Figure 1
The surgical wound care algorithm framework.
BMI=Body mass index; WBC=White blood cell; CRP=C-reactive protein; APACHE score=Initial Acute Physiologic and Chronic Health Evaluation that stands for critical ill status of critical patients.
Figure 2
(A) Evidence-based surgical wound care algorithm.
GS=General surgery; INF=Infection part; DER=Dermatology; PS=Plastic surgery; WOCN=Wound, ostomy, continence nurse; MBP=Mean blood pressure; BP=Blood pressure; Hb=Hemoglobin; DM=Diabetes mellitus; HTN=Hypertension; BST=Blood sugar test; NPWT=Negative pressure wound therapy; HBOT=Hyperbaric oxygen therapy; E-stim=Electro stimulation; WBC=White blood cell; CRP=C-reactive protein; APACHE=Acute physiologic and chronic health evaluation.
(B) Evidence-based surgical wound care algorithm.
MD=Medical doctor; Cx=Culture.
(C) Evidence-based surgical wound care algorithm.
MNA-SF=Mini nutritional assessment short form; PPN=Peripheral parenternal nutrition; TPN=Total parenternal nutrition.
Table 1List of Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPG)
Table 2Level of Evidence, Strength of Recommendations of Surgical Wound Care Algorithm
Table 3Balance Sheet of the Surgical Wound Care Algorithm (Bonnie Sue Local Wound Care Algorithm vs. New Surgical Wound Care)