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Original Article
Changes in Quality of Life and Related Factors in Thyroid Cancer Patients with Radioactive Iodine Remnant Ablation
Seon Hee Yoo1, Smi Choi-Kwon2
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2013;43(6):801-811.
Published online: December 15, 2013

1Nuclear Medicine Department, Asan Medical Center, Seoul

2College of Nursing, Research Institute of Nursing Science, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea

1Nuclear Medicine Department, Asan Medical Center, Seoul

2College of Nursing, Research Institute of Nursing Science, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea

Address reprint requests to : Choi-Kwon, Smi College of Nursing, Research Institute of Nursing Science, Seoul National University, 28 Yeongeon-dong, Jongno-gu, Seoul 110-460,Korea Tel: +82-2-740-8830 Fax: +82-2-766-1852 E-mail:
• Received: May 11, 2013   • Revised: May 26, 2013   • Accepted: November 22, 2013

Copyright © 2013 Korean Society of Nursing Science

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  • Purpose
    To investigate changes in Quality of life (QOL) and related factors in patients with thyroid cancer undergoing Radioactive Iodine remnant ablation (RAI).
  • Methods
    Data were collected longitudinally 3 times for 6 months (2 weeks post-surgery, post RAI, 3 months post RAI) in a hospital located in Seoul. Questionnaires were used to measure levels of physical symptoms, anxiety, depression, and QOL. Ninety-eight patients with thyroid cancer who had RAI were included in the analysis. Data were analyzed using SPSS (18.0).
  • Results
    Findings for the three data collection times respectfully were: mean scores for physical symptoms, 0.53, 1.21 and 0.62, patients with depression, 47%, 36.7% and 37.7%, patients with anxiety, 18.4 %, 19.4% and 20.4%, mean scores for QOL, 7.06, 7.01 and 7.28. QOL score was highest 3 months post RAI (p=.031). In the stepwise multiple regression analysis, depression and fatigue were predicting factors for low QOL at all data collection times. Dysponia was a predicting factor for low QOL post RAI and 3 months post RAI.
  • Conclusion
    To increase QOL, it is necessary to provide information in advance regarding physical & psychological symptoms and to develop nursing intervention programs to decrease depression and fatigue.
Table 1.
Quality of Life according to General Characteristics, Medical Characteristics, Anxiety and Depression at the 3 Different Measurement Times (N=98)
Variables Categories n (%) 2 weeks post surgery
Post RAI
3 months post RAI
Mean or n (%) t or F (p) Mean or n (%) t or F (p) Mean or n (%) t or F (p)
Gender Male 24 (24.5) 7.06 0.01 7.07 0.22 7.23 0.21
Female 74 (75.5) 7.06 (.999) 6.99 (.825) 7.30 (.838)
Age (year) <30a 11 (11.2) 7.40 0.99 7.51 1.13 7.82 2.57
30-39b 28 (28.6) 6.78 (.418) 6.72 (.345) 7.02 (.043)
40-49c 38 (38.8) 7.17 7.19 7.33 (e<a, b, c, d)
50-59d 19 (19.4) 7.17 6.93 7.50
≥60e 2 (2.0) 7.06 7.00 4.85
Educational level ≤Middle school 5 (5.1) 7.54 0.56 7.13 0.89 7.91 1.07
≤High school 44 (44.9) 6.96 (.576) 6.77 (.415) 7.09 (.347)
≥College 49 (50.0) 7.10 7.10 7.38
Marital status Married 81 (82.7) 7.04 0.40 6.95 0.82 7.28 0.05
Single 17 (17.4) 7.17 (.673) 7.30 (.417) 7.29 (.960)
Employment status Employed 61 (62.2) 7.02 0.39 6.90 0.81 7.12 1.50
Unemployed 37 (37.8) 7.12 (.699) 7.17 (.419) 7.54 (.136)
Monthly income (10,000 won) <100 16 (16.3) 6.71 0.86 6.68 0.59 7.14 0.45
100-200 22 (22.4) 6.93 (.463) 6.96 (.621) 7.14 (.716)
201-300 19 (19.4) 7.31 7.39 7.59
>300 41 (41.8) 7.06 6.98 7.26
Stage (AJCC) I 59 (60.2) 7.10 0.21 7.00 0.33 7.24 0.38
III 30 (30.6) 7.05 (.781) 6.89 (.643) 7.25 (.644)
IVA 9 (9.2) 6.82 7.38 7.28
Dose of RAI 80 mCi 50 (51) 7.21 1.24 6.99 0.91 7.27 0.96
150 mCi 48 (49) 6.90 (.383) 7.02 (.246) 7.28 (.398)
Lymph node CND, none 74 (74.5) 6.94 1.86 6.85 1.77 7.05 2.98
dissection MRND 24 (24.5) 7.46 (.066) 7.50 (.080) 7.97 (.004)
Anxiety 7.27 3.70 7.45 6.75 7.71 7.85
No 80 (81.6) (<.001) 79 (80.6) (<.001) 78 (79.6) (<.001)
6.19 5.18 5.60
Yes 18 (18.4) 19 (19.4) 20 (20.4)
Depression 7.75 7.16 7.77 8.05 7.94 7.85
No 52 (53.0) (<.001) 62 (63.3) (<.001) 61 (62.3) (<.001)
6.29 5.69 6.19
Yes 46 (47.0) 36 (36.7) 37 (37.7)

