1Department of Nursing, Changshin University, Changwon, Korea.
2College of Nursing, Kosin University, Busan, Korea.
© 2013 Korean Society of Nursing Science
This manuscript is based on a part of the first author's doctoral dissertation from Kosin University.
PHS=Perceived health status.
NPAR=the Number of parameters in the model; DF=Degree of freedom; CMIN=Chi-sqaure value; TLI=Turker-Lewis index; SRMR=Standardized root mean square residual; CFI=Comparative fit index; RMSEA=Root mean square error of approximation; LO=Low RMSEA; HI=High RMSEA.
CR=Critical ratio; SMC=Squared multiple correlations.
PHS=Perceived health status.
NPAR=the Number of parameters in the model; DF=Degree of freedom; CMIN=Chi-sqaure value; TLI=Turker-Lewis index; SRMR=Standardized root mean square residual; CFI=Comparative fit index; RMSEA=Root mean square error of approximation; LO=Low RMSEA; HI=High RMSEA.
CR=Critical ratio; SMC=Squared multiple correlations.