This study considered the problem of whether the method of Lamaze education changes maternal attitudes toward childrearing, material-infant interaction and is feasible for Korean culture in nineteen mother-infant dyads. Among those mothers, nine wee assigned experimental group who received Lamaze education at the period of 7th and 8th month of gestation, and ten were assigned control group who received obstetric routine care.
Maternal attitudes were assessed with selected items from Cohler's Maternal Attitude Scale. Maternal Play Interaction Scale was used during play session to evaluate maternal sensitivity, infant response and mother-infant dyadic synchrony.
There were no significant differences not only between the two groups, but also between the period of pre-Lamaze education and post-delivery on the Cohler's maternal attitude scale.
Experimental mothers and babies scored significantly higher on maternal sensitivity and infant response. But no differences in mother-infant dyadic synchrony were found.
this findings mean that the effect of the lamaze education on the maternal attitudinal change related to be needed the change of cognitive structure is delayed while the effect of that on the maternal infant behavioral response showed immediately.
Modification of Lamaze method is necessary for practical use in our sociocultural system.