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Original Article
A Study of the Correlation between Social Support and Stress in the Pregnant Women
Yeon Ok Suh
The Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1987;17(2):153-161.
Published online: March 31, 2017

Copyright © 1987 Korean Society of Nursing Science

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  • This descriptive-correlational studdy was condduetedd to recognize the relational between the perceived social support and stress in pregnant women. The subject were comprised of 154 patients who were at 24 weeks over, and data were collected by way of questionnairs at K-university hospital in Seoul during 23 days (November 21, 1986 to December 18, 1986). The result of this study may be summerized as follows, 1) The degrees of the support from situation perceived by pregnant women were: the minimal 20 points, the maximal 61 points and the mean 40.42 points. 2) The degrees of stress perceived by pregnant women were: the minimal 32 points, the maximal 109 poilits and the mean 65.49 points. 3) The results of hypotheses were; the first hypothesis was not supported that the higher the degree of social support from situation perceived by pregnant women, the lower that of stress(r=-0.01129, p=0.8895) the second was supported that the higher the degree of support perceived indirectly by pregnant women, the lower that of stress(r=-0.23832, p=0.0029). the third was supported that the higher the degree of support perceived directly by pregnant women, the lower that of stress.(r=-0.36019, p=0.0001) 4) The fourth shows that in the relationships between the characteristics of socio-popualtion and obstetrics and the degree of social support, there was significant difference; i) the support from situation differs in learning (t=-2.178, p<. 05), and satisfaction of marriage (F=5.06, p<.01) ii) the support perceived indirectly differs in learning (t=-3.065, p<. 01), month of pregnant(F= 2.78, p<.05), satisfaction of marriage (F=20.08, P<. 001) and forms of family (t=2.11, p<.05) iii) the support perceived directly differs in satisfaction of marriage (F=21.00, p<. 001) and forms of family (t=2.11, p<.05) 5) the fifth shows that in the relationship between the characteristics of sociopopulation and obstetrics and stress, the degree of satisfaction of marriage only shows the significant statistical difference(F= 6.40, p<.01) 6) The sixth shows that the factor affecting the stress of pregnant women was the support perceived directly and its explanatory power was 12,9%.

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        A Study of the Correlation between Social Support and Stress in the Pregnant Women
        Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing. 1987;17(2):153-161.   Published online March 31, 2017
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      A Study of the Correlation between Social Support and Stress in the Pregnant Women
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