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Original Article
Effects of Teaching Method using Standardized Patients on Nursing Competence in Subcutaneous Injection, Self-Directed Learning Readiness, and Problem Solving Ability
Mi-Ran Eom, Hyun-Sook Kim, Eun-Kyung Kim, Kayeon Seong
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2010;40(2):151-160.
Published online: April 30, 2010

1Associate Professor, Department of Nursing, Mokpo National University, Mokpo, Korea.

2Associate Professor, College of Nursing, Eulji University, Seongnam, Korea.

3Assistant Professor, Department of Nursing, Mokpo National University, Mokpo, Korea.

4Part-time Lecturer, College of Nursing, Eulji University, Deajeon, Korea.

Address reprint requests to: Kim, Eun-Kyung. Department of Nursing, Mokpo National University, 61 Dorim-ri, Cheonggye-myeon, Muan 534-729, Korea. Tel: 82-61-450-2672, Fax: 82-61-450-2679,
• Received: September 12, 2008   • Revised: September 24, 2008   • Accepted: November 27, 2009

Copyright © 2010 Korean Society of Nursing Science

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  • Purpose
    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of teaching method using Standardized Patients (SPs) on nursing competence, self-directed learning readiness, and problem solving ability-focusing on subcutaneous insulin injection.
  • Methods
    This research was a nonequivalent control group non-synchronized post-test design. The subjects consisted of 62 junior nursing students at E University. Scenarios to train SPs and checklists to evaluate the students' competence were developed by our research team. The experimental group (n=31) participated in the teaching class using SPs. The control group (n=31) received traditional practice education. The collected data were analyzed with descriptive analysis, χ2/Fisher's exact test, t-test, Pearson's correlation coefficient, and Cronbach's α using SPSS WIN 14.0 Program.
  • Results
    The mean scores of competence, self-directed learning readiness, and problem solving were significantly higher in the experimental group than the control group.
  • Conclusion
    As confirmed by this research findings, the teaching method using SPs was more effective than the traditional method to improve junior nursing students' competence, self-directed learning readiness, and problem solving. Therefore, It is necessary to develop a various of scenarios and to testify their effectiveness.
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Table 1
Research Design

X1=Traditional teaching method; X2=Teaching method using Standardized Patients; Yc2, Ye2=Data collection (competence, self-directed learning readiness, and problem solving ability).

Table 2
Homogeneity for Characteristics between Experimental and Control Groups

Exp.=experimental group; Cont.=control group.

Table 3
Comparisons of Competence, Self-Directed Learning Readiness, and Problem Solving Ability Scores between Experimental and Control Groups after Treatment

Exp.=experimental group; Cont.=control group.

Figure & Data



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      Effects of Teaching Method using Standardized Patients on Nursing Competence in Subcutaneous Injection, Self-Directed Learning Readiness, and Problem Solving Ability
      J Korean Acad Nurs. 2010;40(2):151-160.   Published online April 30, 2010
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    Effects of Teaching Method using Standardized Patients on Nursing Competence in Subcutaneous Injection, Self-Directed Learning Readiness, and Problem Solving Ability
    Effects of Teaching Method using Standardized Patients on Nursing Competence in Subcutaneous Injection, Self-Directed Learning Readiness, and Problem Solving Ability

    Research Design

    X1=Traditional teaching method; X2=Teaching method using Standardized Patients; Yc2, Ye2=Data collection (competence, self-directed learning readiness, and problem solving ability).

    Homogeneity for Characteristics between Experimental and Control Groups

    Exp.=experimental group; Cont.=control group.

    Comparisons of Competence, Self-Directed Learning Readiness, and Problem Solving Ability Scores between Experimental and Control Groups after Treatment

    Exp.=experimental group; Cont.=control group.

    Table 1 Research Design

    X1=Traditional teaching method; X2=Teaching method using Standardized Patients; Yc2, Ye2=Data collection (competence, self-directed learning readiness, and problem solving ability).

    Table 2 Homogeneity for Characteristics between Experimental and Control Groups

    Exp.=experimental group; Cont.=control group.

    Table 3 Comparisons of Competence, Self-Directed Learning Readiness, and Problem Solving Ability Scores between Experimental and Control Groups after Treatment

    Exp.=experimental group; Cont.=control group.

    J Korean Acad Nurs : Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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