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Original Article
Reliability and Validity of the Korean Version of the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer Quality of Life Questionnaire to Assess Chemotherapy-induced Peripheral Neuropathy
Hye Young Kim1, Jeong Hee Kang1, Hyun Jo Youn2, Hyang Sook So3, Chi Eun Song4, Seo Young Chae5, Sung Hoo Jung2, Sung Reul Kim1, Ji Young Kim1
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2014;44(6):735-742.
Published online: December 15, 2014

1College of Nursing, Chonbuk National University, Jeonju

2Department of Surgery, Chonbuk National University Medical School, Jeonju

3College of Nursing, Chonnam National University, Gwangju

4Department of Hematology, Chonnam National University Hwasun Hospital, Hwasun

5Department of Oncology, Chonnam National University Hwasun Hospital, Hwasun, Korea

1College of Nursing, Chonbuk National University, Jeonju

2Department of Surgery, Chonbuk National University Medical School, Jeonju

3College of Nursing, Chonnam National University, Gwangju

4Department of Hematology, Chonnam National University Hwasun Hospital, Hwasun

5Department of Oncology, Chonnam National University Hwasun Hospital, Hwasun, Korea

Address reprint requests to : Kang, Jeong Hee College of Nursing, Chonbuk National University, 567 Baekje-daero, Deokjin-gu, Jeonju 561-756, Korea Tel: +82-63-270-3125 Fax: +82-63-270-3127 E-mail:
• Received: July 14, 2014   • Revised: July 18, 2014   • Accepted: October 14, 2014

Copyright © 2014 Korean Society of Nursing Science

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  • Purpose
    This study was performed to assess the reliability and validity of the Korean version of European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer Quality of Life Questionnaire - Chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy 20 items (EORTC QLQ-CIPN20) in patients receiving neurotoxic chemotherapy.
  • Methods
    A convenience sample of 249 Korean cancer patients, previously or currently, being treated with peripheral neurotoxic chemotherapeutic agents were asked to fill in the questionnaire. Collected data were analyzed using SPSS 21.0 and AMOS 21.0. Construct validity, known-group validity, concurrent validity, and internal consistency reliability of the Korean version of the QLQ-CIPN20 were evaluated.
  • Results
    Factor analysis confirmed 3 dimensions of CIPN: sensory, motor, and autonomic. The factor loadings of the 20 items on the 3 subscales ranged from .38 to .85. The 3 subscale-model was validated by confirmatory factor analysis (GFI= .90, AGFI= .86, RMSR= .05, NFI= .87, and CFI= .94), and concurrent validity was demonstrated with the EORTC QLQ-C30. Furthermore, the QLQ-CIPN20 established known-group validity. The Cronbach's alpha coefficients for internal consistency of the subscales ranged from .73 to .89.
  • Conclusion
    The Korean version of the EORTC QLQ-CIPN20 showed satisfactory construct, concurrent, and known-group validity, as well as internal reliability.
Table 1.
General and Clinical Characteristics (N=249)
Characteristics Categories n (%) M±SD
Age (year) <49 50 (20.1) 59.92±11.62
50-59 84 (33.7)
60-69 61 (24.5)
≥70 54 (21.7)
Gender Female 136 (54.6)
Male 113 (45.4)
Occupation Employed 57 (22.9)
Unemployed 192 (77.1)
Education Under or equal to elementary school graduate 62 (24.9)
Middle school graduate 41 (16.4)
High school graduate 101 (40.6)
Over or equal to college graduate 45 (18.1)
Type of cancer Breast cancer 82 (32.9)
Colon & rectal cancer 51 (20.5)
Gastric cancer 24 (9.6)
Esophageal cancer 4 (1.6)
Bile duct cancer 5 (2.8)
Ovarian cancer 4 (1.6)
Lung cancer 3 (1.2)
Malignant lymphoma 31 (12.4)
Multiple myeloma 32 (12.9)
Leukemia 8 (3.2)
Others 5 (1.3)
Time since diagnosis (month) <5 35 (14.0)
5-12 65 (26.1)
13-24 48 (19.3)
25-36 37 (14.9)
37-48 18 (7.2)
≥49 46 (18.5)
Stage (n=178) Stage 2 22 (12.4)
Stage 3 52 (29.2)
Stage 4 104 (58.4)
Current chemotherapy Yes 169 (67.9)
No 80 (32.1)
Duration of CIPN (month) <5 73 (29.3)
5-12 68 (27.3)
13-24 48 (19.3)
≥25 60 (24.1)
ECOG PS 0 71 (28.5)
1 151 (60.6)
2 27 (10.9)

CIPN=Chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy; ECOG PS=Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group performance status.

