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A Survey on Back Pain of Nurses
Yoon Bok Hahn
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1977;7(1):39-46.   Published online April 3, 2017
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Despite the fact that it is not a fatal symptom, the lower back pain of human species is considered a health problem of modern society; 80% of world population experience it and the distress and dysfunction caused by interferes daily life as well as the general productivity. This study was performed to investigate the general tendency of lower back pain on nurses; influence of nursing activities, working; condition and the physical characteristics of nurses on the pain in order to provide data for prevention and treatment. 386 nurses working at 16 general hospitals throughout the country were sampled. Questionaires developed by the researcher was used for data gathering, Results are as follows; 1. Lower back pain was experienced by most(72. 3%) of the nurses; the highest rate of -pain experience was revealed to be the age group of 35-39 (80.8%) followed by 25-29 group (74.2%). 2. In almost all instances (91. 4%), the first pain attack occurred before the age of 29, and in 73.1%, the attack occurred between the age of 15-24. 3. In 10. 1%, the pain was almost persistent or occurred every other Hay frequency. In 9%, the pain was relieved by the administration of analgesics or "unable to move". 4. More than 6 days' sick leave due to the pain revealed to be in 2.2%. No significant difference was revealed between specialities of service. 5. Pain experience and the over or under weight revealed not to have significant relations. (X2 =0.55224, P> 0.7587) 6. The length of working hour of I. C. U. and 0. R. revealed to be longer than that of nurses general ward, however, no significant difference on the rate of pain occurrence apparent. (x2= 0.04952, P> 0.8239) No significant difference on the rate of pain occurrence between nurses working over 46 hours/week and under 45 hours/week. (X2 =3. 86241, P> 0.078318) 7. The most frequent pain related movement revealed to be "lifting patient or heavy object" (24.7%, N=68) followed by "the sameness of position, either standing or sitting" (16. 8%) 8. Regular physical exercise revealed to have no significant influence on the rate of pain occurrence. 9 Higher rate of pain experience was revealed in the group of nurses wearing eye glasses. Uncomfortable shoes revealed to have influenced the pain. 10. The most frequent pain relieving treatment revealed to be "rest" (54. 2%, N=151) followed by "analgesics" (12.6%, N = 35) and "hot compress/fomentation" (10.5%, N = 29). In 13.7%(N~38) no special care was given.

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Basic Knowledge Level of Nurses on the Administration of Medication
Yoo Ja Ro, Myung Ja Kim, In Ja Lee, Yoon Bok Hahn
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1976;6(1):12-22.   Published online April 3, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

Amongst varieties of clinical nursing role, the administration of medication is often highlighted as of prime importance. In order to attain data for the improvement of teaching strategies of medication, diagnostic evaluation of the knowledge level is a necessity. This study was performed from August through December 1975. 449 registered nurses, randomly sampled from general hospitals;16 of Seoul and 7 of Taegu and Pusan, were tested through 54 test questionaires based on 4 practical dimensions of administration of medication. Results are as follows; 1. Status of respondents; Length of clinical experiences;the average length revealed to be 2 years and 7 months. 72% revealed to have had less than 3 years of experience;38.6%-less than 1 year, 19 .2%-over 1 year and less than 2 years, and 14. 2%-over 2 years and less than 3 years. Type of Nursing education received;9.4% revealed to have graduated technical high school of nursing, 67.5% the 3 year diploma school and 21.7% the baccalaureate degree program. The knowledge Level; Degree of self-satisfaction on knowledge level revealed that;27. 4% responded to "more or less satisfied", 48.8% to "more or less un-satisfied" and 19.8% to "not satisfied". The average level of basic knowledge revealed to be moderate by 66.95 points. The level of knowledge of 4 questionaire categories revealed that;drug action category by average of 66. 5 points, methodology category by 65. 4 points, safety measure category by 71.4 points and terminology and concepts category by 64.6 points. Questionaire items which revealed high points are of;6 of drug action category, 4 of methodology, 4 of safety measure, and 3 of terminology. The items of low points are;8of drug action, 3 of methodology, 3 of safety measure and 5 of terminolology categories. 3. The type of nursing education revealed to have no significant influence on the level of knowledge on the administration of medication. 4. The length of clinical experience revealed to have no significant influence on the level of knowledge. 5. 75.1% responded that the actual practice of medication modes are similar to that included in the fundamentals of nursing course. 6. In-service education on medication; 54.0% revealed to have some incidental in-service education on medication while 34.0% receive programmed in-service education. 61.8% revealed to have expressed the need of systemic in-service education as one of the means for improvement of medication. 32.7% revealed to obtain information concerning medicine by reading commercial publications on drug package, while only 20.9% by reading specific information channel.

