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Volume 4(1); May 1974
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Original Articles
Study on the Clinical Analysis and Performance in Comprehensive Nursing Care
San Cho Chun
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1974;4(1):1-21.   Published online April 3, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

A considerable change of the Korean nursing system has been made during the last decade not only in its philosophy but also in its function and structure to meet political and scientific need of the modern society. The main purpose of this study is to develope the new concept of comprehensive nursing care, both its philosophy and ethics, as the basic of modern clinical nursing theory and practice. Comprehensive nursing care is the concept of human centered nursing care, and it helps a man to meet the basic physical, psychological, environmental, socioeconomic and teaching needs. It also helps him to help himself to meet these needs. This concept starts from the individualized nursing care and its ultimate goal is to improve a man to have a better position in his own community so that he may able to have a meaningful life. To accomplish this goal, an individualized nursing care plan as a nursing diagnosis and problem solving method should be act up for different patients with similar diagnosis to meet their nccda, because each patient has a different social background. From this viewpoint, nursing is a science as well as abstruse humanity. The performance of comprehensive nursing care is a goal and issue of modern clinical nursing care. If nursing is a science and a profession for man, it should have ethics which recognize the dignity of man and offers infinite service voluntarily, and should be able to show leadership in carrying out the nursing responsibility. This leadership finds a person's potential and encourages him to utilize it. Such concepts should develop into a nursing ideology and this ideology should become a priority in comprehensive nursing care. The following statements are the conclusion of this study. 1) Modern nursing has been developed from disease centered nursing care to comprehensive nursing care based on humanity. The primary principle of nursing was to assist in the treatment of disease, but it has been changed to the professional nursing system independently. 2) The concept of nursing is one of continuous or endless scope of dispersion. It proves that nursing is grasping the professional responsibility to be able to coordinate scientific principles Patient health problems are according to scientific principles rather than adhering to nursing technical discipline as a daily work. 3) In chapter I and II. the philosophy and ideology of nursing have been discussed and the flow of concept of clinical nursing and the rate of progress which emerges from naturalizing performance of the concept of comprehensive nursing in clinical nursing studied. The discussion developed the theory that a nurse should be to embody nursing ideas and objectives by establishing definite conviction of professions and study, 4) In chapter III, nursing planning based on nursing diagnosis as a method to attain ideal nursing care for humanity with a definite idea of establishing philosophy of nursing was presented. 5) From the result of survey on patient needs abou treatment and nursing, it was observed that all patient had emotional stress from unknown factors. Therefore it was concluded that nurses should not only educate the patient but also give them the opportunity to communicate freely their needs and anxieties. Furthermore complaints and doubts of the patient should be carefully noted and must be considered to meet these needs. 6) Patient teaching is the most important part of comprehensive nursing care. In chapter, III, the important of patient teaching was emphasized by demonstrating the effect of patient teaching for diabetic patient. 7) In Chapter IV, from the result of the study on nurses attitudes to comprehensive nursing care, it was pointed that the evolution of nursing education and the establishment of a complete concept and value of comprehensive nursing was necessary.

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A Study on Nursing Record Behatior Revealed in Patient's Records
Yoon Hee Kang
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1974;4(1):22-37.   Published online April 3, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

