This second study on the effectiveness of nursing organization was designed to test the relationships between effectiveness of nursing organizations and structural variables that had been significant variables in the first study, the group design variable and the personal characteristic variables that had not been analysed in the first study based on personal resource productivity model. The data were collected through self-reported questionnaires completed by 605 nurses working in hospitals in seoul and 782 patients being hospitalized in 5 tertiary hospitals in Seoul. The results showed that according to the canonical correlation analysis, the managing job design, nursing delivery system. nurse's age career, and formalization were revealed as predicting variables of a nurses' job satisfaction and patients satisfaction among the five hospitals. Hospitals in which the team nursing method was used showed a higher score in nurses' job satisfaction and patient satisfaction than in hospitals which used the functional nursing model.
This study was designed to test relationship between effectiveness of nursing organizations and structural and managerial variables of nursing organizations that are described in the Robbins Organizational theory model. The data were collected through self reported questionnaires from 605 nurses working in, and 782 patients hospitalized in, five tertiary hospitals in seoul. Results showed that according to MANOVA there was a significant difference in nurses job satisfaction and patient satisfaction among the five hospitals. According to cluster analysis of the structural and managerial variables of nursing organizations, the five hospitals were divided into two clusters and there was no significant difference in nurses job satisfaction or patient satisfaction between the two clusters. According to canonical correlation analysis the formalization and centralization of structural variables were shown to be predicting variables for nurses job satisfaction, and the managing job design and managing change of managerial variables were shown to be predicting variables for nurses job satisfaction.
All human health behavior is deeply rooted one's beliefs or value system usually encompassed within the culture in which they live. The Taegyo, based on Oriental folk medicine, is defined as the behavior and self care of pregnant women administered for herself and her fetus(unborn child). Taegyo is believed to be desirable, effective, and healthy behavior by most of Korean pregnant women. It is essential in our contemporary culture, to ascertain what the components of Taegyo are and to integrate them into current, western nursing care, particularly in the area of prenatal care. 910 Korean women were the subjects of this study, who were in a gestation period of pregnancy between 10 weeks to three months postpartum. The subjects were selected by clustered sampling from 10 representative cities in Korea. Data was collected from February 10 to March 30 1995 by a constructed questionnaire which consisted of 95 items. The questionnaire was developed through three steps such as content analysis, calculation of content validity index, and pretest. Data was analyzed by descriptive statistics and rotated matrix factor analysis with pc-SAS. The mean age of the subjects was 28.9 years; 36.5% of them were employed and the mean income per month was about 2000 dollars. The component of Taegyo was clustered into five factors such as fetus psychological stability(equity), fetus personality development, maternal-fetal interaction, fetus intellectual development and physical health promotion. The variance of each factor were 23.7%, 8.3%, 4. 7%, 4.1%, and 3.3% respectively in that order. The Eigen value of each factor was 13.03, 4.57, 2.60, 2.23, and 1.83 respectively. It was found that the Taegyo is an unique and holistic self care behavior of Korean pregnant women. Therefore it has been concluded that this study has broadened the understandability of the implications the Taegyo. It is suggested that further studies on the effects of the Taegyo are needed to provide a scientific basis for professional maternity nursing.
Health promoting behaviors of an individual are affected by various variables. Recently, there has been a growing concern over important health problems of the middle aged women. Physiological changes in the middle aged women and their responsibility for family care can result in physical and psychological burden experienced by middle aged women. This study was designed to test Pender's model and thus purpose a model that explains health promoting behaviors among middle-aged women in Korea. The hypothetical model was developed based on the Pender's health promoting model and the findings from past studies on women's health. Data were collected by self-reported questionnaires from 863 women living in Seoul, between 20th, April and 15th, July 1995. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and correlation analysis. The Linear Structural Relationship (LISREL) modeling process was used to find the best fit model which assumes causal relationships among variables. The results are as follows; 1. The overall fit of the hypothetical model to the data was good expect chi -square value (GFI=.96, AGFI=.91, RMR=.04). 2. Paths of the model were modified by considering both its theoretical implication and statistical significance of the parameter estimates. Compared to the hypothetical model, the revised model has become parsimonious and had a better fit to the data expect chi-square value (GFI=. 95, AFGI=.92, RMR=.04). 3. Some of modifying factors, especially age, occupation, educational levels and body mass index (BMI) are revealed significant effects on health promoting behaviors. 4. Some of cognitive -perceptual factors, especially internal health locus of control, self-efficacy and perceptive health status are revealed significant effects on health promoting behaviors. 5. All predictive variables of health promoting behaviors, especially age, occupation, educational levels, body mass index(BMI), internal health locus of control, self-efficacy and perceptive health status are explained 20.0% of the total variance in the model.