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Value orientation and the relationship between nurse's role perception and patient's expectation on selected routine nursing activities
Yoon Bok Hahn, Soon Ja Kim, In Ja Lee
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1974;4(2):144-158.   Published online April 3, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

This study waa undertaken in an attempt to; 1) measure value orientation of nursing activities, 2)identify the relationship between nurse's role perception and patient's expectation, and 2) evaluate the pattern of nursing education and nursing service administration. 203 hospitalized adults and 203 professional nurses from 11 general hospitals in Seonl during the period of July to December 1973 were tested according to questionnaire based on 4 categories of clinical nursing activities, 1) physical care, 2) observation and control, 3) psychosocial care and 4) therapeutic measures. Results of the study are as follows: 1. Nurses were more concerned than patients in the physical care category. Significant difference was revealed by p<. 01 level (t=2.800). Mean value score of nurses was average (2.84), and mean value score of patients was relative'y low (2.49). None of the physical care category questionnaire items were over 3.5. 2. Respondents from hospitals of total care system revealed significant difference in the physical care category by p<. 025 level. (t=2.242). Mean value score of both group were average level (nurse 2.90, patient 2.53)> nurses showed higher concern. :3. Difference between nurse's role perception and patient's expectation in observation and control category was revealed non- significance by p> 0.05. level (t = 1.238). Mean value score of both group revea ed relatively high Cnurse=3. 44, patient 3.19). 4. Difference between nurse's role perception and patient' sexpectation in psycho- social care category revealed non- significance by p> .05 level (t-0.758), Mean value score of both group revealed average level (nurse=2.71, patient=2.53). 5. Non- significant difference was noted between B. S. N. and diploma nurse's role perception in the psycho- social care category by p> 0.1 level (t = 0.316). 6. Difference between nurse's role perception and patient's expectation in the the rapeutic me asures category revealed non- significace by p> 0.05 level) t=0.503). Nurses showed high concern by mean value score 3.56 level and patients relatively high by 3. 41. All items of this category revealed very high or relatively high value score.

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Effects of Comfort Nursing Measures on Postoperative Recovery of Patient
Yoon Bok Hahn
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1972;3(1):85-96.   Published online April 3, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

For the purpose to clarify the effects of nursing, intervention with comfort measures which promote rest, exercise and sleep on the patient's rehabilitation, this study was carried out on 119 postoperative patients at St. Mary's Hospital, the National Medical Center and Seoul Red Cross Hospital during the 9 months period from March 1971 to November 1971. In this study one experimental nursing approach was utilized; an emphasis on interpersonal techniques along with physical care-comfort measures. A daily evening care including support and instruction was given to facilitate interaction of nursing to the experimental group by the investigator. For the control group, routine hospital nursing care was performed. The nursing observation was fall- owed for 4 days postoperatively and recorded in check list. The results of the findings were as follows. 1. 3.5% of control group and 32.3% of experimental group got out of bed within 24 hours postoperatively. 38.6% of control group got out of bed within 72 hours postoperatively where only 16.1% of the experimental group did (x2= 19.865, p<0.005). Interaction in nursing is, in turn, significantly more effective than the usual routine care in improving rate of healing. 2. The irritations and tension that may interfere patient's sleep and rest at night can be reduced to a minimum if nursing environment is better controlled with planned nursing care for individual patient. Various treatments which tend to give patient discomfort may preferably be performed before 6 p.m. if not absolutely indicated. 3. During 4 days of observation the patients without administration of sedat- ives and analgesics postoperatively were 25.9% in the experimental group where as 10.5% in the control group. The frequency of administration of sedatives and analgesics in average was 1.4 in the experimental group, and 2.0 in the control group. This indicates that not all postoperative discomforts expressed by the patients should be regarded as incision pain, and those discomforts could be relieved to a certain extent by nursing interventions effectively. 4. There were significant differences between the responses to nursing care given in the experimental group and 33% of the control group in average through 4 days of observation responded "good". 3.6% of the experimental group and 17. 1% of the control group responded "poor" in this study. It was recommended that the study be replicated in a more defined and controlled manner. Some alternative areas for investigation were suggested.