Through the examination of hospitalized patient's records, this study purports to determine-the extent to which nursing record behaviors meet general expectations held for nursing records and the differences in nursing record behavior in relation to different nursing categories, period of recording and hospitals with different management patterns. Nursing record behaviors of 802 patient's records in four hospitals in Seoul were examined by use of a check list, which was prepared by the author as an instrument for the study. Data obtained from this examination were processed into percentage values for percentage test and chi-square test in order to determine their significance. Results are as follows; 1. Records pertaining to treatment ranked highest among all care categories in their extent of coverage, averaging 65.6 percent. 2. Of the treatment category records, records of medication led others at 94.3 percent, followed by records of test and collection of specimens at 59.9 percent, diet at 58.8 percent and treatment at 41.0 percent. 3. Records in the category of physical assessment and care averaged 44.1 percent, the second highest next to treatment category records. 4. Of the records in the category of physical assessment and care, records in vital signs placed first at 98.9 percent, followed by sleep at 76.2 percent, body weight at 74.7 percent, symptoms and signs at 69.3 percent, rest at 44.5 percent, hygiene at 39.7 percent, activities and partcipation at 16.9 percent, positions at 10.3 percent, level of consciousness at 9.8 percent and physiological dysfunction at 1.1 percent in that order. 5. Records in the category of psychosocial assessment and care averaged 3.2 percent, the lowest of the-three major categories. 6. Of the records in the category of psychosocial assessment and care, records on emotional responses ranked top at 10. 5 percent, followed by self-concern at 2.1 percent, adjustment at 2.0 percent, family, occupational and social relations at 0.7 percent and preferences, and interests at 0.5 percent in that order. 7. Records in relation to the category of specific conditions were found in 9.1 percent of the total records. 8. Of the records in the category of specific conditions, consuitation and transfer records, stood first at 25.0 percent, followed by precautionary measurements at 1.4 percent and isolation at 0.9 percent 9. A great difference in nursing record behavior was observed between the first week of hos-pitalization and the last week, with the first week's recordings much higher than the last week in the categories of treatment and specific conditions (p<0.01), and of physical assessment and care (p<0.05). 10. A big difference was also observed among the hospitals (p<0.01). 11. A big difference was also observed between the government-run hospitals and the private hospitals in the categories of physical assessment and care and specific conditions in the first week of hospitalization (P<0.05), and in the category of psychosocial assessment and care in the last week (P<0.05). 12. Between the hospitals established with foreign aid and the other hospitals, the difference in nursing record behavior was significant only in the category of physical assessment and care both in the first week and the last week (P<0.01). 13. The average nursing record behavior in all care categories stood at 45.1 percent in the extent of its coverage in relation to the general expectations.

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Kye Young Choi
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1974;4(1):38-49.   Published online April 3, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

Presently, the performance level of the college student has received a great deal of attention, particularly in the area of professional education. The problem of underachievement, especially in areas dealing with science and technology, has gone through considerable investigation by neumorous Psychologists and Educators. Thus for, however, they have not been successful in determining conclusively the non-intelectual factors involved. The maladjustment problem of these students has been a thorn in the side of nursing education for some time. This topic has been discussed among nursing educators without any tangible results. Furthermore, the fact that the ntmber of students who withdraw from nursing education programs before graduation has increased. This represents a major problem for nursing education. This problem area had increased attention drawn to it on October 1957, when Russia successfully launched to first satellite "Sputnik" into space. Various studies seem to indicate that factors related to over-achievement and under- achievement can be found in the motivation of the students. This study is aimed at testing 3 hypotheses which hopefully will lead to a better understanding of the learning activities of nursing students and to determine some of their nonintellectual personality traits. Hypothesis 1 : If learning activities in nursing students and personality are correlated, there will be significant differences in personality need structures between 4 classes of nursing colle-giate students. Sub-hypothesis: There will also be significant differences in the degree of student satisfaction an her major subject. Hypothesis 2 : If there is a special personality need structure which is required for the clinical learning activity in general, then there will be significant differences between the personality need structures of under-achievers and overachievers. Hypothesis 3: If each clinical nursing subject requires different personality need structures, then there will be differences in personality need structure between the different clinical groups Methodology: 1. Tool: A Korean translation and correction of the Edwards Personal Preference Schedule of U.S.A. was used. 2. Subject and Test Method: Subjecta were nursing students at Yonsei University, who enrolled for Fall semester of 1971. The Researcher herself executed the test for the test for the class as a group, and the absent students were tested indidually. Out of 307 students, 293 students (95.4%) were reported. 3, Statistical treatment: The mean and standard deviation for each of the 15 personality need variables were computed and the value of T-test was obtained to determine the differences in the personality need structures between each group. Results: 1. For the first hypothesis, the personality need structures between each of the 4 classes and the reported degree of satisfaction in major subject showed significant differences. Therefore the hypothesis I was accepted. 2. The comparison of personality need structure of under-achievers and over-achievers in clinical fields showed significant differences. Thus hypothesis 2 was accepted. 3. Personality need structure between clinical subject groups showed significant differences, therefore the 3rd hypothesis was accepted.

