Health at infancy and early childhood is considered an important factor for healthy life thereafter. Concept of nursing is inclusive not only of physical care but also psycho-social aspect in order to help achieve maximum state of wellness. Statistical studies reveal concept and structure of family and home tends to change towards .neuclear type, ratio of female occupancy tends to increase. These tendencies will influence the method uf infants and children. Purpose of this study is to investigate the characteristics of mothers and their children with and without occupation, method of nurturing and analyse data according to various variables, in arnder to give data for care for infants and children. During the period of June 12 though July 22, 1973, 98 mothers and their 224 children; 53 mothers with occupation with 110 chil children and 45 mothers without occupation with 114 children, were .interviewed indirectly through check list. Results of the studies are as follows: 1. Hypothesis 1; Tendencies of finger sucking" will be gra-eter in children of occupant mothers due to lack of maternal love. Through chi-square examination, significant difference is revealed by P> 0.05 level, therefore Hypothesis 1 is rejected. (X2=0.24) 2. Hypothesis 2; occupant mothers tend to have had wanted number of children through family planning. Ratio of wanted virsus unwanted children were tested and significant difference is revealed by P<0. 05 level. Hypothesis 2 is supported. (X2=8.398) 3. Hypothesis 3; Non-occupant mothers tend to cuddle more while feeding infants. Significant difference is revealed through Chi-square test by P <0.05 level. Hypothesis 3 is rejected. (X2=4.34) Conclusion and recommendations; Occupant mothers' higher dagree of interest ani consideration compared to that of non-occupant mothers in regard to nurturing of their children have been ascertained by this study. These results might have coms up dus to the differences of sociosconomic and cultural status of respondents. Further studies on each variable between mothers with and without occupation with similar socio-economic and cultural background are recommended.