Necessity and purpose of this study; In a large nurnbar of countries it has been founded that children's domestic accidents are at great risk year by year, In the United States, they publish detailed accident statistics at regular intervals. In Korea, there hava been just a few studies on Accidents-At-Home of preschool children. But it can not be said that there have been any systematic statistics about this area, and any study accounting for the relations of home accidents and preschool children in detail. Therefore, the purpose of this thesis was focused on the inquire of these relations 30 a3 to make a little contribution to Korean preschool children's health and security measures. So, the detail-purposes are to study following questions and to testify following hypothesis. Prob. 1. What the types of accidents of preschool children, where the place accidents occurred? Prob. 2. What the cause of accidents and, the main factors of the cause? Prob. 3. How about the number of their children, the disparity of age among their children, and mother's ags in each case of accidents? hypothesis 1. There will be differences in the density of protection of parents according to the-number of their children. hypothesis 2. There will be differences in accident-types and first-aid methods according to-parents socio- ecnomic background. Method; This study employed the interviewing survey method, in which 130 preschool children were random- sampled, who visit hospital to have medical care. These children (from 1 to 6 years olds) were selected at the emergency room of fiva hospitals in Seoul (Hosp; Severance, Woosok, Medical Center, Hanyang Medical College Hos pital and Seoul Medical Collage Hospital during study-period(from Aug. to Oct. 1973). Four head nurses in above Hospitals were employed as accident memsers for this study. Concerning research analysis, the method of hypothesis verifying is used. Conclusion; As two American experts on this subject, Dr. Raymond Neutra and Mr. Ross Me Farland have drawn attention to "minor epidemics of accidents" that could be avoided by fairly simple measures, preschool children's accidents could be avoided by parents' fair attentions. In orther words, one of the most common causes of preschool children's accidents derived from their parent's inattention. Therefore, one important task on this subjct is to instruct the parents fairly about the children's accidents. Many accidents could be avoided by the exercise of a little self-discipline. Also, as much the prevention of accidents is important, as the first-aid is important and necessary at the case of the accidents. So, the methods of proper first-aid treatment must be emphasized, and must be taught in school, especially in girls school. And there could be other msans available for prevention of firstly, the public authorities can take legal measures. More stringent safety standards can be made enforceable by law, Building materials and equipment for domsstic use ought to meet. minimum safety criteria at all times. Next the public itself has t0 understand the seriousness of the problem, and here the dissemination of information is of great importance. All mass media should be brought into play to promote greater public awareness of the question. At last, it will be needed to obtain ''more detailed epidemiological data through additional surveys and statistics after this study.