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Sensitivity and validity Test of Pain Rating Scale Using Pain Behavior of Adult Patients with chronic pain
Eun Ok Lee, Sun Ock Lee, Nan Young Lim, Soon Hee Choi, Dal Sook Kim, Soon Ja Kim, Yoon Bok Hahn, Joo Hee Kim, Kwang Joo Kim, Jum Hee Park
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1992;22(1):5-16.   Published online March 31, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The Purposes of this study were : 1) to evaluate validity of a pain rating scale using the level of correlation between the Korean Pain Rating Scale(KPRS), Short-From KPRS(SKPRS) and the Graphic Rating Scale(GRS). 2) to identify sensitivity of the scale using pain behavior of patients with chronic pain Of the 2025 patients with chronic pain who visited the orthopedic and neurosurgical out-patients departments of 11 university hospital in various districts of Korea, 520 subjects wee selected through convenient sampling and responded to the questionnaires by mail. The results of the study can be summarized as follows ; 1. The mean pain score measured by the KPRS was 444.85 : the mean sensory score was 209.47, the mean affective score, 147.63 and the mean miscellaneus score. 87.85. The mean pain score measured by the GRS was 20.11 : the mean sensory intensity score, 10.54. and the mean distress score, 9.57. 2. The average number of hours of rest during the day was 3.3, the average score of discomfort in carrying out ADL was 99, the average frequency of pain relieving practices was 3.0 the average number of pain sites was 3.6. 3. The most sensitive scale to differentiate each group was the GRS, the KPRS and SKPRS were less sensitive than the GRS. 4. The intercorrelation between the KPRS total score and the GRS score(.500) as well as that of the SKPRS score were highly correlated(.652), but intercorrelation between the SKPRS score and the GRS score(.172) was not high. Based on the above results, it was found that the SKPRS must be studied further to obtain validity.

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Discrepancy in the scores of uncertainty perceived by patients and nurses' interperson perception
Yoon Bok Hahn, Myung Ja Kirn, You Ja Ro, Nam Cho Kim, Hee Seung Kim
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1988;18(3):231-238.   Published online March 31, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purpose of this study was to assess and compare discrepancy in the scores of uncertainty perceived by patients and nurses' interperson perception. For this study, 124 hospitalized patients and the same numbered nurses assigned for direct care of each 124 patients were selected from general ward of C. University Hospital in Seoul during the time period from September to November 1987. Degree of uncertainty was measured by 27 items modified from Mishel Uncertainty in Illness Scale (M-UIS), and was utilized by a Likert type scale The data were analysed by Menemar-test, Unpaired t-test, ANOVA. Scheffe-test and Stepwise multiple regression. The results are summarized as follows: 1. The discrepancy in the scores of uncertainty perceived by patients and nurses' interperson perception showed significant differences in 23 of 27 items : 11 of 23 items showed that the scores of patients' perception of uncertainty were higher than that of nurses' interperson perception of uncertainty but 12 of 23 items were revealed reversely. 2. With regard to nurse's demographic variables, the discrepancy scores were the higest in the group under 22 years of age (F=3.20, p=.026) and in the group less than 1 year of nursing experience among 4 groups (F=4.41, p=.006). 3. The discrepancy scores had a tendency to be lowered in the higher age group(r= - .27, p=.0026) and in the longer experienced group (r=-.25, p=.0052). 4. The most important variable affecting the discrepancy scores was identified to be the nurses' age which acounted for 7.2% fo the total variances in the stepwise multiple regression analysis. This was followed by patient hospital days which accounted for an additional 4.5% of the total variances. To conclude, the discrepancy in the scores of uncertainty perceived by patients and nurses' interperson perception showed significant differences in 23 of 27 items. The discrepancy scores of uncertainty had a tendancy to be lowered in the higher age group and in the longer experienced group.