Table 2.
Construct Validity and Reliability
Constructs Items Factor loading Error estimate CR AVE Inter-subscale correlation Cronbach’s alpha
Sensory Did you have tingling fingers or hands? .62 .46 .90 .50 .42~.53* .89
Did you have tingling toes or feet? .70 .43
Did you have numbness in your fingers or hands? .68 .44
Did you have numbness in your toes or feet? .72 .38
Did you have shooting or burning pain in your fingers or hands? .66 .44
Did you have shooting or burning pain in your toes or feet? .67 .45
Did you have problems standing or walking because of difficulty feeling the ground under your feet? .85 .29
Did you have difficulty distinguishing between hot and cold water? .54 .55
Did you have difficulty hearing? .54 .55
Motor Did you have cramps in your hands? Did you have cramps in your feet? .38 .70 .78 .50 .89 .52 .53~.54* .88
Did you have a problem holding a pen, which made writing difficult? .80 .38
Did you have difficulty manipulating small objects with your fingers (for example, fastening small buttons)? .71 .40
Did you have difficulty opening a jar or bottle because of weakness in your hands? .83 .30
Did you have difficulty walking because your feet dropped downwards? .67 .47
Did you have difficulty climbing stairs or getting up out of a chair because of weakness in your legs? .68 .49
If you drive a car, did you have difficulty using the pedals? .66 .44
Autonomic Were you dizzy when standing up from a sitting or lying position? .83 .30 .74 .60 .42~.54* .73
Did you have blurred vision? .78 .39
If you are a man, did you have difficulty getting or maintaining an erection? .39 .75

*p<.001; CR=Composite reliability; AVE=Average variance extracted.

Table 3.
Model Fit Test
Model Items Absolute fit index
Incremental fit index
χ2 (p) χ2/df GFI AGFI RMSR NFI CFI
Model 1 20 231.89 (<.001) 1.58 .90 .86 .05 .87 .94
Model 2 18 209.66 (<.001) 1.58 .91 .87 .05 .87 .95

GFI=Goodness of fit index; AGFI=Adjusted goodness of fit index; RMSR=Root mean square residual; NFI=Normal fit index; CFI=Comparative fit index.

Table 4.
Correlations between the QLQ-C30 and QLQ-CIPN20 for Concurrent Validity
r (p) r (p) r (p)
Global health status −.32 (<.001) −.28 (<.001) −.30 (<.001)
Functional −.51 (<.001) −.58 (<.001) −.60 (<.001)
Symptom .49 (<.001) .51 (<.001) .57 (<.001)

QLQ-C30=Cancer Core Quality of Life Questionnaire 30 items; QLQ-CIPN20=Quality of life questionnaire chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy 20 items.

Table 5.
Known-group Validity Tests
M±SD F (p) M±SD F (p) M±SD F (p)
0 15.39±16.12 13.28 (<.001) 14.92±16.51 12.62 (<.001) 30.97±19.51 10.34 (<.001)
1 28.73±19.57 26.72±19.48 37.18±20.35
2 39.23±19.85 37.45±17.37 55.00±22.78

ECOG PS=Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group performance status; QLQ-CIPN20=Quality of life questionnaire chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy 20 items.