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A Comparative Study on Method of Nurturing During Infancy Between Mothers With and Without Occupation
So In Kim
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1974;4(1):50-63.   Published online April 3, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

Health at infancy and early childhood is considered an important factor for healthy life thereafter. Concept of nursing is inclusive not only of physical care but also psycho-social aspect in order to help achieve maximum state of wellness. Statistical studies reveal concept and structure of family and home tends to change towards .neuclear type, ratio of female occupancy tends to increase. These tendencies will influence the method uf infants and children. Purpose of this study is to investigate the characteristics of mothers and their children with and without occupation, method of nurturing and analyse data according to various variables, in arnder to give data for care for infants and children. During the period of June 12 though July 22, 1973, 98 mothers and their 224 children; 53 mothers with occupation with 110 chil children and 45 mothers without occupation with 114 children, were .interviewed indirectly through check list. Results of the studies are as follows: 1. Hypothesis 1; Tendencies of finger sucking" will be gra-eter in children of occupant mothers due to lack of maternal love. Through chi-square examination, significant difference is revealed by P> 0.05 level, therefore Hypothesis 1 is rejected. (X2=0.24) 2. Hypothesis 2; occupant mothers tend to have had wanted number of children through family planning. Ratio of wanted virsus unwanted children were tested and significant difference is revealed by P<0. 05 level. Hypothesis 2 is supported. (X2=8.398) 3. Hypothesis 3; Non-occupant mothers tend to cuddle more while feeding infants. Significant difference is revealed through Chi-square test by P <0.05 level. Hypothesis 3 is rejected. (X2=4.34) Conclusion and recommendations; Occupant mothers' higher dagree of interest ani consideration compared to that of non-occupant mothers in regard to nurturing of their children have been ascertained by this study. These results might have coms up dus to the differences of sociosconomic and cultural status of respondents. Further studies on each variable between mothers with and without occupation with similar socio-economic and cultural background are recommended.

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A Study on the Actual Conditions of Children's Rehabilitation Centers in Seoul
Kae Sook Kim
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1974;4(1):64-80.   Published online April 3, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The social understanding of the rehabilitaion and welfare work for the handicapped children is nearly devoid in Korea. Especially the medical rehabilitation or nursing for them is left ignored as well as the literature referential to this study is wanted. For the purpose of conducting the study of this thesis Sam Yook Children's Rehabilitation Center, Inc. and Crippled Children's Center, Yonsei University Medical center sampled out; covering three months from Aug. 1 to Oct. 30, 1973, the problems of children's rehabilitation, the characteristics of the children, the medical rehabilitation, nursing, education, and vocational rehabilitation were interviewed and widely grasped. This thesis aimed at developing the rehabilitation, the professional nursing and especially aimed at contributing to the improvement of welfare for the handicapped by analysing, observing the result of this study. The result is as follows: 1. Sam Yook Children's Rehabilitation Center, Inc. has, since its establishment, contributed to the advancement of the crippled children and its purpose consists in implementing services, medical rehabilitation, nursing, education and vocational training. Crippled Children's Center, Yonsei University Medical Center is, being based on Christianity, aiming at the medical treatment and education for the crippled children. 2. All of the children admitted in the children's rehabilitation centers are the crippled children. The ratio of boys to girls is three to two. Boys are more than girls. Orphan formed 55.2 per Cent of them. About 63 per cent of them is receiving medical attention free of charge. But there is no orphan in Crippled Children's Center, Yonsei University Medical Center. 3. 15. 7 per cent of them have received the previous medical attention before their admitting in the centers; in Sam Yook Children's Rehabilitation Center 8. 6 per cent, Crippled Children's Center, Yonsei University Medical Center 50 per cent; there is remarkable difference between the two. 4. On the standpoint of period of being in the centers, the children who have been over three years in Sam Yook Children's Rehabilitaion Center formed 48.7 per cent; in Crippled Children's Center, Yonsei University Medical Center 2. 6 per cent; there is also considerabie dif fference between the two; they could'nt discharge from the centers owing to the economic conditions and being orphan. 5. Among the diagnosis of the crippled children, poliomyelitis formed highest 51.7 per cent of them; cerebral palsy formed 30 per cent secondly in order. Environmental factors (67.8 per cent) formed about three times of congenital factors (23.7 per cent). 6. The children who are capable of doing independently activity of daily living formed 87.9 per cent; 73.2 per cent can walk about 300 m by wearing brace and so on. The ratio of wearing brace or leg prosthesis formed 47.4 per cent; crutch 44. 3 per cent. The medical rehabilitation service and education for the crippled, are comparatively well carried out. But it is desired to improve and cultivate the vocational training, vocational guidance and special nursing to the insufficiency of their implementation. In the tendency that the rehabilitation and welfare for the handicapped are today emphasized, International Handicapped Rehabilition Association, declaring that 1970s are the decade of rehabilitation, urged to improve positively the policy of rehabilitation and welfare for the handicapped. But here in korea the handicapped, being the object of social prejudice, ignorance, disdain lives in obsucurity. Therefore the government or the community should draw up countermeasure on social understanding, f inancial support, and rehabilitation services for the handicapped as well as should endeavor to make them participate in social activities as the productive total- person though they are physically imperfect.