AJCC=American Joint Committee on Cancer; RAI=Radioactive iodine remnant ablation; CND=Central neck dissection; MRND=Modified radical neck dissection.

Table 2.
Changes in Physical Symptoms, Anxiety, Depression & Quality of Life at the 3 Different Measurement Times (N=98)
Variables 2 weeks post surgery
Post RAI
3 months post RAI
F (p)
Total thyroidectomy related physical symptoms (0-10)
  Operation site pain 1.74±1.48 1.44±1.51 1.60±1.91 1.94 (.150)
  Dysphonia 2.79±2.49 2.08±2.48 2.19±2.69 3.90 (.022)
  Hypocalcemia symptom 1.36±1.94 2.15±2.28 1.81±2.31 6.10 (.003)
Radioactive iodine remnant ablation related physical symptoms (0-3)
  Edema 0.40±0.73 1.96±0.86 0.79±0.83 138.85 (<.001)
  Weight gain 0.37±0.69 1.51±0.99 0.86±0.96 60.80 (<.001)
  Nausea 0.32±0.62 1.49±1.06 0.31±0.58 57.20 (<.001)
  Dyspepsia 0.39±0.76 1.40±0.95 0.60±0.77 38.22 (<.001)
  Loss of appetite 0.71±0.85 1.48±1.04 0.54±0.79 35.87 (<.001)
  Taste change 0.42±0.69 1.08±1.08 0.48±0.74 19.50 (<.001)
  Vomiting 0.06±0.28 0.64±0.95 0.07±0.27 17.30 (<.001)
  Brash 0.31±0.62 0.95±1.02 0.38±0.70 16.90 (<.001)
  Constipation 0.32±0.68 0.92±0.98 0.47±0.76 15.66 (<.001)
  Cold sensitivity 0.55±0.80 1.13±1.02 0.93±0.89 14.57 (<.001)
  Headache 0.72±0.81 1.08±0.90 0.54±0.74 12.60 (<.001)
  Dry mouth 0.62±0.79 0.93±0.84 0.67±0.74 6.72 (.002)
  Sialoadenitis 0.86±0.91 0.81±0.80 0.56±0.78 5.25 (.007)
  Fatigue 1.32±0.89 1.56±0.95 1.50±0.84 2.67 (.072)
  Total 0.53±0.40 1.21±0.59 0.62±0.40 75.68 (<.001)
  Anxiety 4.59±3.36 4.24±4.00 4.53±3.80 0.66 (.521)
  Depression 6.58±4.08 5.76±4.32 6.05±4.30 2.72 (.069)
  QOL 7.06±1.22 7.01±1.59 7.28±1.36 3.54 (.031)

RAI=Radioactive iodine remnant ablation QOL=Quality of life.