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The Pain Behavior of Patients with Joint Pain
Eun Ok Lee, Yoon Bok Hahn, Soon Ja Kim, Sun Ok Lee, Dal Sook Kim, Jo Ja Kim, Kwang Joo Kim, Joo Hee Kim, Ran Young Lim, Jum Hee Park, Soon Hee Choi
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1988;18(2):197-210.   Published online March 31, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purposes of this study were ; 1) to assess the level of pain and to identity the varieties and the degree of pain-related behavior, 2) to measure the level of correlation between the level of pain and the degree of pain?related behavior, 3) to test the correlation between the Korean Pain Rating Scale (KPRS) and Graphic Rating Scale(GRS), and 4) to gather data relevant to the Socio-demqgraphic status of the subjects. The level of pain was measured by KPRS and GRS developed by the researchers. The KPRS consists of three dimensions ; the sensory, the affective and the miscel laneous and the GRS of two separate scales ; the intensity scale and the unpleasantness scale. Of the 2,025 who had visited orthopedic and neurosur-gical out-patients department of 11 university hospitals in various districts of Korea with the episode of joint pain, 405 subjects were self-selected by responding to the data gathering tools and questionaires mailed. The results are summaried as follows; 1. Maale(217, 53.6%) exceeded female patients( 188, 46. 4%) in number and the onset of joint pain was more prevalent in the age groups of the 20s and the 30s. 160(39.5%) had been hospitalized for the treatment of, and 87 (21.5%) had retired because of the joint pain. 2. Mean pain score measured by KPRS was 128.31 (ran ge; 0 1.344.8); mean sensory score was 43.23(range: 0-645.88%), mean affective score was 46.09(range; 0 356.72), and mean miscellaneous score was 39.99 (range; 0-341.68). Mean pain scores measured by GRS were; sensory intensity score; 109l(range: 0-200) and distress score; 99.1 (range: 0 200). 3. The prevalent sites of joint pain revealed to be the right knee joint(203: 50.1%), left knee joint(181(44. 7%), left ilium ( 147,36.3%). lumbar regir,n(106: 26. 2%), hip joint(92: 22.7%) and the ankle(84; 20.7%). 4. The average sleep hour was 6.8hours per day and the average rest hour during the day hours was 3.3hours (range 0-20). 5. The average duration of suffering from bint pain was 49.1 months. 6. Most of the subjects(298; 73.6%) used some sorts.

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The Pain Behavior of Patients with Back Pain by
Bun Ok Lee, Ran Young Lim, Dal Sook Kim, Soon Ja Kim, Yoon Bok Hahn, Joo Hee Kim, Kwang Joo Kim, Jum Hee Park, Sun Ok Lee, Soon Hee Choi
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1987;17(3):184-194.   Published online March 31, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purposes of this study were; 1) to gather data relevant to demographic features, major main management practices, and the level of impairment of the activities of daily living (ADL) of patients with back pain, 2) to test the sensitivity of the Korean Pain Rating Scale and the Graphic Rating Scales, and 3) to identify indirect indicators of back pain by analysing pain related-bebaviors. The level of pain was measured by Korean Pain Rating Scale(KPRS) and Graphic Rating Scales(GRS) developed by the reserchers. The GRS consists of two dimensions; the pain intensity (sensory) and unpleasantness (affective) measures. Of the 1,650 diagnosed back pain patients, from January 4 through June 30, 1987 by visiting outpatients' clinics of orthopedic and neurosurgical departments at 11 university hospitals in different districts of Korea, 330 men and women patients were self-selected by responding to the mailed questionnaires. The results were summarised as follows; Male exceeded female patients in number and onset of back pain were more prevalent in the age groups of 20s and the 30s. The average duration of suffering from the pain were 11 months, sixty three (19.1%) of the subjects retired from their jobs, one third(36.7%) have been hospitalized for the treatment of back pain. In two thirds(64.8%) of the cases pain was characterized as lower back pain. The average sleep hour was 6.8 hours per 24 hours and the average rest hour during the day was 3.3 hours. The mean percentage of pain measured by GRS was higher than that of KPRS. The level of sensory intensity as well as the affective level of pain measured by KPRS and GRS were not highly correlated (sensory intensity r=0.4986, affective r=0.5029) which indicated low discriminative power. On the other hand, intercorrelation between sensory and affective dimension measured by KPRS and GRS showed moderate interrelation(r=0.7247; r=0.7899). One-third(32.5%) of the subjects complied with the hospital prescribed treatment while the other one-third(31.5%) depended on self-remedy and traditional practices, and the last one-third did not imply any pain management practices. The following 6 pain-related behaviors such as length of hospitalization, rest hour during day hours, varieties of pain management practice implied, number of pain sites, need for ADL and discomfort accompanied by ADL revealed to be important indicators of back pain. An investigation of sociodemographic features of patients with back pain in a larger context, i.e. with bigger number of respondents is recommended.Tests for construct validity of KPRS, i.e. factor analysis is further recommended.