The objective of this study was to develop a scale to measure stress in infertile couples and to test its reliability and validity. Prior to item generation, a basic decision was made to conceptualize stress in infertile couples as including two dimensions and four subdimensions. The dimensions were, intrapersonal stress including cognitive and affective stress, and interpersonal stress including marital and social stress. Initially 95 items were generated from the interview data of 31 primary or secondary infertile women and from a literature review. These items were analyzed through the Index of Content Validity(CVI) and 69 items were selected which met 70% or more of the CVI. This preliminary Infertility Stress Scale were analyzed for reliability and construct validity. Item analysis and factor analysis were applied for construct validity. Forty items were selected through item analysis. This procedure was based on the inter-item correlation matrix, a corrected average inter-item correlation coefficient (.30~.70), a corrected item to total correlation coefficient(.03 or more) and information about the alpha estimate if this item was dropped from the scale. The result of the initial factor analysis including varimax rotation produced eight factors. Five items deleted because of factor complexity (indiscriminate facter loadings). The secondary factor analysis including varimax rotation produced seven factors that coincided with the conceptual framework posed for the scale developed. The seven factors were labeled as 'meaning of children', 'worthiness', 'tenacious thinking', 'marital satisfaction', 'sexual satisfaction', 'familial adjustment' and 'social adjustment'. The alpha coefficient relating to internal consistency was .93 for reliability. The results of this study suggest that the measurement derived from the Infertility Stress Scale is useful in assessing the stress of infertile couples.
This cross-sectional design was to identify the age at menopause of Korean women using a national sample, and to examine relationships between age at menopause and the anthropometric, sociodemographic, biological and life style behavioral factors. Two thousand eight hundred seven naturally postmenopausal women aged between 41-65 years were recruited by self-selection from 7 metropolitans and 6 provinces in Korea from Dec. 20, 1998 to April 30, 1999. The age at menopause of Korean women was 49.2 years (mean) and 50.0 years (median). The range of age at menopause was 33.0 to 61.0 years. The significant influencing factors on age at menopause were body mass index, mother's and sister's age at menopause, alcohol use, physical activity, coffee preference, and residential area. The menopausal age of Korean women has slightly increased compared to a previous study.
PURPOSE: This cross-sectional study was designed to explore the relationship among social support, experienced stressful life events and health behaviors of Korean undergraduate students, and validate the mediator effect of social support. METHOD: One thousand four hundred fifty-three undergraduate students were randomly selected from five universities located in the middle area of Korea. RESULT: The health behaviors of Korean undergraduates tend to have unhealthy patterns. In the case of the students living without family, experiencing more stressful life events and perceiving lower social support, health behaviors are poor. The relationship between perceived social supports, the frequency of the experienced stressful life events and the score of health behavior patterns is statistically significant. After controlling the effect of social support, the correlation coefficient between the frequency of experienced stressful life events and the score of health behavior patterns was slightly lower. The score of health behaviors between the group with an extremely high score of social support and the group with an extremely low score were statistically significantly different. CONCLUSION: Future studies need to be pursued to develop various strategies such as a health education programs and counseling programs for health maintenance and health promotion of undergraduates.
