This study was conducted for the purpose of finding out the variance explaining the medical facilities utilization behavior, which is defined adaptation behavior process by focal, contextual, residual stimuli in Roy's Adaptation Model. What kinds of characteristics can explain adaptation behavior in Roy's Model? And which is the relative importance of input variables? For this analysis, stepwise multiple regression and path analysis was used. The data come from the 1981 Baseline Household Interview Survey in remote rural area. The findings of the analysis can be summarized as follow : First, Total variance of independent variables for adaptation behavior, that is medical facilities utilization including clinic, drug store, health center, herb medicine was shown 16.2 percent. The most important variable which explain the dependent variables was the occurrence of illness with the R2 of value 0.112. The illness symptom, living level, regular care source was shown important variables with relatively high the R2 value and significant beta coefficient. Second, in the path analysis of variables which is selected important variables, the occurrence of illness was shown variable which has the highest direct effect which 0.297 path coefficient. Also the education level of household was shown variable which has the highest indirect effect through living level and the occurrence of illness in causal model. Third, This analysis suggests that the occurrence of illness belonging focal stimuli are more influenced than others. To sum up, It is seem to the occurrence of illness, illness symptom belonging focal stimuli have high explanation ability through direct effect, education level of household among contextual stimuli have explanation ability through indirect effect.
This study considered the problem of whether the method of Lamaze education changes maternal attitudes toward childrearing, material-infant interaction and is feasible for Korean culture in nineteen mother-infant dyads. Among those mothers, nine wee assigned experimental group who received Lamaze education at the period of 7th and 8th month of gestation, and ten were assigned control group who received obstetric routine care. Maternal attitudes were assessed with selected items from Cohler's Maternal Attitude Scale. Maternal Play Interaction Scale was used during play session to evaluate maternal sensitivity, infant response and mother-infant dyadic synchrony. There were no significant differences not only between the two groups, but also between the period of pre-Lamaze education and post-delivery on the Cohler's maternal attitude scale. Experimental mothers and babies scored significantly higher on maternal sensitivity and infant response. But no differences in mother-infant dyadic synchrony were found. this findings mean that the effect of the lamaze education on the maternal attitudinal change related to be needed the change of cognitive structure is delayed while the effect of that on the maternal infant behavioral response showed immediately. Modification of Lamaze method is necessary for practical use in our sociocultural system.
This study intended to investigate the volume of respiration according to the postoperative time and positions among the upper abdominal surgery patients. Tidal volume and vital capacity were measured in three positions-supine, left lateral and sitting position-at preoperatively, 12 hours postoperatively and 36 hours postoperatively. Thirteen male and seven female patients who were admitted an smoking habit were excluded from the study. The study was conducted from March 15 to June 30, 1985 in Seoul National University Hospital. Tidal volume and vital capacity were measured by Wright spirometer in various positions at preoperatively, 12 hours postoperatively and 36 hours postoperatively. The results were as following : 1) Vital capacity was significantly decreased at 12 hours preoperatively and 36 hours postoperatively than preoperatively. Vital capacity was not significantly different in Various positions, but sitting position revealed better than left lateral and supine position. Tidal volume was not significantly different in each position. 2) Male patients showed significantly higher than female patients in tidal volume and vital capacity. Vital Capacity was not significantly different by sex in each position, but vital capacity was higher in sitting position than in lateral and supine position. 3) There was not significantly different in tidal volume and vital capacity according to the type of incision and position, vital capacity was higher in sitting position than in left lateral and supine position.
The purpose of this study was to find out health education activities of the 435 school nurses in the secondary schools in Seoul. A questionnaire was sent by mail on March 11, 1985 and received a total of 252 responds till April 4, 1985. Among them, 230 were included in final analysis. Those of 22 school nurses who have worked not more than one year were excluded. The results of the findings obtained of this study are summarized as follows ; 1. An average number of health education activities carried out by the school nurses turned out to be 31.7 times/nurse/year. 2. The practice rates of health education activities by contents of health education were revealed as follows ; in parasite disease 89.6%, hepatitis 89.1% physical examination 87.3%, influenza 84.3%, etc. Health education on drinking and smoking, drug abuse were the lowest rate as 37.8% and 40.9%. 3. The practice rates of health education by the school nurses according to the health education methods were shown as follows ; instruction by the teacher 90.9%, bulletin boards in the classroom 73.0%, message to home notices 72.6%, etc. 4. Difficulties in carrying out health education programs by the school nurse were analysed according to Likert's five point scale. The scores on item to the no availability of teaching tools and tips were 3.90, no availability of audiovisual aids 3.80, lack of understanding from the school principals 3.30, insufficient time of the school nurse 3.26, no guidance or improper form of health education material 3.20, lack of knowledge of educational method 3.18. As a conclusion of this study, the development of the supporting system to health education activities and programs for improvement of school health education is strongly needed from policy making level.
It is assumed that the more society advances in its complexity and development, the more people pay attention to their health and accordingly the more people tend to practice health protective behavior. Most of human behavior is based on social interactions. The concept in Locus of Control has been developed from social learning theory to help better understanding the social phenomena affecting human behavior. Multidimensional Health Locus of Control is consisted of three dimensions; Internal, Powerful Others and Chance. This study was conducted to find out the health protective behavior patterns of the people and its relationship with Health Locus of Control as an influencing factor to their behavior. All the subjects in this study were the ones of the bank employees in Seoul. Among the total of 1,430 bank employees, 761 were chosen as a sampled subjects. Questionnaire survey was conducted from March 4 to March 13, 1985. Research instruments used in this study were two kinds, one was the Health Locus of Control Scale developed by Wallston & Wallston and the other was the Measuring Scale for Health Protective Behavior developed by the investigator. Analysis of data was done by using Descriptive Statistics, χ2-test, t-test, ANOVA, Pearson's correlation coefficient. The results of this study are summarized as follows ; The mean score of Internal was 24.1, Powerful others was 19.7 and Chance was 15.3 out of maximum range of 6-30 respectively. The mean score of Health Protective Behavior Scale fell as 53.2 out of a maximum range of 18-90. Internals were more likely closely related with sex, educational levels and religion, Powerful others were related with age, educational levels and the number of family members. Chances were related with educational levels. The older the subjects were, the more concerned about their health. They tended to practice more favorable health protective behaviors. Furthermore, married people tended to pay more attention to their health than single individuals. Also, the number of family members and religion affected their attitudes in the health protective behavior patterns. Internals and Powerful Others were related with health protective behaviors. If one believes he can do something about his health and others play a significant role on his health, he is more apt protective patterns more suitable for health and actually shows that he is better off.
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