Department of Nursing, Daejeon University, Daejeon, Korea.
© 2013 Korean Society of Nursing Science
*Missing responses excluded.
SAI-K=Korean version of successful aging inventory; EFA=Exploratory factor analysis.
CFA=Confirmatory factor analysis; CMIN/DF=Chi-square minimum/degree of freedom; GFI=Goodness of fit index; AGFI=Adjusted goodness-of-fit index; RMR=Root mean square residual; RMSEA=Root mean square error of approximation; CI=Confidence interval; NFI=Normed fit index; CFI= Comparative fit index.
SAI-K=Korean version of successful aging inventory; Ls=Life satisfaction; Cr=Creativity; Co=Coping; Tr=Transcendence.
*Missing responses excluded.
SAI-K=Korean version of successful aging inventory; EFA=Exploratory factor analysis.
CFA=Confirmatory factor analysis; CMIN/DF=Chi-square minimum/degree of freedom; GFI=Goodness of fit index; AGFI=Adjusted goodness-of-fit index; RMR=Root mean square residual; RMSEA=Root mean square error of approximation; CI=Confidence interval; NFI=Normed fit index; CFI= Comparative fit index.
SAI-K=Korean version of successful aging inventory; Ls=Life satisfaction; Cr=Creativity; Co=Coping; Tr=Transcendence.