Table 3.
Test of within Subject Contrast Physical Symptoms & Quality of Life (N=98)
Variables 2 weeks postsurgery vs Post RAI
Post RAI vs 3 months post RAI
2 weeks post surgery vs 3 months post RAI
F (p) F (p) F (p)
Total thyroidectomy related physical symptoms
  Operation site pain 0.57 (.452) 1.21 (.274) 3.52 (.064)
  Dysphonia 6.95 (.010) 0.19 (.661) 4.11 (.045)
  Hypocalcemia symptom 14.07 (<.001) 2.51 (.117) 3.20 (.077)
Radioactive iodine remnant ablation related physical symptoms
  Edema 226.86 (<.001) 142.20 (<.001) 18.50 (<.001)
  Weight gain 119.39 (<.001) 30.67 (<.001) 26.37 (<.001)
  Nausea 100.65 (<.001) 108.55 (<.001) 0.02 (.885)
  Dyspepsia 72.95 (<.001) 51.95 (<.001) 5.17 (.025)
  Loss of appetite 51.74 (<.001) 66.68 (<.001) 3.57 (.062)
  Taste change 35.47 (<.001) 30.36 (<.001) 0.48 (.488)
  Vomiting 32.87 (<.001) 34.49 (<.001) 0.08 (.783)
  Brash 33.72 (<.001) 24.64 (<.001) 0.89 (.348)
  Constipation 35.52 (<.001) 19.51 (<.001) 4.07 (.046)
  Cold sensitivity 25.97 (<.001) 3.25 (.075) 14.26 (<.001)
  Headache 9.02 (.003) 25.20 (<.001) 3.88 (.052)
  Dry mouth 10.76 (<.001) 8.29 (.005) 0.35 (.556)
  Sialoadenitis 0.21 (.643) 7.91 (.006) 7.03 (.009)
  Fatigue 4.75 (.032) 0.31 (.577) 2.85 (.095)
  Total 142.37 (<.001) 125.23 (<.001) 6.27 (.014)
  Anxiety 1.04 (.309) 0.93 (.338) 0.18 (.674)
  Depression 2.82 (.101) 0.70 (.405) 0.16 (.692)
  QOL 0.20 (.652) 7.47 (.008) 4.40 (.039)

RAI=Radioactive iodine remnant ablation; QOL=Quality of life.

Table 4.
Correlations between Physical Symptoms and Quality of Life
Variables 2 weeks post surgery
Post RAI
3months post RAI
r (p) r (p) r (p)
Total thyroidectomy related physical symptoms
  Operation site pain −.26 (.010) −.40 (<.001) −.35 (<.001)
  Dysphonia −.17 (.257) −.36 (<.001) −.51 (<.001)
  Hypocalcaemia symptom −.28 (.006) −.34 (.001) −.39 (<.001)
Radioactive iodine remnant ablation related physical symptoms
  Edema −.30 (.002) −.36 (<.001) −.46 (<.001)
  Weight gain −.24 (.018) −.26 (.009) −.32 (.001)
  Nausea −.19 (.058) −.21 (.038) −.39 (<.001)
  Dyspepsia −.41 (<.001) −.43 (<.001) −.41 (<.001)
  Loss of appetite −.35 (.001) −.35 (<.001) −.33 (.001)
  Taste change −.33 (.001) −.30 (.003) −.34 (.001)
  Vomiting −.11 (.277) −.26 (.010) −.18 (.085)
  Brash −.35 (<.001) −.38 (<.001) −.29 (.004)
  Constipation −.23 (.026) −.49 (<.001) −.31 (.002)
  Cold sensitivity −.38 (<.001) −.26 (.010) −.26 (.009)
  Headache −.21 (.037) −.30 (.003) −.32 (.001)
  Dry mouth −.33 (.001) −.50 (<.001) −.47 (<.001)
  Sialoadenitis −.13 (.191) −.33 (.001) −.39 (<.001)
  Fatigue −.53 (<.001) −.55 (<.001) −.62 (<.001)

RAI=Radioactive iodine remnant ablation.

