- The main pnrpese of this study w%3 to investigate tbe dlesiaxa. Ue selection of nsxgog.
- The subjects for tib4s study jaai HP of 144 R.N. in active service at H. Uuiversity hospital in Seovl.
- TMs «åedy was “Choice of opsi秘-fsa乭” as a tool ws estija» develoieed Seav«r
(1953), aa4 was cossist af. he.φ㓔ee «f nursing scale seade 卿 to €6 ileais.
- Tte finding e| nested to eispa·
- ity and their vorfe achieveiseQt φογί very sig-
- Ή» τ-esvdts of this toiy «se:
- 1. There was a significance of the difference between the responses of 64 student nurses and 64 College Women in Educations Curricular to Beaver score. (p<. 001)
- 2. There was a significance in Beaver's score between high group (above 82) and low group(below 53) according to head nurses’ work achievement
- score (p <. 05) 3. This study had relationship between the persona lity and the work achievement of nurses. For the reason,
- I suggest that we had to apply to select the app ropriate nurses in Health Field as Hospitals.
Table 1The Significance of the Difference between the Resjxmses of 64 Nursing student and 64 College Women in Education Curricular to Beaver's score.
Group(N) |
M(SD) |
Τ |
NS (64) |
34.39(3.19) |
∗ 3.59 |
ES (64) |
32.23(2.96) |
Table 4Group 䌼 Beaver Score
Group |
Ν |
M(SD) |
Τ |
High |
15 |
32,8(3.429) |
∗ 2.19 |
Low |
15 |
30.3(3.91) |
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