1Associate Professor, College of Nursing, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea.
2Doctoral Student, College of Nursing, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea.
Copyright © 2009 Korean Society of Nursing Science
*Data from national health insurance statistical yearbook (National Health Insurance Corporation, 2008); †Data from macroeconomic indicator (KNSO, 2008); ‡Optimal fee increase rate=(1+PAF)×(1+MEI)-1; §CF (conversion factor)=80.7×(1+PAF)×(1+MEI); ∥As of 2009, the actual value of conversion factor for nurse-midwife' clinic is 88.2 in the national health insurance.
SGR=sustainable growth rate; GDP=gross domestic product.
*R1 indicates revenue from health insurance and R2 from non-insurance services; †C1 indicates cost from health insurance and C2 from non-insurance services; ‡The actual values of conversion factor for nurse-midwife' service in the national health insurance are 80.7 and 88.2 in 2008 and 2009, respectively.
CF=conversion factor.
*This table was produced by transforming and calculating the data from Health Insurance Review & Assessment Service (2008); †Midwife fee=RVS×CF. RVS=relative value scale; KRW=Korean won.
*Data from national health insurance statistical yearbook (National Health Insurance Corporation, 2008); †Data from macroeconomic indicator (KNSO, 2008); ‡Optimal fee increase rate=(1+PAF)×(1+MEI)-1; §CF (conversion factor)=80.7×(1+PAF)×(1+MEI); ∥As of 2009, the actual value of conversion factor for nurse-midwife' clinic is 88.2 in the national health insurance.
SGR=sustainable growth rate; GDP=gross domestic product.
SGR=sustainable growth rate; CF=conversion factor.
*R1 indicates revenue from health insurance and R2 from non-insurance services; †C1 indicates cost from health insurance and C2 from non-insurance services; ‡The actual values of conversion factor for nurse-midwife' service in the national health insurance are 80.7 and 88.2 in 2008 and 2009, respectively.
CF=conversion factor.
*This table was produced by transforming and calculating the data from Health Insurance Review & Assessment Service (2008); †Midwife fee=RVS×CF. RVS=relative value scale; KRW=Korean won.
*Data from national health insurance statistical yearbook (National Health Insurance Corporation, 2008); †Data from macroeconomic indicator (KNSO, 2008); ‡Optimal fee increase rate=(1+PAF)×(1+MEI)-1; §CF (conversion factor)=80.7×(1+PAF)×(1+MEI); ∥As of 2009, the actual value of conversion factor for nurse-midwife' clinic is 88.2 in the national health insurance. SGR=sustainable growth rate; GDP=gross domestic product.
SGR=sustainable growth rate; CF=conversion factor.
*R1 indicates revenue from health insurance and R2 from non-insurance services; †C1 indicates cost from health insurance and C2 from non-insurance services; ‡The actual values of conversion factor for nurse-midwife' service in the national health insurance are 80.7 and 88.2 in 2008 and 2009, respectively. CF=conversion factor.