Associate Professor, Department of Nursing, Daegu Haany University, Daegu, Korea.
© 2012 Korean Society of Nursing Science
*Family relations (1: adult children, 2: daughter in law, 3: spouse); †Age (1:<50, 2: 50-59, 3: ≥ 60); ‡Job (1: yes, 2: no, 3: housewife); §Education (1: elementary, 2: middle-high, 3: college; ∥Living together (1: yes, 2: no), ¶Monthly income (1:<1000,000 won, 2: 1,000,000-2,000,000 won, 3: ≥ 2,000,000 won); #Type of service (1: facility service, 2: home visiting service); **Gender (1: male, 2: female).
†This item was analyzed conversely.
*p<.05; **p<.01.
†SB=Subjective burden; OB=Objective burden; ‡Single includes widow and divorced.
*p<.05; **p<.01.
SB=Subjective burden; OB=Objective burden.
*Family relations (1: adult children, 2: daughter in law, 3: spouse); †Age (1:<50, 2: 50-59, 3: ≥ 60); ‡Job (1: yes, 2: no, 3: housewife); §Education (1: elementary, 2: middle-high, 3: college; ∥Living together (1: yes, 2: no), ¶Monthly income (1:<1000,000 won, 2: 1,000,000-2,000,000 won, 3: ≥ 2,000,000 won); #Type of service (1: facility service, 2: home visiting service); **Gender (1: male, 2: female).
†This item was analyzed conversely. *
†SB=Subjective burden; OB=Objective burden; ‡Single includes widow and divorced. *
SB=Subjective burden; OB=Objective burden.
*Family relations (1: adult children, 2: daughter in law, 3: spouse); †Age (1:<50, 2: 50-59, 3: ≥ 60); ‡Job (1: yes, 2: no, 3: housewife); §Education (1: elementary, 2: middle-high, 3: college; ∥Living together (1: yes, 2: no), ¶Monthly income (1:<1000,000 won, 2: 1,000,000-2,000,000 won, 3: ≥ 2,000,000 won); #Type of service (1: facility service, 2: home visiting service); **Gender (1: male, 2: female).