1Associate Professor, Graduate School of Public Health, Ajou University, Suwon, Korea.
2Assistant Professor, College of Nursing, Ajou University, Suwon, Korea.
3Research Assistant, Graduate School of Public Health, Ajou University, Suwon, Korea.
4Part-time Lecturer, College of Nursing, Sungshin Women's University, Seoul, Korea.
5Research Fellow, Yonsei University, Nursing Policy Research Institute, Seoul, Korea.
6Full-time Lecturer, College of Nursing, Eulji University, Seongnam, Korea.
© 2011 Korean Society of Nursing Science
This work was supported by Basic Science Research Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (2010-0003737).
*The number of instruments used for the study was 18 because both SF-36 and EQ-5D were used in one study; †References for each citation were provided in appendix 1; ‡The Korean version is provided from QualityMetric Inc.
SF-36=Short form-36; EQ-5D=The EuroQoL-5Dimension; QOL=Quality of life; WHOQOL-Brief=World health organization QOL-Brief; COOP chart=The dartmouth-northern new England primary care cooperative information chart; DCCT=Diabetes control and complications trial.
*The number of used instruments was 16 because in one study both SF-36 and EQ-5D were used, while for two studies instrument were not reported.
SF-36=Short Form-36; EQ-5D=The EuroQoL-5Dimension; QOL=Quality of life; WHOQOL-Brief=World health organization QOL-Brief; COOP chart=The dartmouth-northern new England primary care cooperative information chart; DCCT=Diabetes control and complications trial.
Characteristics of the Studies and Reported Conceptual Definitions, Taxonomy, and Attributes (N=17)
Citation and Application of Instruments Included for Korean Studies of Patients with Diabetes (N=18)*
*The number of instruments used for the study was 18 because both SF-36 and EQ-5D were used in one study; †References for each citation were provided in appendix 1; ‡The Korean version is provided from QualityMetric Inc.
SF-36=Short form-36; EQ-5D=The EuroQoL-5Dimension; QOL=Quality of life; WHOQOL-Brief=World health organization QOL-Brief; COOP chart=The dartmouth-northern new England primary care cooperative information chart; DCCT=Diabetes control and complications trial.
Reported Psychometric Properties of Instruments Used in Korean Studies of Patients with Diabetes (N=16)*
*The number of used instruments was 16 because in one study both SF-36 and EQ-5D were used, while for two studies instrument were not reported.
SF-36=Short Form-36; EQ-5D=The EuroQoL-5Dimension; QOL=Quality of life; WHOQOL-Brief=World health organization QOL-Brief; COOP chart=The dartmouth-northern new England primary care cooperative information chart; DCCT=Diabetes control and complications trial.
*The number of instruments used for the study was 18 because both SF-36 and EQ-5D were used in one study; †References for each citation were provided in appendix 1; ‡The Korean version is provided from QualityMetric Inc. SF-36=Short form-36; EQ-5D=The EuroQoL-5Dimension; QOL=Quality of life; WHOQOL-Brief=World health organization QOL-Brief; COOP chart=The dartmouth-northern new England primary care cooperative information chart; DCCT=Diabetes control and complications trial.
*The number of used instruments was 16 because in one study both SF-36 and EQ-5D were used, while for two studies instrument were not reported. SF-36=Short Form-36; EQ-5D=The EuroQoL-5Dimension; QOL=Quality of life; WHOQOL-Brief=World health organization QOL-Brief; COOP chart=The dartmouth-northern new England primary care cooperative information chart; DCCT=Diabetes control and complications trial.