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Comparative Experimental Study on Measurement op Oral Temperature with Different kinds of Clinical Thermometers: Comparison of Oral Temperature and Oral Placement Time among Fahrenheit Glass Thermometer, Electric Thermometer, Yu II centigrade Glass Thermometer, and Kuk II centigrade Glass Thermometer
Joung Sook Yoon
The Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1974;4(2):93-106.
Published online: April 3, 2017

Department of Nursing, Graduate School, Seoul National University, Korea.

Copyright © 1974 Korean Society of Nursing Science

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  • The purposes of this study are to identify the necessity of utilization of electric thermome-ter, to determine the difference of clinical thermometers to reach maximum or optimum temperature, and to determine the length of time necessary for temperature taking, with Fahrenheit thermometer, electric thermometer, Yu II centigrade thermometer, and Kuk II centigrade thermometer. The first and second comparative Experiments were conducted from August 25 through September 30, 1973. In the first experiment, Fahrenheit thermometer, which had been accurately tested two times, and electric thermometer have been utilized. These two kinds of thermometers were inserted' simultaneously under the central area of the tongue and the mouth kept closed while thermometers were in place. All temperature readings were done at one minute interval until reaching maximum temperature. These procedures were repeated one hundred times and the data were-analyzed statistically by means of the t-test. In the second experiment, Fahrenheit thermometer, which had been accurately tested two times, Yu II centigrade thermometer, and Kuk II centigrade thermometer have been utilized. These three kinds of thermometers were inserted simultaneously under the central area of the tongue and the mouth kept closed while thermomethers were in place. All temperature readings were done at one minute interval until reaching maximum temperature. These procedures were repeated one hundred times and the data were analyzed statistically by means of the F-ratio Under the eight hypotheses designed for this study, the findings obtained are as follows: 1. There were no significant differences in the maximum temperature between Fahrenheit thermometer and electric thermometer. The mean maximum temperature for Fahrenheit thermometers was 37. 06degrees C and for electric thermometer was 37. 09degrees C. 2. The placement time to reach maximum temperature taken by Fahrenheit thermometer was significantly shorter than that by electric thermometer. The mean placement time for Fahrenheit thermometers was 6.50 minutes and for electric thehmometer was 7.12 minutes. In the case of Fahrenheit thermometers, only 14 to 39 percent after 3 to 5 minutes, over 90 percent after 10 minutes, and 100 percent after 13 minutes, had reached maximum temperature. When the electric thermometer was used, only 9 to 28 percent after 3 to 5 minutes, over 90 percent after 11 minutes, and 100 percent after 12 minutes, had reached maximum temperature, 3. There were no significant differences in the optimum temperature(the maximum temperature minus 0.1degrees C) between Fahrenheit thermomether and electric thermometer. The maen optimum temperature for Fahrenheit thermometers was 36.98degrees C and for electric thermometer was 37. 00degrees C. 4. The placement time to reach optimum temperature taken by Fahrenheit thermometer was significantly shorter than that by electric thermometer. The mean placement time for Fahrenheit thermometers was 4- 04 minutes, for electric thermometer was 5. 52 minutes. In the case of Fahrenheit thermometers, 45 to 77 percent after 3 to 5 minutes, over 90 percent after 7 minutes, and 100 percent after 10 minutes, had reached optimum temperature. When the electric thermometer was used, 23 to 54 percent after 3 to 5 minutes, over 90 percent after 9 minutes, and 100 percent after 12 minutes, had reached optimum temperature. 5. There were no significant differences in the maximum temperature among Fahrenheit thermometer, Yu II centigrade thermometer, and Kuk II centigrade thermometer. The mean maximum temperature for Fahrenheit thermometers was 36. 67degrees C, for Yu II centigrade ther-moneters was 35.75degrees C, and for Kuk II centigrade thermometers was 37. 76degrees C. 6. There ware no significant differences in placement time to reach maximum temperacure among Fahrenheit thermometer, Yu II centigrade Thermometer, and Kuk II centigrade thermometer. The mean placement time for Fahrenheit thermometers was 7. 77 minutes, for Yu II centigrade thermometers was 7.25 minutes, and Kuk II centigrade thermometers was 7.25 minutes. In the case of Fahrenheit thermometers, 8 to 24 percent after 3 to 5 minutes, over 90 percent after 11 minutes, and 100 percent after 13 minutes, had reached maximum temperature. When the Yu II csntigrade thermometer was used, 10 to 27 percent after 3 to 5 minutes, over 90 percent after 11 minutes, and 100 percent after 13 minutes, had reached maximum temperature. When the Kuk II centigrade thermometer was used, 11 to 27 percent after 3 to 5 minutes, over 90 percent after 11 minutes, and 100 percent aftar 12 minutes, had reached maximum temperature. 7. There were no significant differences in the optimum temperar.ure(the maximum temperature minus 0.1degrees C) among Fahrenheit thermometer, Yu II centigrade thermometer, and Kuk II centigrade thermometer. The mean optimum temperature for Fahrenheit thermometers was 36.60degrees C, for Yu 11 centigrade thermometers was 36. 69degrees C, and Kuk ll centigrade thermometers was 36. 69degrees C. 8. There were no significant differences in placement time to reach optimum temperature among Fahrenheit thermometer, Yu II centigrade termometer, and Kuk II centigrade thermometer. The mean placement time for Fahrenheit thermometers was 5. 70 minutes, for Yu II centigrade thermometers was 5.54 minutes, and for Kuk II centigrade thermometers was 5. 28 minutes. In the case of Fahrenhit thermometrs, 21 to 49 percent after 3 to 5 minutes, over 90 percent after 9 minutes, and 100 percent after 12 minutes, had reached optimum temperature. When the Yu II centigrade thermometer was used, 24 to 51 percent after 3 to 5 minutes, over 90 percent after 10 minutes, and 100 percent after 12 minutes, had reached optimum temperature. When the Kuk II centigrade Thermometer was used, 29 to 57 percent after 3 to 5 minutes, over 90 percent after 9 minutes, and 109 precent after 11 minutes, had reached optimum temperature.

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        Comparative Experimental Study on Measurement op Oral Temperature with Different kinds of Clinical Thermometers: Comparison of Oral Temperature and Oral Placement Time among Fahrenheit Glass Thermometer, Electric Thermometer, Yu II centigrade Glass Thermometer, and Kuk II centigrade Glass Thermometer
        Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing. 1974;4(2):93-106.   Published online April 3, 2017
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      Comparative Experimental Study on Measurement op Oral Temperature with Different kinds of Clinical Thermometers: Comparison of Oral Temperature and Oral Placement Time among Fahrenheit Glass Thermometer, Electric Thermometer, Yu II centigrade Glass Thermometer, and Kuk II centigrade Glass Thermometer
      Comparative Experimental Study on Measurement op Oral Temperature with Different kinds of Clinical Thermometers: Comparison of Oral Temperature and Oral Placement Time among Fahrenheit Glass Thermometer, Electric Thermometer, Yu II centigrade Glass Thermometer, and Kuk II centigrade Glass Thermometer

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