PURPOSE: The purpose of this descriptive study was to identify the nursing needs of patients with chronic illness. METHOD: The subjects of this study were 636 patients with chronic illness, 323 general nurses, and 106 public health nurses. The instruments used for this study were questionnaires including perceived functions of nursing from the center for chronic illness, preference to placement, intention to use, needs to receive services from the center for chronic illness, strategies management for nursing, and nursing needs of chronically ill patients. RESULTS: The mean of perceived functions for nursing from the center were 3.1(0.5) in public health nurses, 2.9 (0.59) in general nurses, and 2.4(1.33) in chronically ill patients. Regards of needs to receive on services of the nursing centers were, the regularly physical examination, for health educational services which was perceived highest request amongst chronically ill patients. We found the means of each specific need as 2.2(0.6), for physical health, 2.1(0.7), for psychosocial health, and 1.8(0.6) for spiritual health. CONCLUSION: From the results of this study, it is suggested that establishing a nursing center for chronically ill patients consider physical, psychosocial, for spiritual health needs of chronically ill patients. It is also a consideration that direct care for symptom management and health education in the nursing center be implemented.
PURPOSE: This study was designed to construct a structural model for health promoting behavior of patients with chronic disease. The hypothetical model was developed based on the literature review and Pender's health promotion model.
Data was collected by questionnaires from 1748 patients with chronic disease in General Hospital from December 1999 to July 2000 in Seoul. The disease of subject were cardiac disease included hypertension peptic ulcer, pulmonary disease included COPD and asthma, DM, and chronic kidney disease. Data analysis was done with SAS 6.12 for descriptive statistics and PC-LISREL 8.13 Program for Covariance structural analysis.
1. The fit of the hypothetical model to the data was moderate, it was modified by excluding 4 path and including free parameters to it. The modified model with path showed a good fitness to the empirical data (x2=591.83, p<.0001, GFI=0.97, AGFI= 0.94, NNFI=0.95, RMSR=0.01, RMSEA=0.05). 2. The perceived benefits, perceived barriers, self-efficacy, self-esteem, and the plan for action were found to have significant direct effect on health promoting behavior of chronic disease. 3. The health concept, health perception, emotional state, social support were found to have indirect effects on health promoting behavior of chronic disease.
The derived model in this study is considered appropriate in explaining and predicting health promoting behavior of patients with chronic disease. Therefore, it can effectively be used as a reference model for further studies and suggested implication in nursing practice.
This study was designed to analyze the research methodology and the key concepts used in articles published in each nursing journal of seven branches of the Korean Academy of Nursing. The purpose of this study was for reflecting the trends of nursing research and suggesting the direction of future nursing research in Korea. One thousand three hundred seventy two articles published in seven nursing journals from the beginning year of 2000 were analyzed. The prevailing research designs for these journals were the non-experimental design ranging from 54.3% to 75.7%, the experimental design ranging from 6.2% to 30.4%, and qualitative research design ranging from 3.7% to 10.6%. Research subjects were 10.0% to 46.0% for clients with health problems, 2.1% to 42.4% for generally healthy persons, 1.4% to 43.9% for primary care-givers, 7.0% to 53.5% for nurses or nursing students, and 3.1% to 7.3% for health organizations or nursing organizations. The data collection method used most often self-report questionnaires using psychosocial measures. Interviewing methods and physiologic measures were used relatively few times. The domains of the key concepts that prevailed was personal domain and health domain. This study has the limitation of focusing on only the superficial structural analysis rather than in-depth content analysis of each article. However, this study is the first study for reflecting the trends of nursing research based on each journal of seven branches of the Korean Academy of Nursing.
This study was designed to analyze the nursing curricula in graduate programs and suggest the direction of future nursing curricula. Thirty-two nursing curricula for a master's degree and fifteen curricula for a doctoral degree from general graduate programs, fifteen nursing curricula for a master's degree from fifteen educational graduate programs, eight nursing curricula for master degree from eight out of twelve public health graduate programs, three nursing curricula for a master's degree from three administrative graduate programs, and four nursing curricula for a master's degree from four clinical nursing graduate programs, were analyzed. Consequently, It was hard to find a clear difference between the educational goals and objectives, the subjects open in nursing curricula for a master's degree and those for a doctoral degree of graduate programs. The educational graduate programs, public health graduate programs, administrative graduate programs, and clinical nursing graduate programs, each program showed ittle diffrent in each educational goal and objective. However, because the various kinds of subjects open in each program were not based on the core curricula, the quality of the nursing curricula need to be evaluated and develope the curricula to difference are the goal and objective. Accordingly, future studies need to be focused on developing core nursing curricula reflecting the characteristics of each graduate program.