Table 5.
Stepwise Multiple Regression Model Explaining Quality of Life at the 3 Different Measurement Times
Variables Categories B ß t p R2 Change of R2
2 weeks post surgery Depression −1.16 −0.56 −8.19 <.001 .46
Fatigue −0.38 −0.28 −3.92 <.001 .57 .11
Dyspepsia −0.35 −0.22 −3.17 .002 .61 .04
Post RAI Depression −1.12 −0.43 −4.79 <.001 .57
Constipation −0.35 −0.22 −3.58 .001 .64 .07
Dysphonia −0.09 −0.14 −2.38 .019 .68 .04
Fatigue −0.27 −0.16 −2.49 .015 .70 .02
Anxiety −0.56 −0.20 −2.25 .027 .71 .01
3 months post RAI Depression −0.66 −0.30 −3.33 .001 .55
Fatigue −0.46 −0.28 −4.38 <.001 .64 .09
Anxiety −0.75 −0.30 −3.32 .001 .64 .00
Dysphonia −0.10 −0.20 −3.22 .002 .72 .08

RAI=Radioactive iodine remnant ablation.

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        Changes in Quality of Life and Related Factors in Thyroid Cancer Patients with Radioactive Iodine Remnant Ablation
        J Korean Acad Nurs. 2013;43(6):801-811.   Published online December 15, 2013
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      Changes in Quality of Life and Related Factors in Thyroid Cancer Patients with Radioactive Iodine Remnant Ablation
      Changes in Quality of Life and Related Factors in Thyroid Cancer Patients with Radioactive Iodine Remnant Ablation
      Variables Categories n (%) 2 weeks post surgery
      Post RAI
      3 months post RAI
      Mean or n (%) t or F (p) Mean or n (%) t or F (p) Mean or n (%) t or F (p)
      Gender Male 24 (24.5) 7.06 0.01 7.07 0.22 7.23 0.21
      Female 74 (75.5) 7.06 (.999) 6.99 (.825) 7.30 (.838)
      Age (year) <30a 11 (11.2) 7.40 0.99 7.51 1.13 7.82 2.57
      30-39b 28 (28.6) 6.78 (.418) 6.72 (.345) 7.02 (.043)
      40-49c 38 (38.8) 7.17 7.19 7.33 (e<a, b, c, d)
      50-59d 19 (19.4) 7.17 6.93 7.50
      ≥60e 2 (2.0) 7.06 7.00 4.85
      Educational level ≤Middle school 5 (5.1) 7.54 0.56 7.13 0.89 7.91 1.07
      ≤High school 44 (44.9) 6.96 (.576) 6.77 (.415) 7.09 (.347)
      ≥College 49 (50.0) 7.10 7.10 7.38
      Marital status Married 81 (82.7) 7.04 0.40 6.95 0.82 7.28 0.05
      Single 17 (17.4) 7.17 (.673) 7.30 (.417) 7.29 (.960)
      Employment status Employed 61 (62.2) 7.02 0.39 6.90 0.81 7.12 1.50
      Unemployed 37 (37.8) 7.12 (.699) 7.17 (.419) 7.54 (.136)
      Monthly income (10,000 won) <100 16 (16.3) 6.71 0.86 6.68 0.59 7.14 0.45
      100-200 22 (22.4) 6.93 (.463) 6.96 (.621) 7.14 (.716)
      201-300 19 (19.4) 7.31 7.39 7.59
      >300 41 (41.8) 7.06 6.98 7.26
      Stage (AJCC) I 59 (60.2) 7.10 0.21 7.00 0.33 7.24 0.38
      III 30 (30.6) 7.05 (.781) 6.89 (.643) 7.25 (.644)
      IVA 9 (9.2) 6.82 7.38 7.28
      Dose of RAI 80 mCi 50 (51) 7.21 1.24 6.99 0.91 7.27 0.96
      150 mCi 48 (49) 6.90 (.383) 7.02 (.246) 7.28 (.398)
      Lymph node CND, none 74 (74.5) 6.94 1.86 6.85 1.77 7.05 2.98
      dissection MRND 24 (24.5) 7.46 (.066) 7.50 (.080) 7.97 (.004)
      Anxiety 7.27 3.70 7.45 6.75 7.71 7.85
      No 80 (81.6) (<.001) 79 (80.6) (<.001) 78 (79.6) (<.001)
      6.19 5.18 5.60
      Yes 18 (18.4) 19 (19.4) 20 (20.4)
