1Full-time Lecturer, Department of Nursing, Namseoul University, Cheonan, Korea.
2Professor, Department of Nursing, Chung-Ang University, Seoul, Korea.
© 2011 Korean Society of Nursing Science
*Mean±SD; †Median (range); ‡Z value of Mann-Whitney test.
BMI=Body Mass Index; ER=Emergency Room; OR=Operating Room; DM=Diabetes Mellitus; NS=Neurosurgery; NU=Neurology; GCS=Glasgow Coma Scale; ICU= Intensive Care Unit; LOS=Length of Stay.
ROC=Receiver operating characteristic; AUC=Area under the curve; CI =Confidence Interval.
*Mean±SD; †Median (range); ‡Z value of Mann-Whitney test. BMI=Body Mass Index; ER=Emergency Room; OR=Operating Room; DM=Diabetes Mellitus; NS=Neurosurgery; NU=Neurology; GCS=Glasgow Coma Scale; ICU= Intensive Care Unit; LOS=Length of Stay.
ROC=Receiver operating characteristic; AUC=Area under the curve; CI =Confidence Interval.