College of Nursing and System Biomedical Informatics National Core Research Center, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea.
© 2013 Korean Society of Nursing Science
a, b, c, and d are number of observations in the corresponding cells.
CI=Confidence interval; df=Degrees of freedom; OR=Odds ratio; SE=Standard error.
Sensitivity=3/(3+57)=5.00%; Specificity=124/(6+124)=95.48%;
False positive=6/(6+124)=4.62%; False negative=57/(3+57)=95.00%.
NR=Not reported; VIF=Variance inflation factor; AUC=Area under curve; ROC=Receiver operationg characteristic; AIC=Akaike's information criterion; LL=Log-likelihood CI=Confidence interval; df=Degrees of freedom; OR=Odds ratio; SE=Standard error.
CI=Confidence interval; df=Degrees of freedom; OR=Odds ratio; SE=Standard error.
Sensitivity=3/(3+57)=5.00%; Specificity=124/(6+124)=95.48%; False positive=6/(6+124)=4.62%; False negative=57/(3+57)=95.00%.
NR=Not reported; VIF=Variance inflation factor; AUC=Area under curve; ROC=Receiver operationg characteristic; AIC=Akaike's information criterion; LL=Log-likelihood CI=Confidence interval; df=Degrees of freedom; OR=Odds ratio; SE=Standard error.