Part-time Lecturer, College of Nursing Science, Kyung Hee University, Seoul, Korea.
Copyright © 2010 Korean Society of Nursing Science
*p<.05; **p<.01.
X1=Cohesion; X2=Challenge; X3=Being control; X4=Spiritual pursuit; X5=Seeking help; X6=Open communication; X7=Problematic communication; X8=Friend's support; X9=Family's support; X10=Teacher's support; Y1=Positive self-esteem; Y2=Negative self-esteem; Y3=Internal control; Y4=Fear of abandonment; Y5=Self-blame; Y6=Adaptation.
*p<.05; **p<.01.
X1=Cohesion; X2=Challenge; X3=Being control; X4=Spiritual pursuit; X5=Seeking help; X6=Open communication; X7=Problematic communication; X8=Friend's support; X9=Family's support; X10=Teacher's support; Y1=Positive self-esteem; Y2=Negative self-esteem; Y3=Internal control; Y4=Fear of abandonment; Y5=Self-blame; Y6=Adaptation.
*p<.05; **p<.01.
SMC=squared multiple correlation.
* X1=Cohesion; X2=Challenge; X3=Being control; X4=Spiritual pursuit; X5=Seeking help; X6=Open communication; X7=Problematic communication; X8=Friend's support; X9=Family's support; X10=Teacher's support; Y1=Positive self-esteem; Y2=Negative self-esteem; Y3=Internal control; Y4=Fear of abandonment; Y5=Self-blame; Y6=Adaptation.
* SMC=squared multiple correlation.