This cross-sectional survey was carried out to assess the decisional balance of Korean women toward mammography screening. A sample of 1, 903 naturally postmenopausal women was selected from the community-based social groups in town or city hall auxiliaries in seven metropolitan areas and six provinces in Korea. The classification of women according to the stage of adoption of mammography was 54.9% in pre-contemplation, 31.9% in contemplation, 7.8% in action, and 5.5% in maintenance. The mean differences of pros, cons, and the decisional balance by the stage of mammography adoption were statistically significant. There were significant mean differences between the stages of adoption according to a woman's experience with and intention for mammography and the pros score, the cons score, and the decisional balance score. Results provide the empirical evidence for the Transtheoretical model. An association between stages of mammography adoption and decisional balance exists.
PURPOSE: This study was designed to construct a structural model for health promoting behavior in patients with chronic respiratory disease. A hypothetical model was developed based on the literature review. METHOD: Data was collected by questionnaires from 235 patients with chronic respiratory disease in a General Hospital in Seoul. Data analysis was done using SAS 6.12 for descriptive statistics and the PC-LISREL 8.13 Program for Covariance Structural Analysis. RESULT: The results are as follows : 1. The fit of the hypothetical model to the data was moderate. It was modified by excluding 2 path and including free parameters and 3 path to it. The modified model with path showed a good fitness to the empirical data(X2=80.20, P=0.05, GFI=0.95, AGFI=0.88, NNFI=0.95, NFI=0.96, RMSR=0.01, RMSEA =0.06). 2. The perceived benefits, self-efficacy, and a plan of action were found to have significant direct effects on the health promoting behavior in patients with chronic respiratory disease. 3. The health perception, self-esteem, and activity related to affect were found to have indirect effects on the health promoting behavior in patients with chronic respiratory disease. CONCLUSION: The modified model of this study is considered appropriate in explaining and predicting health promoting behavior in patients with chronic respiratory disease. Therefore, it can effectively be used as a reference model for further studies and suggested direction in nursing practice.
This study was designed to construct a structural model for quality of life of chronic gastric disease. The hypothetical model was developed based on the literature review and Pender's health promotion model. Data were collected by questionnaires from 459 patients with chronic gastric disease in a General Hospital from July 1999 to August 2000 in Seoul. Data analysis was done with SAS 6.12 for descriptive statistics and PC-LISREL 8.13 Program for Covariance structural analysis. The results are as follows : 1. The fit of the hypothetical model to the data was moderate, thus it was modified by excluding 1 path and including free parameters and 2 path to it. The modified model with path showed a good fitness to the empirical data (Chi2=934.87, p<.0001, GFI=0.88, AGFI=0.83, NNFI=0.86, RMSR =0.02, RMSEA=0.07). 2. The perceived barrier, health promoting behavior, self-efficacy, and self-esteem were found to have significant direct effects on the quality of life. 3. The health concept, health perception, emotional state, and social support were found to have indirect effects on quality of life of chronic gastric disease. In conclusion, the derived model in this study is considered appropriate in explaining and predicting quality of life of chronic gastric disease. Therefore it can effectively be used as a reference model for further studies and suggested direction in nursing practice.
This study was carried out to assess the perception of decisional balance of Korean subjects about 4
health behaviors and to identify the influencing factor of decisional balance for exercise acquisition,
smoking cessation, mammography screening and Kegel's exercise acquisition. All are representative
health behaviors nurses can intervene in Korea based on the Transtheoretical model.
Convenient samples of 2,484 subjects (191; exercise, 169; smoking cessation, 1903; mammography
screening and 221; Kegel's exercise) were selected from cities and counties over 9 provinces throughout
Korea, and the data was collected from January 1, 1999 to February 29, 2000. The research instrument
were the Decisional Balance Measure for Exercise (Marcus & Owen., 1992), Smoking Cessation (Velicer et
al., 1985), Mammography Screening (Rakowski et al.,1992) and Kegel Exercise (Lim, 1999) and Stage of
Change Measure for Exercise (Marcus et al, 1992), Smoking Cessation (DiClemente et al., 1991),
Mammography Screening (Rakowski et al.,1992) and Kegel's Exercise (Lim, 1999). The data was analyzed
by the SAS Program.
