1School of Nursing, Pai Chai University, Daejeon, Korea.
2Quality Improvement Team, Korea University Ansan Hospital, Ansan, Korea.
© 2014 Korean Society of Nursing Science
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*Year of publication; PUs=Pressure ulcer; TP=True positive; FP=False positive; FN=False negative; TN=True negative; SN=Sensitivity; SP=Specificity; PLR=Positive likelihood ratio; NLR=Negative likelihood ratio; DOR=Diagnosis odds ratio; R=Retrospective; P=Prospective; ICU=Intensive care unit; OS=Orthopedic surgery; SICU=Surgical intensive care unit; ICD-9=International Classification of Diseases-9; LTCF=Long term care facilities; NPUAP=National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel; AHCPR=Agency for Health Care Policy and Research; TDCPS=Torrence Developmental Classification of Pressure Sore.
ROC curve=Receiver operating characteristic curve; AUC=Area under the curve; SE=Standard error; M=Male; F=Female; ICU=Intensive care unit; LTCF=Long term care facilities; NPUAP=National pressure ulcer advisory panel; AHCPR=Agency for health care policy and research; ICD-9=International Classification of Diseases-9.
*Year of publication; PUs=Pressure ulcer; TP=True positive; FP=False positive; FN=False negative; TN=True negative; SN=Sensitivity; SP=Specificity; PLR=Positive likelihood ratio; NLR=Negative likelihood ratio; DOR=Diagnosis odds ratio; R=Retrospective; P=Prospective; ICU=Intensive care unit; OS=Orthopedic surgery; SICU=Surgical intensive care unit; ICD-9=International Classification of Diseases-9; LTCF=Long term care facilities; NPUAP=National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel; AHCPR=Agency for Health Care Policy and Research; TDCPS=Torrence Developmental Classification of Pressure Sore.
ROC curve=Receiver operating characteristic curve; AUC=Area under the curve; SE=Standard error; M=Male; F=Female; ICU=Intensive care unit; LTCF=Long term care facilities; NPUAP=National pressure ulcer advisory panel; AHCPR=Agency for health care policy and research; ICD-9=International Classification of Diseases-9.
*Year of publication; PUs=Pressure ulcer; TP=True positive; FP=False positive; FN=False negative; TN=True negative; SN=Sensitivity; SP=Specificity; PLR=Positive likelihood ratio; NLR=Negative likelihood ratio; DOR=Diagnosis odds ratio; R=Retrospective; P=Prospective; ICU=Intensive care unit; OS=Orthopedic surgery; SICU=Surgical intensive care unit; ICD-9=International Classification of Diseases-9; LTCF=Long term care facilities; NPUAP=National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel; AHCPR=Agency for Health Care Policy and Research; TDCPS=Torrence Developmental Classification of Pressure Sore.
ROC curve=Receiver operating characteristic curve; AUC=Area under the curve; SE=Standard error; M=Male; F=Female; ICU=Intensive care unit; LTCF=Long term care facilities; NPUAP=National pressure ulcer advisory panel; AHCPR=Agency for health care policy and research; ICD-9=International Classification of Diseases-9.