The main purpose of this study was to examine the validity of the vital sign as an instrument of stress reaction measurement. From July to August 1986, stress reaction was evaluated by the difference of endoscopic vital sign on 93 G-I troubled out-patients who underwent end-oscopy for the first time and did not have any evidence of cardiovascular disease. The data were analysed by .x(2)-test, Paired. t-test, ANCOVA and Multiple Comparison Test. The result of study were as follows; 1. The frequency of gastric disease was differed by the family type, and the mobility of gastritis and gastric cancer were more increased in nuclear family than in large family (p=0.019). 2. In a comparison of before with after 5 minutes endoscopic vital sign, and a pulse rate (p=0. 0001), respiration rate (p=0. 0001), systolic blood pressure (p=0. 0002) and diastolic blood pressure (p=0.006) were significantly increased after 5minutes by end-oscony in contrast with before 5minutes.
3. The control of before 5 minutes of endoscopic vital sign, after 5 minutes of endoscopic systolic (p=0. 024) and diastolic bluud pressure (p=0. 0146) were more elevated in biopsyed group than in non-biopsyed group. And after 5minutes of endoscopic respiration rate was more increased in gastric cancer than in gastritis (p=0.0406) or gastric ulcer (p= 0. 0073). And after 5 minutes of endoscopic systolic blood pressure was elevated over 50years old men (p=0. 0238). fa short, the increase of a pulse rate af ter 5 minutes of endoscopy was not influenced by general characteristics of samples in this experiment. And systolic blood pressure over 50years old men must be considered of physiological hypertension.