The results are as follows;
1. According to the stage of change measure, 2,484 subjects were distributed in each stage of change
for four health behaviors: 1,233 subjects (49.8%), 745 subjects (30.2%), 113 subjects (4.7%), 156
subjects (6.5%), and 216 (8.7%) belonged to the pre- contemplation stage, contemplation stage,
preparation stage, action stage and maintenance stage. They were all series of stages of change
in their efforts to do health behavior.
2. Factor analysis identified 3 factors (1 of Pros, 2 of Cons) for the exercise, 4 factors for smoking
cessation (2 of Pros, 2 of Cons), 2 factors (1 of Pros, 1 of Cons) for the mammogram screening and
2 factors (1 of Pros, 1 of Cons) for Kegel's exercise of decisional balance.
3. The analysis of variance and multiple comparison analysis showed that for all 4 samples,
the Cons of changing the problem behaviors outweighed the Pros for subjects who were in the
pre- contemplation stage, The opposite was true for subjects in action and maintenance stage.
4. Through the discriminant analysis, it was found that one factor of Pros for exercise, one factor of
Cons for smoking cessation, 1 factor of Cons for mammogram screening and one factor of Cons
for Kegel's exercise were the more influencing factors, than others in discriminating the stages of
are consistent with the applications of the Transtheoretical model, which have been used to
understand how people change health behaviors. This results provide some evidence that subject's report of
his/her health behavior corresponds to beliefs about usefulness of related health behaviors.
The results of this study have implications for patients' health education and health intervention
strategies. The findings of this study give useful information for nursing educators for 4 health behaviors,
especially the factors relating to decision making in the different stages of change.
This Meta-Analysis of 18 studies was conducted to determine the magnitude of th relationship between health promotion behavior and each of explanatory variables. The studies were measured using Health Promoting Life Style(HPLP) developed by Walker and others based on Pender's definiton of health promoting behavior. The sample was collected by searching for The Journal of Korean Academy Nursing Society, The Journal of Korean Women's Health Nursing Academic Society,The Journal of Korean Academic Society of Adult Nursing, Journal of Korean Community Nursing, The Journal of Fundamentals of Nursing, The Journal of Korean Nursing Administration Academic Society, The Korean Journal of Child Health Nursing, The Journal of Korean Psychiatric Academic Society, the dissertations for mater degree or doctoral dissertations for the period from 1980 to 1998. The explanatory variables measured more than 2 times in studies were self-efficacy, perceived health status, self-esteem, internal, powerful- others and chance dimensions of health locus of control, perceived benefits, hardiness, wellbeing and clinical demensions of health concepts, and quality of life(life satisfaction). Effect sizes were calculated by unweighted mean r, weighted mean r by sample size and weighted mean r by quality index score after homogeneity test. The mean r effect size indicator range of each predictor variable were as follows; quality of life (0.50- 0.52), self-efficacy(0.46-0.47), hardiness (0.42-0.44), self-esteem(0.41-0.43), health locus of control- internal(0.32-0.34), health locus of control- powerful others (0.25-0.31), perceived health status(0.18-0.19) and clinical dimensions of health concepts (0.16-0.17).
This study was condicted to construct a hypothetical model of depression in Korean adolescent women and validate the fit of the model to the empiricla data. The data were collected from 345 high school girls in Seoul, from May 1 to June 30, 1998. The instruments were the Body Mass Index, Physical Satisfaction Scale, Family Adaptatibility and Cohesion Evaluation Scale III, Family Satisfaction Scale, CES-D and School Adaptation Scale. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics with the pc-SAS program. The Linear Structural Relationship(LISREL) modeling process was used to find the best fit model which would predict the causal relationships among the variables. The overall fit of the hypothetical model to the data was moderate [X2=69.6(df=17, p=.000), GFI=0.95, AGFI=0.90, RMR=0.087, NNFI=0.86, NFI=0.90]. The predictable variables, especially menstrual symptoms, physical symptoms and family function, had a significant direct effect on depression, but school life adaptation did not have a significant direct effect. These variables explained 18.1% of the total variance.