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An Analytic Study on Curriculum in Nursing Education
Bok Num Doh
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1974;4(1):81-94.   Published online April 3, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The trend in modern nursing is toward the performance of comprehensive nursing cam. After liberation of 1945, nursing education in Korea has made rapid progress. The System of nursing education in Korea has come to the professional school of nursing and collegiate program from high School level. Under these situations, the improvement on curriculum of nursing education is necessary. This paper is a basic study for improvement of curriculum in nursing education. .1. The aims of this study are! 1) to analyze and compare the objectives of nursing education in Korea and U. S. A. 2) to analyze and compare the differences in curriculum of nursing education between Korea and U.S. A. 3) to find problems in nursing education of Korea 2. The curricula and bulletins from 2 colleges, 9 departments, 12 professional schools and 18 attached schools of nursing in Korea and 9 attached schools of nursing and 17 collleges in U. S. A. were collected for this study. 3. The results of this study; 1) Most of Korean programs lack for the student to make understand respect the human in the statement of their objectives. 2) Most of Korean programs prepare their graduate to function as a contributing member of the-health team in the hospital and the community, while the graduate of the American attached schools is prepared to function in genera! staff nursing and team leadership positions in hospitals. 3) Most of Korean programs of nursing education have low distribution of credits in supporting sciences. (especially sociology and psychology) 4) Too much proportion of tims in attached schools and less and less proportion of time in professional schools is distributed in clinical practice area. 5) In our collegiate programs, too much proportion of time is distributed in adult nursing and less proportion of time in Psychiatric nursing. 6) Professional area on curriculum of attached schools is devided into many detailed subjects. 7) A large number of credits in total are distributed at the first year in attached schools.

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Young Sook Park
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1974;4(1):95-106.   Published online April 3, 2017
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The Purpose of this study was to observe the body temperature changes of newborn infants in general crib and electric-heat crib after birth.for the period required to reach the optimum body temperature. Forty-seven newborn infants who were delivered at Seoul National University Hospital during the period from June 12 to September 13, 1973 were chosen as Subjects for this study. The criteria for the choice of subjects were the babies with normal spontaneous delivery; body weight 2.5kg and over at birth; Apgar sc ore seven and over and gestation period over thirty- six weeks. Of these subjects, by random sampling thi rty- one newborn infants were placed in the general crib and sixteen in the electric-heat crib. The rectal body temperature of these newborn infants were taken and recorded at fifteen-minute interval for the first one hour period after birth, at thirty- minute interval for the next two hours and at one-hour interval for the remaining period up to eight hours. The results of the study were as follows: 1. The mean body temperature of the newborn infants on admission to nursery ranged from 98. 7degrees F. to 99degrees F. irrespective of the body weight and the room temperature. 2. There was a significant difference in the body temperature changes of the newborn infants as a total between the general crib and the electric-heat crib from three to eight hours after birth. It was found that the body temperature of the newborn infants in the electric-heat crib was significantly higtier than that of the newborn infants in the general crib. 3. In comparison with the body temperature changes of the newborn infants in the general crib, the n-ewborn infants in the electric-heat crib exhibited significantly higher body temperatures in all three body weight groups; from four to eight hours after birth in the 2.5-2.9kg body weight group;from three to seven hours after birth in the 3. 0- 3. 4*9 body weight group; from two and half to six hours after birth in the group with body weight over 3.5kg. 4. Time required to reach 98degrees F. of body temperature was four hours in the 2.5~2. 9kg body weight group, three hours in the 3.0-3.4kg, body weight group and two and half hours in the group with body weight over 3.5kg in the electric- heat crib. In the general crib, it look over eight hours in the 2.5~ 2.9kg body weight group and five ho rs in both the 3.0- 3.4kg and over 3.5kg body weight group to reach 98degrees F of body temperature. 5. The lowest mean body temperature of newborn infants in both general and electric- heat crib appeared in forty- five minute after birth and the temperature ranged from 96.4degrees F to 96. 5degrees F. 6. The mean body temperature of the newborn infants in the general crib was increased as the room temperature. 7. The body weight, the room temperature and the time elapsed after birth were proved to be significant factors influencing the body temperature changes of newborn