      Depression 7.75 7.16 7.77 8.05 7.94 7.85
      No 52 (53.0) (<.001) 62 (63.3) (<.001) 61 (62.3) (<.001)
      6.29 5.69 6.19
      Yes 46 (47.0) 36 (36.7) 37 (37.7)
      Variables 2 weeks post surgery
      Post RAI
      3 months post RAI
      F (p)
      M±SD M±SD M±SD
      Total thyroidectomy related physical symptoms (0-10)
        Operation site pain 1.74±1.48 1.44±1.51 1.60±1.91 1.94 (.150)
        Dysphonia 2.79±2.49 2.08±2.48 2.19±2.69 3.90 (.022)
        Hypocalcemia symptom 1.36±1.94 2.15±2.28 1.81±2.31 6.10 (.003)
      Radioactive iodine remnant ablation related physical symptoms (0-3)
        Edema 0.40±0.73 1.96±0.86 0.79±0.83 138.85 (<.001)
        Weight gain 0.37±0.69 1.51±0.99 0.86±0.96 60.80 (<.001)
        Nausea 0.32±0.62 1.49±1.06 0.31±0.58 57.20 (<.001)
        Dyspepsia 0.39±0.76 1.40±0.95 0.60±0.77 38.22 (<.001)
        Loss of appetite 0.71±0.85 1.48±1.04 0.54±0.79 35.87 (<.001)
        Taste change 0.42±0.69 1.08±1.08 0.48±0.74 19.50 (<.001)
        Vomiting 0.06±0.28 0.64±0.95 0.07±0.27 17.30 (<.001)
        Brash 0.31±0.62 0.95±1.02 0.38±0.70 16.90 (<.001)
        Constipation 0.32±0.68 0.92±0.98 0.47±0.76 15.66 (<.001)
        Cold sensitivity 0.55±0.80 1.13±1.02 0.93±0.89 14.57 (<.001)
        Headache 0.72±0.81 1.08±0.90 0.54±0.74 12.60 (<.001)
        Dry mouth 0.62±0.79 0.93±0.84 0.67±0.74 6.72 (.002)
        Sialoadenitis 0.86±0.91 0.81±0.80 0.56±0.78 5.25 (.007)
        Fatigue 1.32±0.89 1.56±0.95 1.50±0.84 2.67 (.072)
        Total 0.53±0.40 1.21±0.59 0.62±0.40 75.68 (<.001)
        Anxiety 4.59±3.36 4.24±4.00 4.53±3.80 0.66 (.521)
        Depression 6.58±4.08 5.76±4.32 6.05±4.30 2.72 (.069)
        QOL 7.06±1.22 7.01±1.59 7.28±1.36 3.54 (.031)
      Variables 2 weeks postsurgery vs Post RAI
      Post RAI vs 3 months post RAI
      2 weeks post surgery vs 3 months post RAI
      F (p) F (p) F (p)
      Total thyroidectomy related physical symptoms
        Operation site pain 0.57 (.452) 1.21 (.274) 3.52 (.064)
        Dysphonia 6.95 (.010) 0.19 (.661) 4.11 (.045)
        Hypocalcemia symptom 14.07 (<.001) 2.51 (.117) 3.20 (.077)
      Radioactive iodine remnant ablation related physical symptoms
        Edema 226.86 (<.001) 142.20 (<.001) 18.50 (<.001)
        Weight gain 119.39 (<.001) 30.67 (<.001) 26.37 (<.001)
        Nausea 100.65 (<.001) 108.55 (<.001) 0.02 (.885)
        Dyspepsia 72.95 (<.001) 51.95 (<.001) 5.17 (.025)
        Loss of appetite 51.74 (<.001) 66.68 (<.001) 3.57 (.062)
        Taste change 35.47 (<.001) 30.36 (<.001) 0.48 (.488)
        Vomiting 32.87 (<.001) 34.49 (<.001) 0.08 (.783)
        Brash 33.72 (<.001) 24.64 (<.001) 0.89 (.348)
        Constipation 35.52 (<.001) 19.51 (<.001) 4.07 (.046)
        Cold sensitivity 25.97 (<.001) 3.25 (.075) 14.26 (<.001)
        Headache 9.02 (.003) 25.20 (<.001) 3.88 (.052)
        Dry mouth 10.76 (<.001) 8.29 (.005) 0.35 (.556)
        Sialoadenitis 0.21 (.643) 7.91 (.006) 7.03 (.009)
        Fatigue 4.75 (.032) 0.31 (.577) 2.85 (.095)
        Total 142.37 (<.001) 125.23 (<.001) 6.27 (.014)
