review. Content valitily of the instrument was tested by a professor majoring in nursing and reliability by calculation of Cronbach's a with data of the, respondents. Data was analyzed as follows, using SAS, computer system. Factor structures of the seriously ill cpatients' family needs were elicited by factor analysis. The progromme was the Principal Component Factor Analysis Method of factoring employing Varimax Orthogonal Rotation. The influences of the demographic variables on the degree of the seriously-ill patients' family need were analyzed by t-test and F-test. Results were as follows. 1. Needs of the seriously-ill patients' family elicited and their cummulative percentage were; Needs to be supported emotionally, 29. 2% Needs to be informed on facilities available, 9.6% Needs to be informed on the patient's prognosis, 7.7%. Needs to be supported spiritually, 5.1%. Needs to be informed on hospital environment, 4.2%. Needs to be helped to spare time, 3.9%. Needs to be informed on their role, 3.5%. Needs to be present near patient, 3. 3%. 2. Educational background was found to influence on some factors. College-graduate group had higher level of needs to be informed on facilities available to be informed on the patient's prognosis, needs to be supported spiritually, needs to be helped to spare time, needs to be informed on their role than' high school graduate group. 3. Among the parents, sons and daughters and the relative groups, the parents of the seriously ill patient had highest level of needs to be present near patient. Suggestions for further studies were as follows. 1. As the instruments used in the previous studies had high cummulative percentages in the aspect of the prognosis of patient and that in this study in the aspect of the prognosis of patient and that in this study in the aspect of the seriously ill patient's family themselves, development of a new instrument which combined the items of both of them is needed.2. A study to clarify the influence of type and number of admission on need to be supported emotionally is needed.
The main purpose of this study was to examine the validity of the vital sign as an instrument of stress reaction measurement. From July to August 1986, stress reaction was evaluated by the difference of endoscopic vital sign on 93 G-I troubled out-patients who underwent end-oscopy for the first time and did not have any evidence of cardiovascular disease. The data were analysed by .x(2)-test, Paired. t-test, ANCOVA and Multiple Comparison Test. The result of study were as follows; 1. The frequency of gastric disease was differed by the family type, and the mobility of gastritis and gastric cancer were more increased in nuclear family than in large family (p=0.019). 2. In a comparison of before with after 5 minutes endoscopic vital sign, and a pulse rate (p=0. 0001), respiration rate (p=0. 0001), systolic blood pressure (p=0. 0002) and diastolic blood pressure (p=0.006) were significantly increased after 5minutes by end-oscony in contrast with before 5minutes. 3. The control of before 5 minutes of endoscopic vital sign, after 5 minutes of endoscopic systolic (p=0. 024) and diastolic bluud pressure (p=0. 0146) were more elevated in biopsyed group than in non-biopsyed group. And after 5minutes of endoscopic respiration rate was more increased in gastric cancer than in gastritis (p=0.0406) or gastric ulcer (p= 0. 0073). And after 5 minutes of endoscopic systolic blood pressure was elevated over 50years old men (p=0. 0238). fa short, the increase of a pulse rate af ter 5 minutes of endoscopy was not influenced by general characteristics of samples in this experiment. And systolic blood pressure over 50years old men must be considered of physiological hypertension.
The problem addressed by this study was to reveal what people of Korean rural villages think about the cause, treatment and prevention of illness. The purpose was to contribute to the building of a concept of health toward the development of Korean Nursing Theory. Subjects were residents of five districts among four counties in a fanning area of Chonbuk province recommended by health workers as appropriate informants. They were interviewed in their home3, using ethnoscientific methods developed in anthropology. The research tool consisted of open questions developed through the literature and preliminary exploratory interviews. Data were analyzed by classifying each concepts of cause, treatment and prevention of illness or illness symptoms collated by frequency and percentaage. The causes of illness are conceived as primarily concrete physical and natural, for examples, overeating, lack of energy, changes in the season and extreme temperatures. Compared to others studies, few supernatural causes related to traditional view of illness were identified. Concepts of the treatment of illness included formal treatments used by modern western or oriental physicians and traditional therapists. But folk medicine used by traditional healers or by the family in the home was most prevalent. The concept of illness prevention originated in the concept of the cause of illness, thus primarily physical and natural, for examples, nutritious food, limiting the amount of food, avoiding becoming cold. When the concept of illness of rural Korean is researched from a sociocultural aspect, the traditional views of an evil cause of ill health and treatment by supernatural methods is not found to be prevalent but folk medicine still occupies a large place in treatment which si often a complex mixture from many mysterious sources. The significance of this study lies in the fact that ethnonursing research can contribute basic data toward the development of Korean nursing theories. Modern western medical cocnepts have not been accepted unconditionally: traditional concepts are alive and dynamic in Korea and must be recognized in Korean nursing.
This descriptive-correlational studdy was condduetedd to recognize the relational between the perceived social support and stress in pregnant women. The subject were comprised of 154 patients who were at 24 weeks over, and data were collected by way of questionnairs at K-university hospital in Seoul during 23 days (November 21, 1986 to December 18, 1986). The result of this study may be summerized as follows, 1) The degrees of the support from situation perceived by pregnant women were: the minimal 20 points, the maximal 61 points and the mean 40.42 points. 2) The degrees of stress perceived by pregnant women were: the minimal 32 points, the maximal 109 poilits and the mean 65.49 points. 3) The results of hypotheses were; the first hypothesis was not supported that the higher the degree of social support from situation perceived by pregnant women, the lower that of stress(r=-0.01129, p=0.8895) the second was supported that the higher the degree of support perceived indirectly by pregnant women, the lower that of stress(r=-0.23832, p=0.0029). the third was supported that the higher the degree of support perceived directly by pregnant women, the lower that of stress.(r=-0.36019, p=0.0001) 4) The fourth shows that in the relationships between the characteristics of socio-popualtion and obstetrics and the degree of social support, there was significant difference; i) the support from situation differs in learning (t=-2.178, p<. 05), and satisfaction of marriage (F=5.06, p<.01) ii) the support perceived indirectly differs in learning (t=-3.065, p<. 01), month of pregnant(F= 2.78, p<.05), satisfaction of marriage (F=20.08, P<. 001) and forms of family (t=2.11, p<.05) iii) the support perceived directly differs in satisfaction of marriage (F=21.00, p<. 001) and forms of family (t=2.11, p<.05) 5) the fifth shows that in the relationship between the characteristics of sociopopulation and obstetrics and stress, the degree of satisfaction of marriage only shows the significant statistical difference(F= 6.40, p<.01) 6) The sixth shows that the factor affecting the stress of pregnant women was the support perceived directly and its explanatory power was 12,9%.