1Department of Nursing, Uiduk University, Pohang, Korea.
2College of Nursing, Kyungpook National University, Daegu, Korea.
© 2015 Korean Society of Nursing Science
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Cont.=Control group; Exp.=Experimental group; ND=None depression; MD=Moderate depression; SD=Severe depression.
Cont.=Control group; Exp.=Experimental group; ND=None depression; MD=Moderate depression; SD=Severe depression; QOL=Quality of life.
*ANCOVA adjusted for pre score; †p<.05; ‡p<.01; §Contrast; Repeated Measures ANOVA of variance of contrast variables. Index 1,2 and 3 Inicate to 1: pre-test, 2: post-test after 5 times, and 3: post-test after 10 times; Cont.=Control group (n=14); Exp.=Experimental group (n=50); ND=None depression (n=15); MD=Moderate depression (n=19); SD=Severe depression (n=16); QOL=Quality of life.
Cont.=Control group; Exp.=Experimental group; ND=None depression; MD=Moderate depression; SD=Severe depression.
Cont.=Control group; Exp.=Experimental group; ND=None depression; MD=Moderate depression; SD=Severe depression; QOL=Quality of life.
*ANCOVA adjusted for pre score; †