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A Study of the Difference of Vital Sign by Stress Reaction
Hee Seung Kim, Yoon Bok Hahn, Myung Ja Kim, You Ja Ro
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1987;17(2):137-144.   Published online March 31, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The main purpose of this study was to examine the validity of the vital sign as an instrument of stress reaction measurement. From July to August 1986, stress reaction was evaluated by the difference of endoscopic vital sign on 93 G-I troubled out-patients who underwent end-oscopy for the first time and did not have any evidence of cardiovascular disease. The data were analysed by .x(2)-test, Paired. t-test, ANCOVA and Multiple Comparison Test. The result of study were as follows; 1. The frequency of gastric disease was differed by the family type, and the mobility of gastritis and gastric cancer were more increased in nuclear family than in large family (p=0.019). 2. In a comparison of before with after 5 minutes endoscopic vital sign, and a pulse rate (p=0. 0001), respiration rate (p=0. 0001), systolic blood pressure (p=0. 0002) and diastolic blood pressure (p=0.006) were significantly increased after 5minutes by end-oscony in contrast with before 5minutes. 3. The control of before 5 minutes of endoscopic vital sign, after 5 minutes of endoscopic systolic (p=0. 024) and diastolic bluud pressure (p=0. 0146) were more elevated in biopsyed group than in non-biopsyed group. And after 5minutes of endoscopic respiration rate was more increased in gastric cancer than in gastritis (p=0.0406) or gastric ulcer (p= 0. 0073). And after 5 minutes of endoscopic systolic blood pressure was elevated over 50years old men (p=0. 0238). fa short, the increase of a pulse rate af ter 5 minutes of endoscopy was not influenced by general characteristics of samples in this experiment. And systolic blood pressure over 50years old men must be considered of physiological hypertension.

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Nurses' Role Models, Perceptions Toward Occupation, Self-Actualization Value and the Phases of Socialization Process
Yoon Bok Hahn, Yoon Sook Kang
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1987;17(1):24-32.   Published online March 31, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

This study was designed to investigate the changes of nurses' role model, perceptions toward occupation, and self-actualization value in terms of the phases of socialization process. Two hundred and sixty nine nurses working in clinical settings were randomly selected from 15 general hospitals despersed over Seoul and Kyungki province. Data were gathered by the standardized Perceptual Orientation Test, the Self-actualization Test, and Questionnaires on role models and phases of socialization process developed by the investigators from October 1985 to March 1986. The data were analysed by ANOVA and Pearson's Correlation Coefficient. The results were as follows: 1. The average time period required for the shift of phases of socialization process were; phase I, role adjustment, took average 10 months of employment; phase II, interpersonal adjustment, 12 months; and Phase III, role conflict, 15 months respectively. Conflict resolution, phase IV began to take place 18 months of employment; and shifted to phase V, internalization and self-actualization at 25 months of employment. 2. Throughout 5 consecutive phases, the number of immediate superior nurse model was dominantly the highest among the role models. The number of head nurse role model increased at phase II, phase HI, and phase IV. Respondents with school model in phase I tended to transfer to work model at phase II. 3. The perceptions toward occupation were not significantly influenced by the phases of socialization process. 4. The score of self-actualization value was not significantly influenced by the phases of socialization process. 5. In regard to perceptions toward occupation, nursing director model group showed significantly lower score in phase I (p<. 01). 6. The comparison of self-actualization value between the 5 phases revealed significant difference in phase I; in particular among respondents with school model at p<. 05. To conclude: 1. The phase III of socialization process is the period of role conflict which occur at 15 months of employment, and conflict resolution, phase IV, begins at 18 months of employment on the average in clinical settings.2. The immediate superior nurse and the head nurse are lmportant role models for nurses all through their socialization process.

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J Korean Acad Nurs : Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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