This study was conducted to identify the attributes constituting Korean social support and to validate the results of the previous study 'Search for the meaning of social support in Korean Society.' The informants were 41 Korean middle-aged women in three cities : Seoul, Dagjun and Daeku. The data were collected through indepth interviews using the interview guide from Jun. 1994 to Jun. 1995. The interview guide was developed in the simulated situations of 'Stroke attack' which expected to be in need of social support. The women were asked to answer what they felt and the appropriated terms representing the situations. Data analysis were conducted by content analysis. consequently, the Koran social support pyramid was modified as follows ; Support is the apex of the pyramid. The four sides of the pyramid are made up of 'Jung'(Bound by ties of affection, regard or shared common experience, Connectedness), Do-oom(both emotional and material help), Mi-dum(Faith or belief in) and Sa-Rang(Love). The base of the pyramid is 'yun'(the basic network of relationships in Korean culture) that connote the meaning of Eunhae(Benevolence), Euimu(duty, responsibility) and Dori(obligation).
This study was designed to construct a model that predicts the health promoting behavior of the Korean elderly. Data were collected by self-reported questionnaires from 254 Korean elderly in seoul, from June 1 to July 15, 1998. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics and correlational analysis using pc-SAS program. The Linear Structural Modeling(LISREL) 8.0 program was used to find the best fit model which predicts causal relationships of variables. The overall fit of the hypothetical model to the data was moderate[X2=249.83(df=83, p=.00), RMR=.07, GFI=.90, NNFI=.92, NFI=.91]. The predictable variables of health promoting behavior of the Korean elderly were social activity, social support, self-integrity and helplessness except the perceived health status. These variables explained 17.1% of health promoting behavior of the Korean elderly.
The purpose of this study was to investigate pregnancy, abortion and delivery rates among Korean teenagers. The subjects of this study were 11,433 teenagers aged 13-19 year in Seoul, Pusan, Taegu, Kwangju, Insheon, Taejeon and Ansan, Korea. Data were collected from Feb. 1994 to May 1995, 16 months, by schoolnurses or the researchers. The results showed pregnancy rate was 7.2 per 1,000 teenagers, the abortion rate was 4.3 per 1,000 teenagers, and delivery rate was 1.2 per 1,000 teenagers. In the pregnancy experience, the main factors related to teenage pregnancy were love or marriage engagement. In the abortion experience, 53.9% of teenagers had more than two abortion experiences, 38.1% midtrimester abortion, 22% complications after abortion. In the delivery experience, 64.3% of teenagers delivered with no prenatal care and 42.9% had a delay in realizing they were pregnant. Fifty percent were delivered by non-professionals in non-medical institutions.
This study was designed to construct a model that predicts the quality of life of family caregivers with a chronically ill patient. The hypothetical model wad developed based on the findings from past studies on quality of life and on the family with a chronically ill patients. Data were collected by self-reported questionnaires from 200 family caregivers in Seoul and Kyung Gi-Do, from May 1 to July 21, 1997. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and correlation analysis. The Linear Structural Relationship(LISREL) modeling process was used to find the best fit model which predicts causal relationships among variables. The results are as follows: 1. The overall fit of the hypothetical model to the data was moderate [X2=31.54(df=23, p=.11), GFI=.96, AGFI=.91, RMR=.04]. 2. Paths of the model were modified by considering both its theoretical implication and the statistical significance of the parameter estimates. Compared to the hypothetical model, the revised model has become parsimonious and had a better fit to the data expect chi-square value(GFI=.95, AGFI=.91, RMR=.04). 3. Some of predictive factors, especially economic status, physical ability to perform daily-life activity, period after disease-onset, social support and fatigue revealed indirect effect on the quality of life of family caregivers with a chronically ill patient. 4. The factors, burden and role satisfaction revealed significant direct effects on the quality of life of family caregivers with a chronically ill patient. 5. All predictive variables of quality of life of family caregivers with a chronically ill patient, especially economic status, physical ability to perform daily-life activity, period after disease-onset, social support, fatigue, burden and role satisfaction explained 38.0% of the total variance in the model. In conclusion, the derived model in this study is considered appropriate in explaining and predicting quality of life of family caregivers with a chronically ill patient. Therefore it can effectively be used as a reference model for further studies and suggests direction in nursing practice.