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A Study on Home Accidents of Preschool Children (from 1 to 6} in Korea and Prevention Measures
Soo Ja Byun
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1974;4(1):107-120.   Published online April 3, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

Necessity and purpose of this study; In a large nurnbar of countries it has been founded that children's domestic accidents are at great risk year by year, In the United States, they publish detailed accident statistics at regular intervals. In Korea, there hava been just a few studies on Accidents-At-Home of preschool children. But it can not be said that there have been any systematic statistics about this area, and any study accounting for the relations of home accidents and preschool children in detail. Therefore, the purpose of this thesis was focused on the inquire of these relations 30 a3 to make a little contribution to Korean preschool children's health and security measures. So, the detail-purposes are to study following questions and to testify following hypothesis. Prob. 1. What the types of accidents of preschool children, where the place accidents occurred? Prob. 2. What the cause of accidents and, the main factors of the cause? Prob. 3. How about the number of their children, the disparity of age among their children, and mother's ags in each case of accidents? hypothesis 1. There will be differences in the density of protection of parents according to the-number of their children. hypothesis 2. There will be differences in accident-types and first-aid methods according to-parents socio- ecnomic background. Method; This study employed the interviewing survey method, in which 130 preschool children were random- sampled, who visit hospital to have medical care. These children (from 1 to 6 years olds) were selected at the emergency room of fiva hospitals in Seoul (Hosp; Severance, Woosok, Medical Center, Hanyang Medical College Hos pital and Seoul Medical Collage Hospital during study-period(from Aug. to Oct. 1973). Four head nurses in above Hospitals were employed as accident memsers for this study. Concerning research analysis, the method of hypothesis verifying is used. Conclusion; As two American experts on this subject, Dr. Raymond Neutra and Mr. Ross Me Farland have drawn attention to "minor epidemics of accidents" that could be avoided by fairly simple measures, preschool children's accidents could be avoided by parents' fair attentions. In orther words, one of the most common causes of preschool children's accidents derived from their parent's inattention. Therefore, one important task on this subjct is to instruct the parents fairly about the children's accidents. Many accidents could be avoided by the exercise of a little self-discipline. Also, as much the prevention of accidents is important, as the first-aid is important and necessary at the case of the accidents. So, the methods of proper first-aid treatment must be emphasized, and must be taught in school, especially in girls school. And there could be other msans available for prevention of firstly, the public authorities can take legal measures. More stringent safety standards can be made enforceable by law, Building materials and equipment for domsstic use ought to meet. minimum safety criteria at all times. Next the public itself has t0 understand the seriousness of the problem, and here the dissemination of information is of great importance. All mass media should be brought into play to promote greater public awareness of the question. At last, it will be needed to obtain ''more detailed epidemiological data through additional surveys and statistics after this study.

