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Original Article
Factors on the Suicidal Attempt by Gender of Middle and High School Student
Sanggu Yi, Yunjeong Yi, Hye-Sun Jung
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2011;41(5):652-662.
Published online: October 31, 2011

1Senior Researcher, Welfare State Society, Seoul, Korea.

2Instructor, The Catholic University of Korea, Seoul, Korea.

3Associate Professor, College of Medicine, The Catholic University of Korea, Seoul, Korea.

Address reprint requests to: Jung, Hye-Sun. The Catholic University of Korea, College of Medicine, 505 Banpo-dong, Seocho-gu, Seoul 137-701, Korea. Tel: +82-2-2258-7368, Fax: +82-2-532-3820,
• Received: September 13, 2009   • Accepted: October 24, 2011

© 2011 Korean Society of Nursing Science

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  • Purpose
    The suicide rate of adolescents in Korea is increasing annually. Therefore, this research was done to identify the suicide attempt rate of middle and high school students and to identify factors that influence suicidal attempts.
  • Methods
    The Korea Youth Health Risk Behavior Web-based Survey (2007) was used as data. Discriminant analysis and logistic regression were performed to analyze the data depending on gender to consider the gender difference in assessing the influence of each independent variable on suicidal attempts.
  • Results
    Discriminant analysis according on gender showed that 13 factors correlated with suicidal attempts for boys, and 20 factors for girls. The most highly correlated factors were smoking, depression and inhalation experience. For inhalation experience, boys had 2.7 times higher possibility of suicide attempts (95% CI 1.8-3.0) and girls, a 2.4 times higher possibility (95% CI 1.7-3.5).
  • Conclusion
    The results of the study indicate a need to classify adolescents for expectation of suicide risk and high danger for suicidal attempts through, and introduce suicide prevention programs for these adolescents. In particular, it is necessary to start intervention with students who smoke, have sexual and inhalation experiences and high levels of depression.
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Table 1
Suicidal Attempt by Gender and School-related Characteristics
Table 2
Suicidal Attempt by Gender and Family-related Characteristics

*missing value is excluded.

Table 3
Suicidal Attempt by Gender and Health & Psychological Characteristics*

*missing value is excluded.

Table 4
Factors that Classify Suicidal Attempts Depending on Gender
Table 5
Factors Affecting to Suicidal Attempt by Gender

Figure & Data



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        Factors on the Suicidal Attempt by Gender of Middle and High School Student
        J Korean Acad Nurs. 2011;41(5):652-662.   Published online October 31, 2011
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      Factors on the Suicidal Attempt by Gender of Middle and High School Student
      Factors on the Suicidal Attempt by Gender of Middle and High School Student

      Suicidal Attempt by Gender and School-related Characteristics

      Suicidal Attempt by Gender and Family-related Characteristics

      *missing value is excluded.

      Suicidal Attempt by Gender and Health & Psychological Characteristics*

      *missing value is excluded.

      Factors that Classify Suicidal Attempts Depending on Gender

      Factors Affecting to Suicidal Attempt by Gender

      Table 1 Suicidal Attempt by Gender and School-related Characteristics

      Table 2 Suicidal Attempt by Gender and Family-related Characteristics

      *missing value is excluded.

      Table 3 Suicidal Attempt by Gender and Health & Psychological Characteristics*

      *missing value is excluded.

      Table 4 Factors that Classify Suicidal Attempts Depending on Gender

      Table 5 Factors Affecting to Suicidal Attempt by Gender

      J Korean Acad Nurs : Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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