The purpose of this study was to identify the relationship among quality of life, family coherence, family hardiness, and family resources of the family care-giver caring for a cancer patient.
Data was collected by questionnaires from 137 families with a cancer patient at a General Hospital and Government Cancer Hospital. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics, pearson correlation coefficients, and stepwise multiple regression.
The score of quality of life showed a significant positive correlation with the score of the level of family sense of coherence, family hardiness, and family resources. The most powerful predictor of quality of life was sense of coherence and the variance was 30%. A combination of sense of coherence and family resources account for 34 % of the variance in quality of life of the family care-giver caring for a cancer patient.
The results showed that family sense of coherence, hardiness, and family resources were significant influencing factors on the quality of life of the family care-giver caring for a cancer patient.
The purpose of this study was to analyze and assess the current situation of Korea's school health education program and to establish measures to efficiently carry out school health education in Korea.
The survey was conducted through the internet with the health educators of elementary, middle, and high schools nationwide to assess the current condition of school health education programs, and 2,459 samples were collected which accounted for 23.4% of the total respondents.
According to school health educators on the enforcement of health education, the higher the education became, the less the health education was enforced. The enforcement rate was 96.9% in elementary schools, 76.7% in middle schools, and 67.3% in high schools. The major reasons were found as difficulty in securing class time (54.5%) and other excessive workloads (20.9%). As a result of the health education awareness survey, over 99% answered that health education is needed, over 80% answered that the education requires independent health textbooks, and over 95% answered that health educators are suitable for the person in charge of the education.
This study will be a useful in establishing a detailed policy on enhancing school health education in the future.
This study was designed to examine the relation of trait anger and anger expression to blood pressure, cholesterol, and depression in middle-aged Korean women.
This descriptive correlational design was conducted using a convenient sample taken from the health center of K University Hospital located in Kyungki province, Korea. The subjects were 252 women aged 40 to 64 years. Spielberger's state trait anger expression inventory - Korean version and Beck's depression inventory were used for measuring trait anger, state anger, anger expression and depression. Data was analyzed by descriptive statistics, t-test, Pearson correlation, two-way ANOVA, and cluster analysis using a pc-SAS program.
The anger expression types by cluster analysis were Anger out/in type, Low anger expression type, and Anger control type. The level of cholesterol and depression were significantly higher in women with high anger in and high trait anger. In addition, the level of depression was significantly higher in women with a high anger temperament.
Trait anger and anger in might be related to cholesterol and depression in women. However, this study does not reveal the relation between blood pressure and trait anger and anger expression.
This cross-sectional study was designed to identify anger-expression types in late school-age children and investigate the relation between the identified anger-expression types and their health status.
One thousand twenty seven children in elementary school fifth and sixth grades were recruited from November to December, 2004. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics, cluster analysis, 2-test, ANOVA, Duncan's multiple comparison test, and Wilcoxon rank sum test.
Three anger-expression types in late school-age children were found; Anger-out/in, Anger-control, and Low anger-expression types. Children frequently using the anger-out/in type among the three types and with a higher state anger reported higher psychosomatic symptoms and depression. Children from a divorced or separated family reported higher state anger.
This study suggests that a specific anger management program needs to be developed for late school-age children with high state anger and frequently using the anger out/in expression type. For understanding the anger level and the anger expression types of Korean school-age children, further research needs to be done with large samples using a randomized sampling method.
This cross-sectional study was designed to identify anger-expression typesof adolescent women and investigate the relation between the identified anger-expression types and their problem behaviors and health status.
One hundred ninety nine high school freshmen were recruited from September to November, 2003. Data wasanalyzed using descriptive statistics, cluster analysis, χ2-test, ANOVA, and Duncan's multiple comparison test.
