1Assistant Professor, Red Cross College of Nursing, Seoul, Korea.
2Professor, College of Nursing, The Catholic University of Korea, Seoul, Korea.
3Professor, Department of Radiology, College of Medicine, The Catholic University of Korea, Seoul, Korea.
Copyright © 2010 Korean Society of Nursing Science
This work was supported by the Korean Research Foundation Grant Funded by the Korean Government (KRF-2008-314-E00270).
BMI=body mass index; DG=dorsogluteal site; SFT=skinfold thickness; SCT=subcutaneous tissue thickness; *OINL=optimal intramuscular needle length (SCT+0.6 cm); RRIL=rate of reaching intramuscular layer; †OINL/SFT.
BMI=body mass index; VG=ventrogluteal site; SFT=skinfold thickness; SCT=subcutaneous tissue thickness; *OINL=optimal intramuscular needle length (SCT+0.6 cm); RRIL=rate of reaching intramuscular layer; †OINL/SFT.
DSCT=Dorsogluteal subcutaneous tissue thickness, VSCT=Ventrogluteal subcutaneous tissue thickness, DSFT=Dorsogluteal skinfold thickness, VSFT=Ventrogluteal skinfold thickness; x=Skinfold Thickness, y=Subcutaneous Tissue Thickness.
BMI=body mass index; DG=dorsogluteal site; SFT=skinfold thickness; SCT=subcutaneous tissue thickness; *OINL=optimal intramuscular needle length (SCT+0.6 cm); RRIL=rate of reaching intramuscular layer; †OINL/SFT.
BMI=body mass index; VG=ventrogluteal site; SFT=skinfold thickness; SCT=subcutaneous tissue thickness; *OINL=optimal intramuscular needle length (SCT+0.6 cm); RRIL=rate of reaching intramuscular layer; †OINL/SFT.
DSCT=Dorsogluteal subcutaneous tissue thickness, VSCT=Ventrogluteal subcutaneous tissue thickness, DSFT=Dorsogluteal skinfold thickness, VSFT=Ventrogluteal skinfold thickness; x=Skinfold Thickness, y=Subcutaneous Tissue Thickness.