1Associate Professor, Department of Nursing, Seoil University, Seoul, Korea.
2Full-time Lecturer, Department of Nursing, Kunsan College of Nursing, Gunsan, Korea.
© 2011 Korean Society of Nursing Science
*Mean±SE; †The BMI was adjusted to age; ‡Normal: T-score >-1.0; Osteopenia:-1.0≤T-score<-2.5; Osteoporosis: T-score≤-2.5.
CI=Confidence interval; OR (odds ratio) is exp (B) in the multiple regression model (reference level: T-score=-2.5).
AUC=Area under curve; LR+=Positive likelihood ratio.
*Mean±SE; †The BMI was adjusted to age; ‡Normal: T-score >-1.0; Osteopenia:-1.0≤T-score<-2.5; Osteoporosis: T-score≤-2.5.
CI=Confidence interval; OR (odds ratio) is exp (B) in the multiple regression model (reference level: T-score=-2.5).
AUC=Area under curve; LR+=Positive likelihood ratio.