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        Reliability and Validity of the Korean Version of the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer Quality of Life Questionnaire to Assess Chemotherapy-induced Peripheral Neuropathy
        J Korean Acad Nurs. 2014;44(6):735-742.   Published online December 15, 2014
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      We recommend
      Reliability and Validity of the Korean Version of the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer Quality of Life Questionnaire to Assess Chemotherapy-induced Peripheral Neuropathy
      Reliability and Validity of the Korean Version of the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer Quality of Life Questionnaire to Assess Chemotherapy-induced Peripheral Neuropathy
      Characteristics Categories n (%) M±SD
      Age (year) <49 50 (20.1) 59.92±11.62
      50-59 84 (33.7)
      60-69 61 (24.5)
      ≥70 54 (21.7)
      Gender Female 136 (54.6)
      Male 113 (45.4)
      Occupation Employed 57 (22.9)
      Unemployed 192 (77.1)
      Education Under or equal to elementary school graduate 62 (24.9)
      Middle school graduate 41 (16.4)
      High school graduate 101 (40.6)
      Over or equal to college graduate 45 (18.1)
      Type of cancer Breast cancer 82 (32.9)
      Colon & rectal cancer 51 (20.5)
      Gastric cancer 24 (9.6)
      Esophageal cancer 4 (1.6)
      Bile duct cancer 5 (2.8)
      Ovarian cancer 4 (1.6)
      Lung cancer 3 (1.2)
      Malignant lymphoma 31 (12.4)
      Multiple myeloma 32 (12.9)
      Leukemia 8 (3.2)
      Others 5 (1.3)
      Time since diagnosis (month) <5 35 (14.0)
      5-12 65 (26.1)
      13-24 48 (19.3)
      25-36 37 (14.9)
      37-48 18 (7.2)
      ≥49 46 (18.5)
      Stage (n=178) Stage 2 22 (12.4)
      Stage 3 52 (29.2)
      Stage 4 104 (58.4)
      Current chemotherapy Yes 169 (67.9)
      No 80 (32.1)
      Duration of CIPN (month) <5 73 (29.3)
      5-12 68 (27.3)
      13-24 48 (19.3)
      ≥25 60 (24.1)
      ECOG PS 0 71 (28.5)
      1 151 (60.6)
      2 27 (10.9)
      Constructs Items Factor loading Error estimate CR AVE Inter-subscale correlation Cronbach’s alpha
      Sensory Did you have tingling fingers or hands? .62 .46 .90 .50 .42~.53* .89
      Did you have tingling toes or feet? .70 .43
      Did you have numbness in your fingers or hands? .68 .44
      Did you have numbness in your toes or feet? .72 .38
      Did you have shooting or burning pain in your fingers or hands? .66 .44
      Did you have shooting or burning pain in your toes or feet? .67 .45
      Did you have problems standing or walking because of difficulty feeling the ground under your feet? .85 .29
      Did you have difficulty distinguishing between hot and cold water? .54 .55
      Did you have difficulty hearing? .54 .55
      Motor Did you have cramps in your hands? Did you have cramps in your feet? .38 .70 .78 .50 .89 .52 .53~.54* .88
      Did you have a problem holding a pen, which made writing difficult? .80 .38
      Did you have difficulty manipulating small objects with your fingers (for example, fastening small buttons)? .71 .40
      Did you have difficulty opening a jar or bottle because of weakness in your hands? .83 .30
      Did you have difficulty walking because your feet dropped downwards? .67 .47
      Did you have difficulty climbing stairs or getting up out of a chair because of weakness in your legs? .68 .49
      If you drive a car, did you have difficulty using the pedals? .66 .44
      Autonomic Were you dizzy when standing up from a sitting or lying position? .83 .30 .74 .60 .42~.54* .73
      Did you have blurred vision? .78 .39
      If you are a man, did you have difficulty getting or maintaining an erection? .39 .75
      Model Items Absolute fit index
      Incremental fit index
      χ2 (p) χ2/df GFI AGFI RMSR NFI CFI
      Model 1 20 231.89 (<.001) 1.58 .90 .86 .05 .87 .94
      Model 2 18 209.66 (<.001) 1.58 .91 .87 .05 .87 .95
      QLQ-C30 QLQ-CIPN20
      r (p) r (p) r (p)
      Global health status −.32 (<.001) −.28 (<.001) −.30 (<.001)
      Functional −.51 (<.001) −.58 (<.001) −.60 (<.001)
      Symptom .49 (<.001) .51 (<.001) .57 (<.001)
      M±SD F (p) M±SD F (p) M±SD F (p)
      0 15.39±16.12 13.28 (<.001) 14.92±16.51 12.62 (<.001) 30.97±19.51 10.34 (<.001)
      1 28.73±19.57 26.72±19.48 37.18±20.35
      2 39.23±19.85 37.45±17.37 55.00±22.78
      Table 1. General and Clinical Characteristics (N=249)

      CIPN=Chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy; ECOG PS=Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group performance status.

      Table 2. Construct Validity and Reliability

      p<.001; CR=Composite reliability; AVE=Average variance extracted.

      Table 3. Model Fit Test

      GFI=Goodness of fit index; AGFI=Adjusted goodness of fit index; RMSR=Root mean square residual; NFI=Normal fit index; CFI=Comparative fit index.

      Table 4. Correlations between the QLQ-C30 and QLQ-CIPN20 for Concurrent Validity

      QLQ-C30=Cancer Core Quality of Life Questionnaire 30 items; QLQ-CIPN20=Quality of life questionnaire chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy 20 items.

      Table 5. Known-group Validity Tests

      ECOG PS=Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group performance status; QLQ-CIPN20=Quality of life questionnaire chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy 20 items.

      J Korean Acad Nurs : Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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