ll-primigravidas who visited antenatal clinic and their husbands were taught Lamaze childbirth education by the investigator in the third trimester of pregnancy. Lamaze childbirth educational course consisted of six weekly class totaling twelve hours of instruction. A questionnaire was adminstered to subjects for the evaluation of Lamaze educational program. 21-questions were rated on a Likert-type scale containing five responses and subjects described the advantages, the disadvantage, and the difficulties of Lamaze childbirth education course. The results of the study were as follows; 1. The core contents of Larnaze childbirth educ-ational program were process of labor, anatomy and physiology of the female body, the care of newborn, maternal-
infant attachment, breathing patterns to be used at the appropriate stage of labor, techniques for conscious relaxation of muscles during labor and delivery, and exercise to limber and prepare the body for the work of labor and delivery. All couples understood the above core contents very well and there were not significant differences between the understanding scores of wives and those of husbands (p>0,05). 2, 81,8% of couples practiced breathing pattern to be used at the appropriate stages of labor one or three times a day and 72.7% of couples practiced conscious relaxation of muscles one or three times a day. 3. The contents of Lamaze childbirth educational program were easy for the couples to understand, and the total length, the amounts and the structures of 6-classes were appropriate. 4. Lamaze childbirth educational program was very useful, necessary, interesting, and successful to achieve the couples' objectives. 5. The couples expressed that they had positive attitude and high self-esteem, and reduced their - anxiety on the pregnancy and labor.