Department of Psychology, Chonbuk National University, Jeonju, Korea.
© 2015 Korean Society of Nursing Science
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*p <.05; Exp.=Experimental group (n=8); Cont.=Control group (n=8); SMR=Sensorimotor rhythm wave; EEG=Electroencephalogram.
*p <.05; Exp.=Experimental group (n=8); Cont.=Control group (n=8); SMR=Sensorimotor rhythm wave; EEG=Electroencephalogram.
*p <.05; Exp.=Experimental group (n=8); Cont.=Control group (n=8).
*p <.05; Exp.=Experimental group (n=8); Cont.=Control group (n=8); ADHD=Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder; DSM=Diagnosis and statistical manual for mental disorder.
*p <.05; Exp.=Experimental group (n=8); Cont.=Control group (n=8).