Three anger-expression types in adolescent women were found; Anger-out/in, Anger-control/in, and Anger-control type. Adolescent women with frequently using the anger-out/in type and with higher state anger reported more delinquent behaviors, more health risk behaviors, and higher psychosomatic symptoms. However, adolescent women with lower state anger and frequently using the anger-control type reported more depression scores.
There is a need to further clarify the relationship between anger-expression typesand depression in adolescent women. The findings suggest the necessity of a development of the program for lowering the anger level and controlling the unfavorable anger expression types such as the anger-out in.
A structural equation model was analysed to explore the determinants of health behaviors of university students in Korea.
Nine hundred sixty nine university students were selected by random cluster sampling from five universities located in the central area of Korea.
The data was collected by questionnaires about demographic characteristics, stressful life events, perceived social support, perceived health status and health behaviors.
1. Gender showed indirect effect on health behaviors. 2. Living together with(out) family had a direct effecton health behaviors: students living with family showed more positive health behaviors. 3. Stressful life events had an indirect effect on health behaviors via perceived health status;a higher score of stressful life events was the predictor for negative health behaviors. 4. A higher score of perceived health status predicted positive health behaviors.
Each university should be encouraged to develop a health behavior control program and health promotion program for their own university students. It would be more effective to develop health programs separately according to the demographic or social characteristics of the students. It is also necessary for the Ministry of Education to reform the School Health Act and school health policy to strengthen a health promotion program for university students. In conclusion, following studies should identify and promote the validity and reliability of perceived health status and health behaviors measurements.
This one group experimentation was designed to develop a program for relieving ‘ Hwa-Byung’(HB) symptoms and examine its effects on HB symptoms, pain threshold emotions like anger, anxiety and depression.
The program consisted of three components the change of the cognitive thoughts, the formation of a supportive network, and induction of mind-body relaxation. Sixteen middle-aged women with HB were divided into three groups for group dynamics according to the time of the recruitment. Data was collected for nine months at three time points, before, immediately after, and one month later of its application.
There were statistically significant differences in the severity level of state anger, state anxiety, depression, and HB symptoms according to the time interval. The means of state anger and state anxiety were reduced after the intervention, but it was slightly increased one month later. The means of depression and HB symptoms were continuously reduced after the intervention and one month later.
This was the first management program for HB women in Korea. A future study must be done with the research design formethodological strength revision of the program.
This study was designed to determine the predictors of postpartum depression.
One hundred- sixty one women within one year after delivery from one public health center located in the northern area of Seoul were used in this study. The instruments were a survey of general characteristics, the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale, recent life events index, perceived social support from family, Quality of marriage index, parenting stress index, and Rosenberg's self-esteem inventory. Data was analysed using descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation coefficients, and logistic regression.
The average item score of the EPDS was 6.67. 12.4% of respondents, who scored above a threshold 12, were likely to be suffering from a depression of varying severity. The fitness of the model for explaining postpartum depression from six variables, plan for pregnancy, family support, quality of marital relation, perceived social support, life events, childcare stress, and self-esteem, was statistically significant and the predictive power of these variables was 90.9%. The significant predictors of postpartum depression were family support and child care stress.
Further research is needed to identify the prevalence rate of postpartum depression using more reliable sampling methods from a large general population. Nursing interventions need to be developed for promoting family support and reducing childcare stress.
The purpose of this study was to identify the factors influencing file-up family stress in the family with a family member having a chronic mental illness.
Data was collected by questionnaires from 365 families with a member having a chronic mental illness, in an outpatient clinic of a General Hospital and Government Psychiatric Hospital in Seoul. The data was analyzed using descriptive statistics, pearson correlation coefficients, and stepwise multiple regression.
The score of file-up stress showed a significantly negative correlation with the score of level of hardiness (r=-.31, p=.00), family support (r=-.13, p=.00), family cohesion (r=-.25, p=.00), and sense of coherence (r=-.26, p=.00). The most powerful predictor of file-up stress was family hardiness and the variance was 11.1%. A combination of hardiness, family support, and sense of coherence account for 14.8 % of the variance in file-up stress of the family with a member having a chronic mental illness.
This study suggests that family support, hardiness, cohesion, and sense of coherence are significant influencing factors on file-up stress inthe family with a member having a chronic mental illness.