This study is attempt to submit a basic material to help the efficient nursing management which supports and to understand the alienation which they percieve social-psychologically and physical aging bringing about the physical powerlessness, to understand the old people in hospitals and in community and should build up their health. The data collection of the study which has been done on Sept. 7 to Sept. 20, 1986 is objected to 300people of 65 years old of age or more of male and female who are staying at home. Analysis of the Data was done by use of percentage, t-test, ANOVA and Pearson Correlation Coefficients. The results of study are summerized as follows; 1. According to each age group of old people(p=.0008), family living together concreteness (p=.0000), the level of education (p=.0020), how much they are participating in leisure activity (p= .0001), whether they have mate or not (p=.0000), whether they have religion or not (p=. 0000), the level of alienation showed difference statistically. Also, according to sex (p=. 4315), whether they have income or not (p=. 1197), the level of alienation did not show any difference statistically. 2. According to each age group of old people (p=. 0000), family living together concreteness (p= . 0060), the level of education(p=.0000), sex (p=. 0000), whether they have mate or not (p= .0000), whether they have religion or not (p= . 0067), whether they have income or not (p=. 0000), the level of physical aging showed difference statis tically. Also, according to how much they are participating in leisure activity, the level of
physical aging did not show any difference statistically (p= . 4879). 3. The level of alienation and physical aging in old people had positive correlation (r=. 5436, p<. 001). From the above result, the level of social, psychological alienation and physical aging showed high for the old who had no mate, no religion, low in their educational level, living separately with the family and for those who do not participate much in the leisure activities. The old people who feel the social, psychological alienation can expedite the physical aging and physical aging can be result from social phychological loneliness and alienation. Therefore, for the successful aging of the old people in the community with these weak points, we should provide them with physical and emotional, psychological support and care in the basis of understanding in socialization process and the character of the physical functional change.