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A Study of the Use of of Oral Contraceptive Among Women Residingin in the Yonhee Dong Slum Area
In Sook Choi
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1974;4(1):121-132.   Published online April 3, 2017
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This study is an attempt to evaluate the use of an oral contraceptive by; 1. Determing the acceptance rate of the oral contraceptive according to socio-demographic characteristics 2. Estimating the duration of the use of the contraceptive 3. Discovering reasons why the contraceptive was discontinued 4. Computing the comulative continuation and discontinuation rate according to socio-demograp- hic charactenstics, history of pregnancies, and attitude of husband at the time of selection of the contraceptive. One hundred sixty-eight women of chlid bearing age (14-49 years), residing in Yonhee Dong, Seoul, Korea and registered as oral contraceptive acceptors at Yonsei Community Health Center, were interviewed during a three week period in 1973. The questionnaire was designed to determine the socio-demographic characteristics of the oral contraceptive acceptors, the current status of their family planning practice, medical reactions, if any, discontinuation practice, and the duration of the use of thecontraceptive. The major findings of the study were as follows; 1. The acceptance rate was highest for women between 30 and 34 years of age, the mean age being 34.4 years. 2. Fifty six point five percent of all respondents said that thirty years of age was the ideal age to stop having children. 3. The average number of living children was 3.5 and fifty four point eight percent of respondents feit 2 boys and I girl was the ideal number of children. 4. The average number of pregnancies was 5.2 and the average number of induced abortion was I. 4. 5. Fifty eight point eight percent of the respondents had had experience in the use of contraceptive methods in the past. 6. Forty one point seven percent of the respondents replied that they chose the oral contraceptive because, "it was not complicated to use." 7. Sixty four point eight percent of the women said their husband approved of their taking the pill. 8. The cumulative discontinuation rate was sixty point five percent of the total respondents for one year in first segment. 2. Sixty six point nine percent of the respondents had experienced side effect while using the pill. The side effects for 68.9 percent of these women were gastrointestinal upsets. Twenty point eight percent of the women who had side effects consulted with medical personnel about them Women who had more education had more side effects. 10. Seventy three point two percent of the women who discontinued the pill did so because of medical reasons. Women who were yonger discontinued the pill for personal reasons more often than older women. Among personal reasons listed for discontinuing the pill was the attitude of the husband. 11. The average duration of continuance of the contraceptive was 5.3 cycles under 29 years of age; 7.4 cycles between 30 and 34 years of age; and 8.4 cycles over 40 years of age. 12. The discontinuation rate was seem to increase sharply in the early cycle and increase more slowly in later cycle. Conclusions and suggestions; Since the attitude of the husband was shown to be important, the current family planning program should be expended to include approach to husband. For women who must use the oral contraceptive, education and support must be enhanced so that the discontinuation rate due to side effects will be decresed.

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A Study on the Importance of Hospital Nursing Actirites
Kyung Ja Shin
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1974;4(1):133-150.   Published online April 3, 2017
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A study on the impertance of fifty selected nursing activities that classified into four categories of patient care (physical care, psychosocial aspects of care, observing, reporting and implementing unedical care, care for admission and discharge) w.s carried out from September 25 to October 10, 1973 toward 300 hospitalized patients and 300 professional nurses in four university hospitals in Seoul. The resultse were obtained as follows. The importance score in order on four categories of nursing activities were seen as follows : 1. in physical care activities patients noted ; moderately important 35.0% extremely important 20.5% very important 19.3% slightly important 18.6% not at all important 6.6% nurses noted : moderateiy important 41. 5% very important 29.4% extremely important 23.5% slightly important 6,2% not at all important 3.4% 2. in activities involving psychosocial aspects of care patients noted ; moderately important 33.4% very important 25.2% extremsly important 23.2% slightly important 14.3% not at all important 3. 9% nurses noted ; moderately important 42.3% very important 34.8% extremely important 16.0% slightly important 6.2% not at all important 0.7% 3. in activities involving observing, reporting, and implementing medical care patients noted; extremely important 35. 9.% moderately important 28.0% very important 26.0% slightly important 8.4% not at all important 1.1% nurses noted ; extremely important 33.1% very important 31.8% moderately important 26.1% slightly important 3.6% not at all important 0.4% 4. in activities preparing for admission and discharge patients noted ; moderately important 35.8% extremely important 24.5% very important 23.5% slightly important 12.5% not at all important 3.7% nurses noted ; moderately important 47.6% very important 33.1% extremely important 12.5% slightly important 6.0% not at all important 0.8%.

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A Comparative Study of the Effects of Public Health Nursing Home Visits to Patients with Tuberculosis
Mie Hei Seo
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1974;4(1):151-161.   Published online April 3, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