        Anxiety 1.04 (.309) 0.93 (.338) 0.18 (.674)
        Depression 2.82 (.101) 0.70 (.405) 0.16 (.692)
        QOL 0.20 (.652) 7.47 (.008) 4.40 (.039)
      Variables 2 weeks post surgery
      Post RAI
      3months post RAI
      r (p) r (p) r (p)
      Total thyroidectomy related physical symptoms
        Operation site pain −.26 (.010) −.40 (<.001) −.35 (<.001)
        Dysphonia −.17 (.257) −.36 (<.001) −.51 (<.001)
        Hypocalcaemia symptom −.28 (.006) −.34 (.001) −.39 (<.001)
      Radioactive iodine remnant ablation related physical symptoms
        Edema −.30 (.002) −.36 (<.001) −.46 (<.001)
        Weight gain −.24 (.018) −.26 (.009) −.32 (.001)
        Nausea −.19 (.058) −.21 (.038) −.39 (<.001)
        Dyspepsia −.41 (<.001) −.43 (<.001) −.41 (<.001)
        Loss of appetite −.35 (.001) −.35 (<.001) −.33 (.001)
        Taste change −.33 (.001) −.30 (.003) −.34 (.001)
        Vomiting −.11 (.277) −.26 (.010) −.18 (.085)
        Brash −.35 (<.001) −.38 (<.001) −.29 (.004)
        Constipation −.23 (.026) −.49 (<.001) −.31 (.002)
        Cold sensitivity −.38 (<.001) −.26 (.010) −.26 (.009)
        Headache −.21 (.037) −.30 (.003) −.32 (.001)
        Dry mouth −.33 (.001) −.50 (<.001) −.47 (<.001)
        Sialoadenitis −.13 (.191) −.33 (.001) −.39 (<.001)
        Fatigue −.53 (<.001) −.55 (<.001) −.62 (<.001)
      Variables Categories B ß t p R2 Change of R2
      2 weeks post surgery Depression −1.16 −0.56 −8.19 <.001 .46
      Fatigue −0.38 −0.28 −3.92 <.001 .57 .11
      Dyspepsia −0.35 −0.22 −3.17 .002 .61 .04
      Post RAI Depression −1.12 −0.43 −4.79 <.001 .57
      Constipation −0.35 −0.22 −3.58 .001 .64 .07
      Dysphonia −0.09 −0.14 −2.38 .019 .68 .04
      Fatigue −0.27 −0.16 −2.49 .015 .70 .02
      Anxiety −0.56 −0.20 −2.25 .027 .71 .01
      3 months post RAI Depression −0.66 −0.30 −3.33 .001 .55
      Fatigue −0.46 −0.28 −4.38 <.001 .64 .09
      Anxiety −0.75 −0.30 −3.32 .001 .64 .00
      Dysphonia −0.10 −0.20 −3.22 .002 .72 .08
      Table 1. Quality of Life according to General Characteristics, Medical Characteristics, Anxiety and Depression at the 3 Different Measurement Times (N=98)

      AJCC=American Joint Committee on Cancer; RAI=Radioactive iodine remnant ablation; CND=Central neck dissection; MRND=Modified radical neck dissection.

      Table 2. Changes in Physical Symptoms, Anxiety, Depression & Quality of Life at the 3 Different Measurement Times (N=98)

      RAI=Radioactive iodine remnant ablation QOL=Quality of life.

      Table 3. Test of within Subject Contrast Physical Symptoms & Quality of Life (N=98)

      RAI=Radioactive iodine remnant ablation; QOL=Quality of life.

      Table 4. Correlations between Physical Symptoms and Quality of Life

      RAI=Radioactive iodine remnant ablation.

      Table 5. Stepwise Multiple Regression Model Explaining Quality of Life at the 3 Different Measurement Times

      RAI=Radioactive iodine remnant ablation.

      J Korean Acad Nurs : Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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