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Original Article
Self-Care Behaviors and Depressive Symptoms of Low-Income Elderly Women with Hypertension
Ki Wol Sung, Mi Han Kim
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2008;38(4):593-602.
Published online: August 31, 2008

1Associate Professor, Department of Nursing, Catholic University of Daegu, Korea.

2Assistant Professor, Department of Nursing, Daegu Health College, Daegu, Korea.

Address reprint requests to: Kim, Mi Han. Department of Nursing, Daegu Health College, San 7 Taejeon-dong, Buk-gu, Daegu 702-722, Korea. Tel: 82-53-320-1464, Fax: 82-53-320-1470,
• Received: May 6, 2008   • Accepted: July 26, 2008

Copyright © 2008 Korean Society of Nursing Science

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  • Purpose
    This study aimed to compare self-care behaviors and depressive symptoms between the young old (65-74 yr) and the old-old (75-84 yr) in low-income women with hypertension.
  • Methods
    This study used a descriptive research design. The subjects of this study were 136 elderly women over 65 yr living in D city. Data was collected from September to December 2007 through personal interviews using a questionnaire. The collected data was analyzed using the SPSS WIN 12.0 Program.
  • Results
    Self-care behaviors, functional status, and number of medications showed a significant difference between young elderly and middle elderly. There was a negative correlation between self-care behaviors and depressive symptoms. 52.2% of variance in self-care behaviors of young elderly and 76.8% of variance in self-care behaviors of middle elderly were explained by depressive symptoms, number of medications, and functional status.
  • Conclusion
    It is necessary to manage depressive symptoms to improve the self-care behaviors of low-income elderly with hypertension. Depressive symptoms need to be considered in planning hypertension programs for low-income elderly women.
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Table 1
Comparison of Characteristics of Subjects between the Young-old and the Old-old

*Multiple response.

Table 2
Comparison of Self-care Behavior, Depressive Symptoms and Health Status between the Young-old and the Old-old
Table 3
Correlations among Self-care Behavior, Depressive Symptoms and Health Status
Table 4
Influencing Factors on the Self-care Behavior

Cum.R2=cumulative R2.

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        Self-Care Behaviors and Depressive Symptoms of Low-Income Elderly Women with Hypertension
        J Korean Acad Nurs. 2008;38(4):593-602.   Published online August 31, 2008
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      We recommend
      Self-Care Behaviors and Depressive Symptoms of Low-Income Elderly Women with Hypertension
      Self-Care Behaviors and Depressive Symptoms of Low-Income Elderly Women with Hypertension

      Comparison of Characteristics of Subjects between the Young-old and the Old-old

      *Multiple response.

      Comparison of Self-care Behavior, Depressive Symptoms and Health Status between the Young-old and the Old-old

      Correlations among Self-care Behavior, Depressive Symptoms and Health Status

      Influencing Factors on the Self-care Behavior

      Cum.R2=cumulative R2.

      Table 1 Comparison of Characteristics of Subjects between the Young-old and the Old-old

      *Multiple response.

      Table 2 Comparison of Self-care Behavior, Depressive Symptoms and Health Status between the Young-old and the Old-old

      Table 3 Correlations among Self-care Behavior, Depressive Symptoms and Health Status

      Table 4 Influencing Factors on the Self-care Behavior

      Cum.R2=cumulative R2.

      J Korean Acad Nurs : Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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