Home visiting as a Public Health Nursing function is believed to be of therapeutic value 4to the patient. However, home visiting is time consuming and expensive. Is the gain in knowledge and treatment for patients with Tuberculosis in Korea enouglt to make the necessary outlay in finances and personnel worthwhile? While this study does not attempt to completely answer this question it does, under the following objectives, attempt to answer part of the puestion. The objectives of the study were tol) ascertain if there is a difference between patients, who receive home visits from the Public Health Nurse and those who do not, in the following areas: a) their compliance with medical regimen, b) their ability to answer general questions about Tuberculosis, and c) their compliance with medical advice concerning prevention (B.C.G. immunization) and early diagnosis (contact 'X-rays), and 2) to determine if there is any correlation between the patient's answers to questions about Tuberculosis and his action both in the areas of treatment and prevention. The patients participating in the study were all newly diagnosed patients at kwangju Christian Hospital. A control group and an experimental group were selected. The patients in the control group were seen according to the regular schedule at the Kwangju Christian Hospital except that they received no home visits from the Public Health Nurses. The patients in the experimental group were visited on an average of three times during the first two months of their treatment by the investigator, a Public Health Nurse. At the end of two months the patients in the two groups were compared as to compliance buth in the treatment and preventive areas. They were also compared according to their answers to a questionnaire regarding both the prevention and treatment of Tuberculosis. The following results were obtained: 1. Patients in the experimental group (68.2%) showed a significantly higher compliance rate for medical treament than patients in the control group (43.2%). 2. Patients in the experimental group (87.5%) showed a higher compliance rate for B.C.G. immunization than those in the control group (40%). 3. Women patients in the experimental group showed a higher mean score (7.2+2.6) en the questionnaire than did women in the control group (6.2+3.4). The results of this study seem to indicate that while home visiting is beneficial to the patient with Tuberculosis as far as treatment is concerned, something more concrete needs to be done if home visiting is to help the patient learn more about Tuberculosis and its prevention. Further study is indicated in the following areas: 1) A similar type of study over a longer period of time involving more subjects and using Korean Public Health Nurses to make the home visits. 2) Study to develop an adequate approach to eucation considering the problems. unique to patients with Tuberculosis living in Korea.

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A Study On The Attitudes Toward Death -For Nursing Care of The Terminally III
Ke Joo Ryoo
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1974;4(1):162-178.   Published online April 3, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The present study is purported to provide a basic information to be utilized by nurses to care and attend effectively for patients nearing the moment of death. Therefore, the primary purpose of the study has been placed upon grasping an understanding of the trends of death in general. For this purpose: 1. By utilizing the schneidman questionaire. the trend of death has been categorized by 6 parts and analyzed, 2. A search has been conducted to find out dying patient's needs, nurse's attitudes viewed by the patient, and nurse attitudes to dying patient. The followings are itemized results of analysis: 1. Analysis by the schneidman questionaire. (1) In general concepts of death, the first sighting of the occurrence of death was experienced upon strangers, grandfather and great grandfather. The death is openly discussed among people of all ages and sex. Ages in which the death is mostly feared were from 12 to well over 70 years old that are evenly distributed regardless of difference in age. (2) As to the attitudes toward death, the occurrence of death to most closely associated person influenced most upon the attitudo of their own termination of lives. Among the reading materials, the maximum influence was effected by the Bible. In terms of religion, the thoughts of death were influenced by religions eduation in case of the believers of the western religions (36%), and by their own health and physical conditions in case of the believers in the oriental religions (35%). In case of non-believer, their attitude toward death were largely determined through their own thinking meditation (45%). People aged 20 or thereunder revealed that they wished to know the dav of their own death to be occurred (58%). However, the Older the less they wanted to know. (3) As to the choosing the time of death, 57% preferred senility, and 30% preferred the time im mediately following the prime period of their lives in general. In terms of religion, 85% of the believer in the oriental religion preferred senility, and 67% in the western religion, 58% in others. Therefore, the desiring of their lives to be terminated in earlier stage, not by the natural senility, sequenced as follows:0thers, western religions and oriental religions. (4) Referrring to the disposal of the corpse under the assumption that it had already occurred, majority desired the burial SVStem. There has been seen a slight tendency to consider the importance Of holding funeral services for the sake of survivors. Concerning the life insurance policy, it showed that the nurse had less belief in it than the patient. (5) Upon the subject of life-after-death, religion wise, 72% of western religion believers preferred to have an existance of life-after-death:Among the believers of oriental reigions, 35% desired this category, 30% did not mind either way, and 35% did not desire the existance of such a life-after-death. In others, 53% did not mind whether or not such a life existed. (6) In general, serious thoughts were not being attended to the commitment of suicide. 37% emphasized that such an act should be prevented. However, 30% insisted that such commitment should! not be bothered, and that society possesses no right to prevented it. More male wished to commit suicide (13%) than females (9%). 2. Nurse's attitudes toward terminal patients and patient's needs. In the instance where the patient realized that their death is imminent, most of them showed desire to diccuss mainly on the problems of life. When faced a situation of this nature, it is revealed that 49% of nurses could not furnish appropriate care for them.


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