Full-time Lecturer, College of Nursing, Catholic University of Daegu, Daegu, Korea.
Copyright © 2010 Korean Society of Nursing Science
Descriptive Statistics for Study Variables of Breastfeeding Mothers (N=179)
*Missing data were excluded; †Mean of total items (range of score from 1 to 5); ‡Impertinent data were excluded.
Differences in Breast Feeding Adaptation by Study Variables (N=179)
*Impertinent data were excluded (n=74).
Correlation of Study Variables (N=179)
*Impertinent data were excluded (n=63).
Factors Influencing Breastfeeding Adaptation (N=175)
*Dummy variables; †Impertinent data were excluded (n=63).
*Missing data were excluded; †Mean of total items (range of score from 1 to 5); ‡Impertinent data were excluded.
*Impertinent data were excluded (n=74).
*Impertinent data were excluded (n=63).
*Dummy variables; †Impertinent data were excluded (n=63).